
Marvel: 2.4 Billion Hours a Day

Ye Qing traveled to the Marvel world, and the time increased by 100 million times, with 2.4 billion hours a day. 2.4 billion hours a day, how does this work? Translated from Chinese website. Original title:漫威:每天24亿小时

Manoloderp · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

kill the Apocalypse

"Ah! There is also what you need to use such a big circle?"

Hela said, shocked.

Loki bother to her, eyes look to the following Han Qing, she said proudly: "! Han Qing, this time you can not escape it."

Han Qing look like an idiot looked at him and said: "! When I escaped, as if you were at large in it."

Loki heard this suddenly a lag, angry and said: "! Anyway, this time you're dead."


Han Qing contemptuous smile, looked around and said: "? You just want to rely on this emptiness mantra detention, confined to live my speed to it."

Loki Ha ha ha smile, proudly said:? "Yes, you do not rely on the use of time is Ability, increase your speed, let's see you do now subject to vanity imprison curse, reduce your speed at least tens of thousands times, this way you how our opponents are! "

"It seems to me that you Ability some misunderstanding ah!"

Han Qing funny shook his head, then said: "worth mentioning, I let you experience under my Ability, let you give up hope good!"

With that, he held out his right hand 02, against the sky paddling a few.

Moment, the entire space distorted shapeshifting started, a lot of space and folding occurred.

All of a sudden had a complete and orderly space, become horrendous.

huge amounts Ancient One magician five people formed of Pentagon Mountain Star, suddenly broken off.

Finally thud, direct blow apart.

5 individual bite was magic, and instantly fly off the air Kuangtu blood.

Originally almost freezing up of space, all of a sudden resumed extremely smooth.


Loki eyes almost pop out.

He trembled extremely said: "You .. how could you be so strong?"

He then he took off.

Loki is no other skill, the ability to escape seems quite high.

Han Qing hand to come up with his solution, and suddenly her face changed: "! Apocalypse bailing, piano you come with me."

He instantly entered into the 2.4 billion hours mode, and then with the piano Grey unto the spacecraft flew past.

Soon they flew into the spacecraft, the spacecraft came to the control room.

Here they did not see the Apocalypse, but saw a door space.

The original Apocalypse see Han Qing, so easy to destroy the void imprisonment curse, scared quickly escape door open space.

But he just opened the door and walked space, space has not had time to close the door, Han Qing to drive over 2.4 billion hours in the mode.

Han Qing see across space door stood Apocalypse.

Now days, look face with a trace of fear, see Han Qing two, disappeared in the blink of an eye between the eyes, and quickly want to close the door space.

But it was too late, blink of an eye between the two Han Qing chase into space door, came before him.

Here is among the universe of outer space, the distance also hung a gigantic Fixed Star, the energy that comes out of terror, both felt very hot.

Han Qing looked Apocalypse Oh a laugh: "! Apocalypse, this time I will not let you back from the dead."

Apocalypse split from the body out of a spiritual body, said: "Han Qing, I am the God of creation, die or perish, you simply can not destroy me, you can kill me and resurrection, not to mention it would not be able to hurt you now got I!

He saw nothing to fear, then, Han Qing could not help but surprised a moment.

This guy's mental body can actually communicate with me.

It seems his mental strength a lot stronger than the last.

At least the last spiritual body is unable to communicate with him.

After all, two different time dimension, time to break this latitude, in addition to having time Ability, then we would have a very strong spiritual force to be able to hear him speak.

Apocalypse now able to communicate with him, it shows his mental strength has reached incredible proportions.

Thought here, Han Qing could not help but start up accidentally.

This time Apocalypse was not as easy to deal with as last time.

"You got the power on the Mind Gem, so the mental power becomes so powerful?"

Han Qing asked.

"Yes, I will use the power of Mind Gem to control you and turn you into a dog in my hands, hahaha!"

Apocalypse laughed.

Jean Grey was immediately upset when he heard his words, and said with a cold face: "This guy actually wants to turn my man into a dog, damn it, Han Qing, let me deal with this guy!"


Han Qing also wanted to see how powerful she is now, so she nodded and said.

Qin Grey directly released the power in his body, and a fiery red phoenix phantom appeared behind him.

When Apocalypse saw the phantom of the flaming phoenix, he was shocked and cried out in fear: "Phoenix force!

He hurriedly activated all the mental power in his body and attacked Jean Grey.

His spiritual power formed a powerful green torrent that charged towards the fiery red fire phoenix.

Apocalypse wants to use icy water to destroy these flames.

But obviously underestimated the horror of the fire phoenix, the fire phoenix can burn everything.

These green floods are all condensed by the spiritual power of Apocalypse. They have incredible power, but they disappear quickly when they touch the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix flapped its wings, uttered a cry, and quickly fell on the body of the Apocalypse spirit body.

The spirit body screamed loudly, and was quickly annihilated by the fire phoenix.

The queen screamed and vomited blood.

Most of his mental power has been depleted, and he quickly grabbed the Mind Gem in his hand, madly absorbing the mental power inside.

In an instant, the spiritual power surged out, and a spiritual body was condensed.

This spiritual body is much weaker than before, but he does not intend to fight the Fire Phoenix.

Instead, it controls the spiritual body to grab onto his physical body and fly forward.

In this state, his Flight speed would not be very fast, not even three seconds per second.

But Jean Grey didn't dare to run too fast in order to prevent going back in time.

She could only chase slowly behind her.

Apocalypse opened a space door while speeding.

But it takes time to open the space door.

The shortest time to open a space door is one ten thousandth of a second, but in this state of time, it is doubled, and that is 10,000 seconds.

10,000 seconds is enough time for Jean Grey to do a lot.

It didn't take long for Apocalypse to be chased by Jean Grey.

The fire phoenix behind Jean Grey immediately pounced, and the flames engulfed Apocalypse's body in an instant.


Apocalypse screamed in fear.

Because he discovered that the power of the fire phoenix could actually burn his origin.

As long as his source is burned, he will not be able to resurrect.

"No, don't kill me...

He cried out in pain.

But Fire Phoenix ignored it and kept burning his body.

However, in this state of time, it would obviously take a very long time to burn his body.

Han Qing couldn't wait, so he had to adjust the time to 24 hours.

This time it was fast, and the naked eye could see that Apocalypse's body kept disappearing, and in the end there was no ash left.

Completely turned into an atomic state.

But he was still worried and asked, "Qin, will he come back to life again?"

Jean Grey shook his head slightly: "No way! He is completely dead now!"