
Marvel: 2.4 Billion Hours a Day

Ye Qing traveled to the Marvel world, and the time increased by 100 million times, with 2.4 billion hours a day. 2.4 billion hours a day, how does this work? Translated from Chinese website. Original title:漫威:每天24亿小时

Manoloderp · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

Get Mind Gem

"That's good!"

Han Qing was completely relieved.

Then he saw a yellow gem floating in the void.

"Is this the Mind Gem?"

Han Qing was overjoyed, and quickly moved his hand to take the gem.

Immediately, a vast and boundless spiritual energy surged towards his body.

All of a sudden, his mental strength became much stronger.

Han Qing took a deep breath and said, "What a powerful spiritual force, this Mind Gem is definitely a good thing for us magicians!"

Magician mainly relies on spiritual power to mobilize magic power. The stronger the spiritual power, the more magic power can be mobilized.

This Mind Gem has infinite spiritual power, and he has infinite magic power to use after that.

But soon he had some doubts in his heart.

He has already obtained the Mind Gem, why hasn't the system's voice sounded.

what happened?

He couldn't help but ask the system: "System, I already got Mind Gem, why haven't you integrated yet?"

But the system, as always, did not answer.

This made Han Qing very helpless.

Han Qing had to figure it out for himself.

As before, there is no sound from the system, which means that Mind Gem does not really belong to him yet.

Why doesn't it really belong to him?

Does this Mind Gem already have an owner?

Impossible? Who is so powerful to occupy this Mind Gem?

If he has the ability to occupy Mind Gem, why let Mind Gem be lost?

He was puzzled.

Finally, he began to observe the Mind Gem.

Seeing that he had been staring at the Mind Gem, Jean Grey couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter! Is there something wrong with this Mind Gem?"

"Yes, there is indeed a problem. I have obtained Infinite Gems before, and I can quickly integrate them, but I can't integrate this Mind Gem!"

Han Qing said to him.

"Huh? Let me see!"

Qin Grey took Mind Gem from Han Qing.

In an instant, an incomparable spiritual power merged into her mind. With such a powerful strength, she felt that her spiritual power had increased a lot.

She couldn't help being shocked, and Roar said: "The mental power of this Mind Gem is so powerful. After I have it, I can use my Phoenix force more freely!"

"Is the Phoenix force in your body not finished yet?"

Han Qing asked in surprise.

Qin Grey rolled his eyes at him and said, "The Phoenix force you absorbed from my body is just a drop in the bucket. My Phoenix force is the origin of the universe and is very similar to this Mind Gem, so we can make up for each other!"

"That's great, so can you see what's wrong with this Mind Gem?"

Han Qing asked.

"let me see!"

Jean Grey took the Mind Gem and closed her eyes to examine it.

After a long time, she slowly opened her eyes and said: "This Mind Gem has been banned, a very powerful ban, it should be this ban that prevents you from integrating this Mind Gem!"

"Prohibition? Who ordered this thing?"

Han Qing said angrily.

Qin Grey shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know about this, but I know that this person is definitely stronger than me! If you want to integrate this Mind Gem, you must let this person get rid of this ban, or just kill him. Only this person can fully obtain the Mind Gem!"

"This is a big trouble, we don't even know who ordered the ban!"

Han Qing frowned.

"This person has placed a ban, I think it will definitely appear in the future!"

Jean Grey said.

Han Qing remembered the plot of the movie in his previous life, and couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Is it the ghost of Thanos?"

"Thanos? Who is this man?"

Jean Grey didn't know much about things beyond Earth, so she couldn't help asking.

"Thanos is a super villain. In order to maintain the balance of the universe, he keeps making killings in the universe. He has already killed many people in the universe. He is definitely a very terrifying butcher!"

"This guy seems to be the owner of Mind Gem in the past. I don't know why this Mind Gem was handed over to Loki. Loki lost it, and finally got into our hands, aah!"

Han Qing laughed.

Qin Grey is kind-hearted, and what he hates most is the villain who kills casually, and said angrily: "This guy Thanos is so mad, if I have a chance, I must eliminate the harm for the people, Han Qing, can I kill him with my current ability? ?"

"If I use my Time Ability, I should be able to kill him, but this guy doesn't know where in the universe right now, and we don't know how to find him at all!"

What's more, "He hasn't provoke us to Earth now, let's just let him go for the time being!"

Han Qing smiled slightly.

"OK, all right!"

Jean Grey nodded slightly.

"Let's go back now!"

Han Qing opened the space door and the two returned to Asgard.

That Loki had already gone to nowhere, and the Ancient One magician died because of the queen, and they all woke up and returned to normal.

Ancient One magician came over and asked, "Han Qing, have you killed Apocalypse?"


Han Qing nodded slightly, then jokingly said: "Ancient One magician, you shouldn't avenge Apocalypse now, right?"

Ancient One magician said a little embarrassedly: "Ashamed! I am also a person who is proficient in spiritual power, but I didn't expect to be controlled by him!"

"It's not your fault, Mind Gem is so powerful!"

Han Qing said quickly.

The Ancient One magician has returned to normal, and the people like Thor have also returned to normal.

But Hela saw that Thor and the others were injured and wanted to take advantage of them and kill them.

So the two sides (good enough) fought again.

After playing for a while, Hela found that the power of these people has weakened a lot. For example, Thor has dropped from the realm of the king of gods to the peak of the great gods, and the queen of elves has dropped from the peak of the king of gods to the original realm.

"It turns out that your master died, and your strength dropped, hahaha, this time you are dead!"

Hela was so happy that she couldn't help laughing.

"Even if Apocalypse were dead, so many of us could kill you! Hela, today is your end!"

The elf queen said coldly.

"Really? Then let's see whose Doom Dragon!"

Hela sneered and rushed over immediately.

The two sides fought in an instant.

"Little guys, don't fight, okay?"

Suddenly a voice came from the sky, and it was accompanied by an incomparable force.

This power is as if the entire universe is suppressed.