

Gere, a reincarnated individual in Marvel. Decides to not interfere in any upcoming plot. But, will he really not interfere. Find out by reading this novel yourself.

GhostDost · Anime & Comics
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A young man around 22-23 years old, was sitting on a ground barefoot near a Lake in the middle of the night, thinking about something while frowning.

The young man was so focused on thinking, that he ignored the atmosphere around him which was strangely enough very silent, even the cricket was not producing any noise, as if afraid of something.

The young man thought about his past and sighed.

Not knowing what to do. So, he again started thinking about his past.

He was a reincarnated individual, in his previous life he was a very spiritual person. Not a very hardcore meditative person but just enough to calm his mind type, he was an average individual, not very courageous nor was he good financially neither socially, have no friends nor girlfriend, all in all a person who can be ignored by anyone except for his parents.

He was really a complex individual, he did his job for not his well being, but for his parents peace of mind.

He Was fed up with all of this silent suffering ,so on his 29th birthday he took a vacation and goes for a camping alone. That was the last time his parents and his siblings saw him alive.

It was 2 days in his camping already but instead of getting peace he got upset. So, he decided to sleep.

He was sleeping outside of his tent, while sleeping he suddenly felt a severe pain on his left thigh which woke him up and what he saw upon waking, made his body froze, in front of him was a grizzly bear, a big gigantic bear.

He realise his mistake of sleeping outside but what can he do..?

so he panicked and tried to shake the bear, but it was a futile effort because it made the bear slam him with it's paw, his chest caved in and he sprruted a lot of blood, which made his situation even worse and soon bear bit his shoulder.

He was in severe pain and he realised that he was definitely going to die today. So, clarity returned to his mind and he became calm, while feeling sorry for his parents and siblings and for not able to watch next upcoming MCU movies.

He looked at the beast with his nearly opened eyes. If a human could see his eyes right now they will feel fear, as if those eyes could grant death. There was so much anger, unwillingness in it and not even a shread of fear of death remained.

He looked at the bear and tried to reach his toolkit near him, he somehow manage to grabe a butterfly knife.

And tried to stab the bear eyes but he could not, cause his body was losing energy and blood.

Then he tried to stab in the bear stomach and managed it but it was just a superficial wound for the bear.

It only angered the bear even more and bear used more force and broke his colar bone

and he knew his time is near.

He stabbed the bear one more time in hopes to send the bear to his death but it was futile and he was almost dead, before he died he became silent and sent one last death gaze to the bear before death claimed him and his eyes were shrouded by darkness.

In his eyes you could see the coldness and the reflection of the stars up above in the sky, as if his eyes were STAR GAZING before he died.

Los Angeles 1988, October

In a certain hospital in babyward a near a newborn baby 2 nurses were talking about the baby.

Nurse 1. Poor boy his mother died while giving birth and there is no family to claim the child, neither from father side nor from mother side.

Nurse 2. How can there be a family coming to claim the boy, can't you see that woman was homeless. But, atleast she left a name for the boy before she died.

Nurse 1. Indeed it's a good name, GERE.

I hope Gere finds a good foster home.

7 years later,

In an orphanage, a black haired, dark blue eyed and a milky white skin little kid, was staring outside from the window of his room.

while thinking of his past life, he was still not sure what really happened he thought that he died before darkness shrouded his eyes and the next moment he was here in this orphanage thinking about his past life for the last 4 days.

Suddenly he hears a loud noise as if somebody detonated a bomb, 700-800 meters away from the orphanage.

And instead of running away he looked ahead and saw something which made him a little tense, excited and still not able to belief what he saw.

A blockbuster store was blown away and a lady dressed in some green colored costume comes out from the said store and when she covered more than 200-300 meter distance, Gere could finally see her face, it was the same face which he saw in his one of favourite superheroes Marvel movies the face of Carol Denver.

He saw her going away, although he was very excited, he still did not go to her or even tried to make her see him.

He was still processing the implications of this live scene, he was no kid although physically he was but mentally he was in his 30's, so he knew if he met her there will be consequences which he don't want to be part of.

As he saw her leaving he started feeling complicated on one hand was his superhero crush going away and he could stop her and spill the beans and on the other hand if he did so it would ruin everything and his biggest advantage and many powerful people would start bothering him, his life would be ruined,he would become as he was in his previous life a puppet, cowered and a YES man, which he don't want.so he firmly resolves that he will never interfere in any plot of MCU no matter what happen.

After seeing Carol disappear from his sight, he starts planning on what to do from now on.

well I am fed up with all Marvel/ dc/ hp fanfiction.

I've read many such fanfiction and every author downplays the real characters, and makes them look like fools or followers of the original fictional character.

in this novel, mc will not make the original cast his follower and interaction between originals and mc will be bare minimum.

I hope it does not become disgusting.

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