
Marvel - One last sacrifice

In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot. But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning. He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else. This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows. So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth. After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth. ---------- hello guys, Author here... By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this. I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system. I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future. That's about it. So enjoy reading. ---- note: you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

Blood_God_ · Movies
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67 Chs

War of observation

Ethan's Pov...

Reaching near me she said "you are Ethan right. my name is maria hill. Cousin of the girl you saved. Her name is caroline hill. thank you for saving her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything had happened to her."

"there's no need, I just did what anyone has done she was lucky that I wanted an empty place to try some chemistry experiment and gone near that alley for it." I replied.

I lied with a straight face. I have sharper senses than normal humans so naturally i find out what was happening in there. I lied cause she seems to observe me during our conversation. she seemed quite skiled. So much so that any ordinary man would have missed that. she seems suspicious of me of something. Maybe because I know enough martial art to beat 6 people I think. is maria even her real name?? her worry seems genuine though.

but I still paid attention to her every gestures as she did to mine. Now, it was a war of observation.

Continuing the conversation she said

"caroline also wants to thank you. So can you come to meet her. she doesn't seem ready to leave home just yet?"

"I also want to thank her for helping me drop the charges against me." I said.

She replied immediately <that was me actually. But how about you have dinner with us? I also like to show my gratitude to you."

I thought for while and saw no problem with it. 'It's better to just get over with this' I thought. so i agreed and called uncle ben to say he don't have to come. he asked the reason but i just told him not to worry.

After that, maria lead me to her car and signaled me to take a seat. On our way, she asked me about my parents and where I learned to fight and explained that she was GOVERNMENT employee and she used her connection to drop my charges cause caroline said she wouldn't leave the police station until I'm out.


Maria's Pov

When I got call about caroline. I was waiting at the airport to pick her up but she was gone by herself instead of waiting for me. the first thing she said on the call was if I can help the boy who saved her. I didn't think much and made few calls and police drop all the charges against that kid. For shield agent, it's not too hard.

I didn't think about that at that time But I got shocked when caroline explain how much that boy had beat those basterds. I feel relieved that they didn't had it easy. But after that, I did a baground check on a boy name Ethan. Everything was normal but man who can one-sidedly beat 6 people, can't be simple right??

Whatever the case I realy did wanted to thank him. So I decided to personally meet him. He seems fine but to confirm my suspicion I invited him for dinner, during our conversation in the car he didn't seem nervous and calmly answered everything I asked while asking something himself.

When we arrived home. caroline was waiting inside the living room. she was so curious to meet Ethan that she had asked me more than eight times to invite him home. Well, I have to say, the kid was quite handsome. Especially those deep blue eyes of his, they seemed capable enogh of keeping anyone captive.

At dinner, Caroline explained to him that she was tired of waiting. So she had done the taxi and the taxi driver was one of those seven people. she started to cry while thanking him. She continued to explain how scared she was and he was so cool when he beat those guys.

Getting curious i also asked why he learn to fight. Hearing that he replied "i like martial art. I wanted to learn sword art too but my master refused. but i still learned about guns."

after dinner, caroline exchanged phone numbers with him. She seems to stare at him a lot. well it's natural for nineteen year old girl. I teased her about finding hero of her dreams. she blushed and then glared at me.

On the other hand. There was no change in Ethan's expressions. which made caroline disappoint but well not every get what they want. I also gave him my number and tell him to call me if he needs any help.

After that, I dropped him at his home and drove toward headquarters. while going to HQ I remember the video of Ethan's conversation with commissioner George that i got during his background check. Remembering Ethan's anwser to commissioner. finally all her suspicious was ended and she accepted that he had just helped with good intentions.