
Marvel(Deadpool): Transmigrated into the research institute

Paul traveled to the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel! As long as he unlocked achievements, he could gain super high school-level talents! Tony Stark: "I can make steel armor!" Paul: "Coincidentally, I can build Gundam." Domino: "My super ability is luck!" Paul: "Luck? I have that too." Doctor Strange: "You can also do magic?" Paul: "In modern society, there's no magic; it's just a child's fantasy." After finishing, Paul threw down a pile of cards, disappearing as they fell. -------------------------------------------------------- This is just a translation

The_unKnown2 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 28:A perfect plan

"The deepest desires always breed the most extreme hatred."

"On the contrary, the most extreme hatred can also cause deeper desires, and Vladimir is no exception."

Kingpin pinned his broad back to Wesley.

His eyes stared out of the window, overlooking the bustling New York below him like a king.

Shaking the red wine in his hand, Kingpin said lightly: "Sooner or later, Vladimir's hatred will pull him into the abyss. What we have to do now is to wait patiently. Soon, he will take the initiative to ask us for help."

His tone was very calm, but no one could question the weight of his words.

Kingpin was born in a gangster family in Hell's Kitchen. He was abused by his father when he was young. His scarred childhood made him even more eager for power. He made unimaginable efforts to reach his current status.

Kingpin was able to walk to the end of the current criminal road because he broke through with bloody footprints one by one. Those who once questioned him have already become one of the many corpses on the road.

"I see."

Wesley nodded, and a glimmer of light flashed through his glasses: "There is one more thing I need to report to you. It is about the two warehouse attackers. The people we sent secretly also chased them down. The other party seems to have a strong sense of anti-investigation."

"Is their identity confirmed?"

Kingpin unconsciously touched the cuff button on his right hand.

"After investigation, one of them is indeed a recently well-known criminal killer. Some people call him the Punisher, who hunts and kills criminals. There is no relevant record of his identity information. It may take a lot of time to determine his whereabouts."

"As for the other attacker, his situation is quite special..."

Speaking of this, Wesley paused for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say next.

"Go on!"

Sensing Kingpin's displeasure, Wesley immediately said: "Our people have seen the face of that mercenary. It is said that he is asian, but their statements are a little different."

Wesley's expression looked strange: "Some people said that the man came from a distant oriental country, some said he was Japanese, and a small group said he was the famous movie star Jackie Chan. They sounded very confident."


Hearing these words, even Kingpin, a well-informed underworld boss, was a little speechless at the moment.

Would Jackie Chan really become a mercenary?

How face-blind is this to think it's the same person?

Kingpin was completely speechless. The office chair turned slowly. He looked at Wesley and asked, "As an employer, can't you know the identity of the employee?"

Wesley shook his head: "I'm afraid not. The commission we issued was carried out on a dark web, and the information of both parties is completely confidential. The only thing that can be determined is that there is only one person who accepted the commission, and the Punisher should have just appeared there."

"It seems that the person who accepted the commission is not simple. Originally, he just wanted to find a completely innocent outsider to disrupt my transaction with the Russian gang, and then use his hands to let the people we secretly arrange eliminate Anatoly and Curry, and finally put everything on the murderer's head."

Kingpin spoke slowly, with an imperceptible surprise in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, this person has the ability to directly eliminate them, so that our people have no chance to make a move. What surprised me even more is that the people sent by Vladimir not only failed to intercept them but lost a large number of men."

Yes, the employer of Paul's commission is the New York underworld king. It was also for this reason that Paul's commission went so smoothly. Not only did he know the exact location of the drug deal, but Anatoly and Curry had just completed the drug deal when he went to the place of the deal.

Although Curry has started working for him, Kingpin will not trust him because of this. In other words, there are not many people who can be completely trusted by him. Only after the death of Curry, the former leader of the drug trafficking organization, can Kingpin annex Curry's drug trafficking organization and completely turn the opponent's power into his own power. But Kingpin wants more than that.

Compared with this benefit, Kingpin has a longer-term vision. What he really wants is the transportation job of the Russian gang. As long as he takes over all the transportation jobs, his criminal career can expand again later, and no gangster power in New York will be able to compare with him.

Kingpin is not afraid that his plan will be discovered by Vladimir. After all, his men and goods are really gone, and he has also issued a reward. Naturally, Vladimir will not suspect him as a victim. The anger accumulated by Vladimir will only be vented on the murderer who killed Anatoly in the end. When Vladimir kills the murderer, all the truth will be buried.

This is all Kingpin's plan. It can not only annex Curry's drug trafficking organization but also weaken the strength of the Russian gang and take the opportunity to force Vladimir to give up part of the transportation work, and finally put himself on the sidelines and wait for the development of the incident.

This planning ability alone is enough to make people feel chills. However, there is a huge loophole in this perfect plan. That is, the warehouse attacker didn't die instantly! Moreover, the other party also escaped from Vladimir's pursuit, and even the people they secretly arranged failed to take action to silence them.

Kingpin was lost in thought, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a long time, Kingpin said again: "Wesley, tell Vladimir the identity of the Punisher, let the Punisher restrain Vladimir, ensure the safety of the Punisher when necessary, and ensure that Vladimir cannot kill him."

"Also, do everything possible to find the person who accepted our commission."

"Then kill him!"