
Marvel(Deadpool): Transmigrated into the research institute

Paul traveled to the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel! As long as he unlocked achievements, he could gain super high school-level talents! Tony Stark: "I can make steel armor!" Paul: "Coincidentally, I can build Gundam." Domino: "My super ability is luck!" Paul: "Luck? I have that too." Doctor Strange: "You can also do magic?" Paul: "In modern society, there's no magic; it's just a child's fantasy." After finishing, Paul threw down a pile of cards, disappearing as they fell. -------------------------------------------------------- This is just a translation

The_unKnown2 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 27:Fisk

In the dimly lit room, a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes pushed open the door.

Ignoring the heavily armed Russians in the room, he walked in slowly. In the depths of the room stood a short-haired Russian man staring dazedly at a charred corpse on the table.

The man glanced at the corpse and said calmly, "Vladimir, my employer expresses his condolences. He deeply regrets your brother's departure. However, there are some things we still need to discuss."

After a few seconds, Vladimir turned to look at him. "He should come here himself instead of sending you as an assistant to appease me."

"Sorry, my employer can't come due to some problems, but he has given me full authority to handle this. You can rest assured."

Vladimir stepped closer to the man, his eyes cold and filled with fury like a raging bear. "I said, let Fisk speak for himself, not send one of his lapdogs!"

The gentleman narrowed his eyes, his tone remaining calm. "Please don't mention that name."

"Oh? Do you mean Kingpin or Wilson Fisk?"

Vladimir's eyes were cold, glaring cruelly at the man. As the leader of the Russian gang, he feared no one, not even the now-famous Kingpin. He tapped the gentleman's chest hard with his fingers, pushing him back a few steps. "Your name is Wesley, right? You go and tell Fisk that if he wants to talk seriously, he should come to me himself. Don't use this perfunctory attitude!"

Despite being treated like this, Wesley was not angry. He leisurely straightened his collar. "Since you don't want to talk about business, let's talk about personal matters."

"Regarding the two attackers who blew up the warehouse, my employer has sent people to investigate and has identified one of the attackers. We believe we will soon find out the identity of the other."

"What did you say!?"

Hearing this, Vladimir stepped forward and stared at Wesley. "Tell me, who is that damned attacker!"

"Don't worry, I understand your anger. After all, we also sacrificed a lot of people and lost a batch of goods. You are not the only one who wants to find the attackers."

Wesley continued, "You should learn to control your anger. I know your brother's death makes you very sad, but some things cannot be avoided."

"Ms. Gao and Mr. Xin already know about your brother's death. They think that you lack a strong helper, which will affect your business. They plan to re-evaluate you. They think you may no longer be competent for some jobs."

Resisting his eagerness to know the identity of the attacker, Vladimir gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't I know about this?"

"Because we were discussing it in private."

Wesley smiled slightly. "Fortunately, my employer is willing to help you regain your footing, for example, assisting you in some missions that require additional services."

"Fisk wants to take over my job!?"

Before Wesley could finish, Vladimir exposed their real purpose with red eyes.

Mrs. Gao, Xin, Lilan, Kingpin, and the two brothers, Vladimir and Anatoly, are all gang leaders from Hell's Kitchen. They chose to join forces to carry out criminal activities, each completing different tasks, to achieve non-conflict and uniform distribution of interests.

Vladimir and Anatoly were mainly responsible for transportation. With Anatoly dead, the site left by him temporarily became unmanaged, affecting their gang alliance's common interests.

From Vladimir's point of view, Kingpin just wanted the territory left by his brother. This so-called assistance was clearly an attempt to take over Anatoly's transportation work, digging a big piece of meat from the Russian gang.

Wesley didn't deny it and said with a smile, "This is only for the common interests of everyone and is beneficial for both parties."

"To hell with the benefits!"

Vladimir roared angrily, "Fisk's appetite is really big! He actually wants to take half of my territory?!"

"Get out! Tell Fisk this is impossible! Don't try to threaten me with information about those attackers. I don't need his help to find them!"

Wesley took out a white handkerchief and wiped Vladimir's spit from his face. "I hope you will seriously consider it. My employer is waiting for your reply."



After a knock on the door, Wesley walked into the office. He looked at the huge figure at the desk and reported respectfully, "Vladimir did not agree, but his hatred for the attackers is very deep."

Under the bright light, a nearly two-meter-tall fat man in a custom-made high-end suit sat at the desk. Despite his huge figure, he was not round. With a friendly face, people who didn't know him would think he was a kind and ordinary businessman.

And on the surface, he was. He was Hell's Kitchen's famous philanthropist, Wilson Fisk. He once donated a large sum of money to the police of New York, declaring his hope to bring peace to the city.

Ironically, however, the philanthropist had a secret identity. He was Kingpin, the master of the underworld in Hell's Kitchen, who made everyone fearful!