
Marvel's Super scientist

Tony: My power in the suit is too backward, Lin, teach me how to improve it. Thor: My sledgehammer has too few functions, it can only be smashed, Lin, teach me how to seal the energy of a planet on the sledgehammer. Hulk: Lin, help me with some awesome genetic potions. In addition to infinite power, I also want to have other abilities. Wolverine: Yesterday I met a monster. He wanted to soak my girlfriend’s piano. One of my paws was broken. Lin, tell me, is that guy you? Magneto: There was a steel armor man molesting my daughter the day before yesterday. I wanted to beat him up. As a result, that guy has an antimagnetic system. My magnetism is completely useless. The egg was kicked by that guy. I still have the pain. . Lin, tell me if you did it. Odin: Damn, my sharp gun was broken, Lin, help me make a better one. Thanos: Grass, my infinite gloves, all six infinite gems have been replaced by glass

Best_Movies · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

6. Battle Suit compitition

The night darkened quickly, and Tony was full of energy after a nap.

Tony knocked on Lin Feng's bedroom and exclaimed excitedly: "Lin, it's time for the game. We are better than whose battle suit is."

Lin Feng smiled and opened the door: "I will convince you to lose."

"Who loses and who wins is not necessarily true!"

Tony ran to the research room unconvinced, and Lin Feng followed out.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, help me put on the battle suit."

After Tony called to the research room, J.A.R.V.I.S controlled seven or eight robots and began to help Tony put on the steel battle suit.

Seven or eight robotic arms stretched out. Some robotic arms installed Tony's back armor, some installed arm armor, some installed leg armor, and some installed chest and hip armor.

There was a chucking sound, and the robot was like building blocks, and was constantly putting the battle suit outside Tony's body.

Tony's first-generation armor was as heavy as iron blocks. After all, it was handcrafted and looked ugly, but the second-generation armor looked much more beautiful.

This suit of armor is like a set of clothes. It fits well on the body. The parts of the armor are tightly connected. After seamlessly butting, the armor will protect Tony's body from dripping water.

Lin Feng doesn't rely on robots, he only wears the armor in two minutes. Now the armor is only the second generation, and it is not equipped with a remote sensing system, so it is a bit troublesome to wear.

If it comes to the third and fourth generations of battle armor, with a neuro-remote sensing system, you only need to move your thoughts or beckon your hands, and the armor will be automatically worn on your body in a few seconds. At that time, the steel battle suit could give full play to the advantages of high technology.

In about three minutes, Tony finally put on the battle suit with the help of a bunch of robots, but Lin Feng put on the battle suit one minute earlier than him.

Tony's battle suit is red, and Lin Feng's battle suit is golden. From the outside, they are very beautiful.

"Lin, the game begins."

Tony was extremely excited. After ordering the battle suit to turn on the system, a screen appeared in Tony's helmet, and his battle suit could communicate with J.A.R.V.I.S at any time.

Lin Feng activated the system at the same time, and he can also connect with J.A.R.V.I.S.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, you will be the referee."

After Tony finished speaking, he took the lead to activate the catapult system of the armor, ready to soar into the sky.

With a plop, Tony didn't have a good balance due to his lack of familiarity with the battle armor for the first time. Instead of rushing up, he hit the wall.

Lin Feng started the battle armor for the first time, and was not familiar with the operation level of the new battle armor, and did not rush for the first time.

The two struggled, got up from the ground, and then activated the armor.

After a few minutes of practice, the two fell more than a dozen times, and the wall was hit by two sets of steel armor, and there were many pits. Fortunately, the walls of the research room were implanted with pure steel plates, otherwise they would have been knocked out by the two sets of steel battle suits.

Finally, Tony took off first and rushed into the sky with a swish.

"Haha, Lin, I'm better than you."

Tony, who flew into the sky, was very excited. He was so crushed by Lin Feng that he finally exhaled once. With a swish, after Lin Feng fell for a few seconds, he mastered his balance and flew into the sky.

Two battle suits with two people flying above the city.

Lin Feng and Tony are both rookies now. After wearing a more advanced battle suit for the first time, each system needs to be familiar with each other in order to operate perfectly.

In the sky, the trajectory of the flight of the two of them is awkward and twisted. Because the speed of the battle armor Flight is too fast, when turning, if the control is not good, it will fly in the wrong direction.

Tony almost fell from the sky several times, and Lin Feng was not much better. A few times he almost ran into a tall building.

After an hour of familiar control, Lin Feng and Tony have mastered the flight technology. The two of them operate the battle armor Flight technology very smoothly. They can fly where they want to fly, and they can stop immediately if they want to brake in the air.

In Lin Feng's helmet, Tony's excited cry came from the communication screen: "It's cool! It's so cool, Lin, this operation of the battle armor Flight is even cooler than sitting in a private flight. Do you feel that way?"

Lin Feng smiled: "I've never been in a high-end cargo like a private jet. I don't know the difference with armor. But the feeling of being able to fly to the sky alone is too comfortable. I don't need to buy a ticket if I want to go there in the future. Ha, wearing a battle suit, you can take off anytime, anywhere, so convenient."

"Lin, let's compare speed."

"Okay, Tony, let's fly high first! If you fly in parallel, you will fly over several cities, and it will be troublesome if you hit a passenger plane."

"Well, let's see how high we can fly."

Tony was excited and ordered the battle suit to turn on the power system, and he went crazy up to the sky.

Lin Feng also turned on the power system of the battle suit and rushed into space frantically.

In the helmet, the voice of the electronic referee J.A.R.V.I.S came out: "Tony, your speed reached 600 meters per second, which is close to twice the speed of sound, while Lin's speed reached 700 meters per second, which is faster than you."

"Tony, your reactor power is only 50% left, and Lin's anti-reactor power is still 80%. In terms of power, you lost to Lin again. Obviously, Lin Feng's reactor is better than what you made."

Tony is still unconvinced: "Light is better than power. What if I lose? The performance of this suit has not been fully utilized. Lin, let's compare, who can fly higher."

"Tony, I will convince you of your loss."

Lin Feng secretly laughed. Iron Man's second-generation battle suit has three shortcomings. The first shortcoming is that it is not resistant to cold. The second shortcoming is that the oxygen regeneration system is not excellent. The third shortcoming is resistance to high pressure. Poor sex.

In the movie, Tony wears a steel battle suit and flies to an altitude of 30,000 meters. In the high-altitude cold environment, the battle suit freezes. In addition, there is no oxygen at high altitude and the pressure is terrible. Many systems of the steel battle suit begin to stop. . Tony was almost finished, and finally escaped by luck.

Lin Feng's battle suit has been equipped with a cold protection system, an oxygen regeneration system, and a pressure resistance system. It flies to an altitude of 30,000 meters without stress.

Tony wants to fly higher than himself, he is certain to lose, and the three major shortcomings of his suit have become his dead end.

The two battle suits flew madly towards the sky, Lin Feng flew in the front, and Tony followed behind.

Space is only 100,000 meters above the ground. At a height of 50,000 meters, it is already the atmosphere. Human aircraft generally only dare to fly at an altitude of 15,000 meters. If the aircraft reaches an altitude of 20,000 meters, the severe cold and heavy pressure at the altitude will make the aircraft engine useless.

Relying on the courage of their talents, Lin Feng and Tony had rushed to an altitude of 15,000 meters in less than half a minute.

In less than 40 seconds, the two had already flown into the air at a height of 20,000 meters.

In less than a minute, Lin Feng had already taken the lead and rushed into the air at a height of 30,000 meters. Lin Feng was suspended in the air, waiting for Tony.

Tony wasn't convinced, and ran after him.

A reminder from JARVIS came from Tony's helmet: "Tony, your battery has reached 20%, and the high-altitude cold and heavy environment will make many systems of your battle suit useless. It is recommended that you do not fly up. "

"I don't want to lose to Lin now, let me continue flying."

Tony didn't want to admit defeat now, gritted his teeth and let the battle suit continue to fly up.

In Tony's helmet, the alarm sounded continuously: "Tony, your armor has begun to freeze, the oxygen is insufficient, the engine power has dropped, and the reactor's power generation has dropped."

Tony clearly felt that the originally flexible battle suit had become bulky after being wrapped in a thick layer of ice. The hands and feet of the battle suit were in an ice-bound state, making it difficult to move.

High in the sky, Lin Feng laughed and flirted with Tony: "Tony, give up, my battle suit is equipped with a cold protection system, a pressure resistance system, and an oxygen regeneration system. If you fly up again, it will be very dangerous."

"Fak, how did your kid do it? We design and manufacture battle suits at the same time. Why are you so much stronger than me?"

Tony received a heavy blow. Lin Feng shocked him. Tony thought his second-generation battle suit must be very awesome, but after meeting Lin Feng, he knew who was really awesome.

Lin Feng smiled: "Well… it's a secret!"

Tony shook his head and sighed, "Unbelievable guy, you are such a super genius."

Tony just finished speaking, the battle suit sounded a stronger alarm, the power system has lost its function, and the battery is only 5%. Tony's battle suit suddenly can't fly anymore. After being wrapped in ice, it looks like a big name. Falling like thallium from a high altitude, he fell rapidly toward the ground.

The situation is very dangerous now. If the engine cannot be recovered, Tony, who is surrounded by iron and ice, will fall to his death after falling to the ground. Tony's face changed in fright, and he shouted into the helmet: "Lin, help. I, I took it, I gave up."

"Haha, Tony, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Lin Feng activated the battle suit and flew towards Tony who had fallen to the ground.