
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 81

Qi Yu had just crossed the long and narrow dark aisle and was about to enter the hall exuding hazy rays of light, and saw two armed guards standing by the entrance of the hall.

Qi Yu silhouette flashed, and quickly raised his hand and knocked the two armed guards to the ground. Considering that the second general, Huo Ha, who is the guard, will work for himself in the future, Qi Yu is not at all. The dead hands just stunned them.

This underground base is not big or small. There are more than 20 rooms in all kinds of rooms, and there are not many guards, only a few.

In addition to the two guards responsible for guarding the entrance of the underground base hall, at the moment at the entrance of the core laboratory where Doctor Doom is doing the experiment, there are also two other guards.

The next scene is the scene where these two guards are knocked unconscious by Qi Yu.

In less than half a minute, four guards in the underground base were brought down by the ghostly Qi Yu, but Doctor Doom had not noticed any abnormalities.

The current Doctor Doom, who is concentrated attention completely in the laboratory, has no distractions. Together with several knowledgeable doctors, he is conducting high-end and profound research on the Fantastic Four.

On the surface, this is a team of scientists, but in fact, Doctor Doom is the leader and soul of the team, and other scientists basically lay hands on him.

"Lyle doctor, go to the cell and bring me the blood sample collected from Human Torch."

A piece of glassware filled with various test tubes, and flasks At the experiment table, Doctor Doom was concentrating on complex chemistry experiments, and suddenly he instructed Doctor Lyle next to him.

Hearing Doctor Doom's instructions, the hair grey-white Lyle doctor respectfully complied, and then left the laboratory and walked to the prison room next door.

Lyle's doctor came to the door of the imprisonment room and pressed four numbers in succession on the electronic code lock, so the metal door of the imprisonment room slowly opened.

At this time, a sudden hand patted Lyle's doctor's shoulder suddenly, knocking Lyle's doctor out of sight.

Yes, this hand is from Qi Yu Old Brother.

"Give you the Human Torch blood sample?"

Qi Yu sneered, and the corner of his mouth outlined an arc of planning strategies.

With a move of his mind, he took out the last remaining good child grenade from the system space, held it in his hand, and walked into the laboratory where Doctor Doom was.

At this moment, Doctor Doom is focusing on the chemistry experiment in front of him, and the other doctors are busy with the things at hand, so they don't look at Qi Yu, who subconsciously thinks he's coming in. It's Lyle doctor who just went out.

Qi Yu calmly walked to Doctor Doom's side, pulled out the safety plug of the child's grenade, and handed him the grenade, "Doctor, this is the blood sample you want." "

"Um, thank you." Doctor Doom gently nods, "because he was too focused so he didn't look at Qi Yu, and he just reached out and blood sample test" that Qi Yu handed over the tube.

Hey, that's not right!

Why does Lyle doctor's voice seem to change?

And the feel of the blood sample tube doesn't seem, right?

Doctor Doom looked down and looked at the "blood sample test tube" in his hand in confusion. When he found that he was holding a grenade with the fuse removed, he was completely confused.

"Sheet! This is impossible!"

Unfortunately, when Doctor Doom realized that he was overcast, it was already too late.

His tone barely fell, a good child grenade exploded in his palm.

A group of brilliant mysterious rays of light was released from the grenade in an instant and transferred to Doctor Doom's brain.

After struggling with a splitting headache, Doctor Doom was completely brainwashed and became a good child who only listened to Qi Yu.

"Sir Father, why are you here? Why do you come here without telling me in advance, I'm ready to meet you too!"

Doctor Doom is full of faces Respectful expression, respectfully said to Qi Yu, a youngster who looks only in his twenties.

Hearing the "Sir Father" title that Doctor Doom blurted out, the other scientists were all blank and distorted.

Gosh, what's the situation? Dum doctor, what's wrong with him?

Noting the shocked expressions on the faces of several other scientists, Qi Yu straightened up and asked with a fierce look: "cough cough, do you have any questions?"

These scientists were originally half-flickered and half-kidnapped by Doctor Doom, and since they saw a disobedient scientist tragically die at the hands of Doctor Doom, they were afraid of Doctor Doom until now and held in awe of Doctor Doom. Have a plus attitude. And the evil Doctor Doom is now controlled by the Chinese, so the scientists of them naturally shut their mouths quickly, lest the other one is unhappy and kill themselves.

"From now on, this underground base is under my control!"

As soon as Qi Yu said this, several of their scientists did not even dare to breathe or straighten Looking at Qi Yu's eyes, the state was like hiding the underwear of the little neighbor girl under the bed when she was a child, for fear of being discovered by an adult.

No one dares to question Qi Yu's authority!

After successfully conquering Doctor Doom as his own's third servant, Qi Yu next ordered the Fantastic Four to be released from the cell.

Of course, since Fantastic Four could not find out the location of his secret base when Qi Yu let the four Superheros leave, he specifically asked Doctor Doom to drop a stun magic bomb, and again The four of them were stunned, and then threw them back to their base in Washington's Babbitt Building.

As for Doctor Doom, the talent of Dual Cultivation of Magic and Technology, Qi Yu did not take him back to the United States, but let him stay in Latvinia, and arranged for him a difficult mission, letting him be the dictatorship of the small country of Latovinia within three years, and control the power of Latovinia in all aspects!


The timeline has progressed to this point, and Qi Yu's three good child grenades have also been used up.

Abomination, a violent warrior comparable to Hulk, Magneto who controls electromagnetic power, and Doctor Doom of Magic Dual Cultivation, have all become good children of Qi Yu.

Originally, the three of them should call Qi Yu "Dad", but Qi Yu always feels that this name is a bit of a contradiction to him, especially the 60-something old man Magneto, Obviously he can be counted as a character of his grandfather's generation, but he wants to be cute and call him father. People who don't know the situation see this scene, thinking that this big family has slipped out of the mental hospital group.

Of course also one of the most important reasons!

If Hannah heard someone calling his father, it would be fatal. The woman went crazy but terrifying…

So, out of various comprehensive considerations, Qi Yu still ordered their three people to call him "Master" "Boss" "Boss" and so on.