
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 75

Qi Yu walked out from behind the small rock mound where he was hiding, and strode towards the opening of Magneto's secret lair dozens of meters away.

A piece of barren mountains and ridges, it's good to have a few birds passing by occasionally, but now a stranger suddenly walked over in front of him, which immediately aroused the high vigilance of the big fat ball. It further induced the brutal killing intent in his heart.

The main responsibility of the big fat ball is to guard the cave. This meal is not for nothing. Magneto leads the Mutants to rule the grand hegemony of all mankind, and must not be caused by a suspicious passerby!

At this moment, Dafeiqiu and Qi Yu are only a few meters away.

"Hey! Who are you?"

"Pang Dun, you are not qualified to know my name. Tell you Boss Magneto to come out and see me."

"Puppy, courting death!"

If you don't agree, start fighting!

If Qi Yu just insulted his Boss Magneto, Big Fat Ball might not be so angry. What is terrible is that Qi Yu called him fat. This until now is his mental weakness, from childhood. Shadow, this name seriously hurt his self-esteem !

The big fat ball burned with anger, tone barely fell, it was the short fat legs that were as thick as a wooden barrel, and it rushed towards Qi Yu aggressively.

Faced with the fierce attack of the big fat ball, Qi Yu quickly took out a banana from the storage space of the system, swallowed the banana meat efficiently and quickly, and then calmly threw the banana peel in front of the opponent's feet .

The collision attack of the big fat ball is quite terrifying, even a tank is enough to knock over, but the shortcomings are also obvious at the same time, his actions are relatively clumsy, even though Qi Yu is seen throwing banana peels on the ground , unfortunately, the car can no longer be braked.

The big fat ball's shoes stepped on the banana peel, and the soles of the feet slipped, and the whole person's huge fat body fell forward uncontrollably. The heavy body of two thousand jin fell to the ground, and the rocky ground within a small area shattered immediately. As for the big fat ball himself, although he did not suffer any injuries, he inevitably ate a mouthful of soil in his mouth and his face was stained. A layer of dust.

Within a radius of several meters, a cloud of confusing dust was swept up!

At the same time, in the cave, Magneto noticed unusual movement outside the cave, but he was not so sure, so he instructed the Red Devil under Mutants beside him: "Red Devil, go out and check the situation."

Hearing Magneto's command, the red devil was dethroned, and then displayed the "teleportation" mutant ability. Accompanied by a rotating black fog, it instantly disappeared in place and appeared in the cave instead. outer.

In the barren rock area outside the cave, the big fat ball has risen from the ground at this time.

He patted his dusty clothes, grinning at Qi Yu opposite, his eyes full of violent murderous aura.

"Damn it, I must squash you! Squeezed so that your mother doesn't even know…"

During the process of swearing by the big fat ball, Qi Yu right a few meters away Put five fingers together, turning into a hand knife!

Before the big fat ball was finished, Qi Yu flicked his arm and threw away his own "cutting people in the air", which cut him into two bloody corpses. .

Suddenly, all kinds of disgusting internal organs hua hua spilled, and the stench of blood stained the nearby rocky land.

I just teleported to the entrance of the cave and stood for less than five seconds. I witnessed such a bloody scene with my own eyes, especially when I smelled the pungent and strong fishy smell, the Red Devil immediately I bend over and vomit with nausea .

"Red Devil?"

Qi Yu turned around and raised his head slightly, looking at the red devil who was standing at the mouth of the cave, and his face showed a strange expression on his face. mean.

It is said that the Red Devil is a Mutants who can teleportation. The running ability in this Marvel Universe can be said to be one of the very best. As a Mutants who is blessed by God with super escape ability, Qi Yu Quite looking forward to the next process of fighting him.

Just when Qi Yu twisted his fingers and twisted his neck, ready to flex his fists to kill the Red Devil, the Red Devil suddenly disappeared. I don't know whether he moved the rescuers to Magneto or they teleported to a gap in another dimension to lie dormant, preparing to launch an unexpected and fatal sneak attack on Qi Yu.

A few seconds later, Qi Yu saw the red devil appear out of thin air again.

The Red Devil didn't seem to move the rescuers, but unlike a few seconds ago, he now has a kitchen knife in his hand.

Seeing the broken kitchen knife in the hands of the Red Devil, Qi Yu couldn't help showing a funny expression on his face: "Holding a kitchen knife, what do you want?"

There were few people talking. He didn't bother to answer Qi Yu's question, but put up a middle finger to Qi Yu that said "I'm going to kill you", and then instantly disappeared in place.

He teleported here for a while, then teleported there again. In short, he was 30 meters away from Qi Yu, but now he is getting closer and closer to Qi Yu, constantly shortening the distance between the two sides. distance.

25 meters…

20 meters…

15 meters…

10 meters…

Five meters…

The Red Devil is waiting for the final right time, use this kitchen knife to implement a Certain Kill Skill on Qi Yu!

Unfortunately, Qi Yu didn't give the Red Devil the opportunity to pretend to be forced. He quickly raised his right arm, bent over and slammed a punch to the ground under his feet.

So, an unusually strong force, centered on the soles of Qi Yu's feet, began to rush to all directions!

Boom ka ka!! !

The scene is quite magnificent, everything within a radius of 100 meters, including the solid waste rock ground, was crushed by this extremely strong fist during the time of breathing!

As for the Red Devil, who is only a slash away from Qi Yu, it is also the terrifying force that erupted from Qi Yu's fist, which shook out directly from the gap in the different dimension.

The fleshy body strength of the Red Devil is no different from ordinary people. After being crushed by this terrifying force, his entire skeleton instantly shattered and ruptured, and his internal organs hemorrhage severely. in midair fell to the gravel all over the floor, and After a few convulsions, he was completely out of breath.

"Ding! Destroy 2 Ascended Evil Lifeforms, and absorb 2000 points of life energy!"

"Currently, 20,000 points of total life energy have been collected, and the distance to achieve Great Sage is still 980000 Click on life energy!"

After Qi Yu successively killed the big fat ball and the red devil, the sound of the Strongest System sounded in his mind.

"Poor Red Devil, I didn't have time to say a single line, so I just hung up." Qi Yu blew his fist covered with dirt, expressing sympathy.

"hehe, the big fat ball guarding the door and the red devil coming out to explore the wind were killed one after another. I don't know how many Mutants are also in the cave?"

Looking at the darkness ahead At the entrance of the cave, Qi Yu couldn't help but clenched his fist, a pleasant dimple bloomed at the corner of his mouth, and Blink looked forward to the rays of light in his eyes.