
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 69

After Blackheart swallowed the thousand evil wraiths in the Contract of San Venganza and evolved into a more advanced Terrifying Level Demon King, Qi Yu could clearly smell it emanating from him The extremely strong and evil breath.

Like 24K pure gold, the current Blackheart has transformed into a 24K pure evil!

Blackheart lowered his head and looked at his own dark body, his arms tightened, his fists were squeezed, and he felt that within the body was full of extremely powerful evil energy, which was extremely abundant!

Now even if a tens of thousands of humans stand in front of him, he is confident that they can be destroyed in an instant!

Looking at Qi Yu with disdain, a wicked smile bloomed on Blackheart's cold face.

He raised his head to the sky, opened his arms, and snarled loudly with his muddy and hoarse throat:

"The new Hell Demon King has been born!"

"The army of demons is coming to the mortal world and wreaking havoc on the world!"

"The era of the Demon King has finally arrived…"


At this moment, Blackheart suddenly sensed that there was a terrifying energy like destroying heaven extinguishing earth ahead, which was rushing towards him at a speed beyond lightning!

The oppression formed by that energy is so huge that he feels oneself as if he is under the pressure of tens of thousands of meters of deep sea!

The speed is so fast, it is impossible to avoid it in time!

However, Blackheart's eyes can barely catch that in the center of the energy of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, it seems to be…

A fist?


Under the punch of Qi Yu's serious series!

The King Blackheart, who has just evolved into the perfect devil, was blasted into the air of nothingness on the spot! Not a single cell is left!

Neither the fleshy body nor the soul, no longer exists!


Qi Yu retracted his unparalleled fist, spit out a relief of comfort.

Blackheart of bad luck, just became the new Demon King for a few seconds, high-spirited and vigorous, slamming Fang Yao, the old Demon King of dung, and then he was suddenly beaten with a punch. Nothing is left, maybe the devil with the saddest fate in the hell chronicles is him, right?

"Ding! Destroy 1 Terrifying Level evil lifeform, and absorb 10,000 Life Energy!"

"Currently, 18,000 points of total life energy have been collected, and the distance to achieve Great Sage is 982,000. Click on life energy!"

"Ding! Since the total life energy collected by the host has reached 10,000 points, we have obtained the permission to start the first Super Reward!"

"Warm little Hint, when the total life energy collected by the host reaches 100,000 points, you can get the permission to open the next Super Reward!"

"The first Super Reward has been issued, may I open it?"

After Qi Yu wiped out Queen Blackheart, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

It's just that the prompt sound at this time is longer than any previous prompt because there is a series of messages about "Super Reward".

"Super Reward...The system said before that it won't let me down, but I'm really looking forward to it. What will this super reward be?" Qi Yu moved his mind and removed the super reward from the system space. Moved to the real space.

Anyway, this is an ancient village that has been deserted for several hundreds of years. There is no birdman, and there is no need to worry about the little secret of the owner being discovered.

"Do you want to turn it on?"

"Turn on!"

Qi Yu's opening command is reached, and the virtual lock on the dim-blue gift box disappeared .

Immediately, the long-awaited Super Reward finally appeared in front of Qi Yu!

Is that…three…grenades?

Qi Yu clearly sees that those three things are obviously three grenades!

Qi Yu's heart suddenly cooled a lot, and his face was a bit ugly, like a lily flower that had fallen off, "System, are you trying to cheat me?"

"What can three grenades do? Even if you give me the grenades, the formidable power of each grenade is big enough to blow up an Empire State Building, even a city, or even a country. It's true to me. Very tasteless!"

"You should also know that with my current strength, it is not too difficult to smash a planet under a full strength explosion. Therefore, it is really true that you need these three grenades. It's useless!"

"Cough cough cough, so what, respectable system sir, can you exchange for a super reward?"

And the system listened to Qi Yu's After these words, I couldn't help but laughed, and taught me like an old man educating a little baby: "You look at these three grenades with a preconceived notion. Naturally, it is easier to make mistakes."

hearing this , Qi Yu's cold heart just now became hot again, browses slightly wrinkle, and expressed doubts: "System, what do you mean?"

"This Eminence means that this is not three Ordinary grenades, or rather, they are not grenades in the conventional sense. In fact, they are—" At this point, the system paused for a while, "Good child grenades."

"Good child grenades! "After hearing the terrifying grenade name, Qi Yu gasped, stared wide-eyed.

"Look at you like a good-for-nothing, a real countryboy who has never seen the real world…" The system belittled Qi Yu, and then explained seriously, "This name may There is no deterrence, but it is indeed named after its special effects, not just in name only, but also in reality."

"Good child grenade, as the name implies, once the safety latch is opened If you throw it out and hit the target person, the target person will become a good child of the thrower. He recognizes the thrower as his own father, and is 100% loyal to his father. Even if he orders suicide, he will decide himself without the slightest hesitation. This is the real formidable power of a good child grenade!"

The system's explanation of refreshing the three views of others makes Qi Yu dumbfounded. There is also this kind of… Hyun's throwing bombs?

Slightly startled for a moment, Qi Yu was also relieved quickly. After all, this is the Marvel Universe with powerhouse many as dogs and Spiritual God walking all over the floor. For example, this is a good child grenade, no matter how awesome, it can have Are those six Infinity Gem awesome?

"Three good child grenades…well, awesome!" Qi Yu pursed his mouth and raised a thumbs up to the system in admiration.

"This Eminence is in this Marvel Universe, omnipotent!" The system brags itself without embarrassment, and then reminds Qi Yu, "By the way, there is one thing you must pay attention to, given the inherent attributes of this system Leaning toward justice , so the exploded object of a good child grenade still cannot be the justice lifeform evaluated by this system. Let me give you a simple example. For example, if you throw a grenade at the feet of Captain America, the explosion of the grenade will not affect Captain America. Produce any brainwashing effect. For the evil lifeform of the Red Skull, you can brainwash him into a good child for a lifetime, an absolute servant who only obeys your orders!"

"Don't worry, my The three views are very right…"

Qi Yu nodded, the insidious dimples immediately appeared on the corners of his mouth.

He began in the heart silently thinking about which three evil Supervillains he should use these three magical good child grenades next.
