
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 54

For Tony's reason for racing in Monaco, Qi Yu is actually very clear.

The reason is summed up in only three words - palladium poisoning!

Tony's heart was embedded with several pieces of missile fragments. At the time, he was in a cave in Afghanistan. It was limited by the medical skills of fellow scientist Ethan and the medical conditions in the cave. The small iron piece on the outer wall of his heart not at all Take out all.

In the past six months, there are still a few small pieces of iron remaining on the outer wall of Tony's heart that may threaten his life at any time. Fortunately, there are magnets on the chest to attract the small pieces of iron on the outer wall of the heart, so that they do not have Penetrate deeper into the heart, otherwise Tony's heart will definitely bleed and die.

Unfortunately, while the Arc Reactor on Tony's chest made sure that the small iron piece would not penetrate into his heart, it also brought him great disadvantages.

The main element of Arc Reactor is Palladium, which is a poisonous element.

The phenomenon of Tony's palladium poisoning has become more and more obvious recently. As long as he takes off his coat, he will find that there are already very obvious symptoms of poisoning around his chest.

The normal meridian lines of the human body are azure, while the meridian lines on Tony's body are deep black and purple, and the smooth skin surface protrudes like the roots of the old tree. It goes without saying that his poisoning phenomenon is already deep.

If no miracle happens, Tony's palladium poisoning will cause him to live for a few weeks.

In fact, Tony knew that oneself was hopeless, and his lifespan was about to come to an end.

Therefore, he deliberately appointed his beloved Pepper as the president of the Stark Group last week to prevent the group from being divided by the greedy major shareholders after his death.

Apart from this, Tony also donated property everywhere, donated to people in real need, or organizations that are beneficial to the healthy development of society. Since the past month, he has donated several 1 billion USD. ,

As for Tony's most valued Iron Man Armor, although he has not sent Iron Man Armor out yet, Qi Yu, who has watched the original plot, knows that Tony will be at the Seaview Villa in some time In the basement of, added another legally authorized operator-James Rhodes to the security inspection system of the silver version of Mark II Iron Man Armor!

Colonel Rhodes is Tony's most trusted friend in his life. The reason why he intends to give a set of Iron Man Armor to Colonel Rhodes is because he hopes that after oneself's death, "Iron Man" will become a Superhero. Someone who succeeded, on the other hand, wanted to give away a set of iron man armor to the military, so that some high-level government officials who coveted Iron Man Armor technology would end their pressure on him, such as the obese Stern in the Washington Military Court that Tony hates most. Congressman.

On the TV screen, this real-time news event that took place at the Monaco Monte Carlo Circuit has come to an end.

In line with the expectations of all the audience, Iron Man defeated the Russian electric whipman. Finally, under the arrest of several policemen, the Russian electric whipman was handcuffed and taken into a police car.

Tens of thousands of spectators stood up from their seats and shouted in excitement to cheer Iron Man, the winner of the justice side!

After watching this break news, Qi Yu silently turned off the TV.

When a person is most desperate, the help you provide is often the most precious, most priceless, and most memorable.

Qi Yu decided to save Tony's life. Of course, the benefits are still indispensable.

The last time Qi Yu has obtained two black technologies from Tony, the Jarvis security system and the small Arc Reactor, this time, his goal is no longer black technology, but the most direct——


I have to say that Qi Yu caught Doctor Octopus and received a 20 million USD hanging bounty from New York's five major banks. Since it was used to buy this 18.88 million USD manor, nothing left. How much is it.

Excluding some of the infrastructure purchased for the estate, as well as the old steward, the maid, Michelin Dachu, and the guards who were hired for a total of 25 people about half a year's salary. In fact, the Qi Yu account is currently Not even one hundred thousand USD has arrived.

Unfortunately, this also means that Qi Yu, the owner of the manor, will not even be able to pay the employees the next month's salary.

If the next month's wages cannot be settled, Qi Yu even wonders, would any of those employees propose to move the things in the manor out and sell them to repay the debt?

In short, this time, Qi Yu decided to get a big vote, become a real big tyrant, and achieve legendary financial freedom!

According to the plot in the Iron Man movie series, Qi Yu knew that the key to Tony's solution to the palladium poisoning problem was the suitcase left by his father Howard Stark at SHIELD headquarters.

It was through the video data recorded by Father himself in the suitcase that Tony learned that in the blueprint of the future city, there is hidden information about creating new elements that are not part of the periodic table to detoxify.

In the original plot, SHIELD Director Nick Fury and Agent Black Widow handed the suitcase to Tony. From this, Tony discovered the secret of creating new elements and took the blueprint for the future city in the video data from The office corner of the Stark Building , which has been stored in the corner, was moved to the experiment hall in the basement of the Ocean View Villa. Then, using the blueprint of the future city as a model, a green non-toxic, more energy-sufficient, completely new element that can replace Palladium is constructed!

Originally, Qi Yu planned to sneak into the Triskelion building of SHIELD headquarters in Washington, DC, and asked the agent responsible for guarding the special item to find out the suitcase left by Howard Stark, and then stole it.

But think about it carefully, if you really do that, you will inevitably offend the huge monster SHIELD.

Although the power controlled by Qi Yu is completely sufficient to destroy SHIELD, but because of "stealing and being discovered", destroying the entire SHIELD tens of thousands of agents? Uh, it would be too embarrassing to spread it this way.

Therefore, Qi Yu is still going to personally go to the president's office of the Stark Building, and directly move the blueprint of the future city back to the own manor, so as not to provoke the troublesome influence of SHIELD.

Just do it, and the night falls quietly, Qi Yu puts on a hat, then a pair of sunglasses, and finally a mask, Qiao Zhuang dressed up as a…Anyway, not a good person Image.

Then he went from Queens, a Luffy to the top floor of the Stark Building in Manhattan, in front of the window of the president's office, and slammed the window and jumped in.

He walked to the inner wall, opened the dustproof cloth of the blueprint model of the future city, and put this big guy with an area of ​​​​about four square meters into the storage space of the system.

"The next thing I want to do is to officially find Tony, a disheartened palladium poisoning patient, and let him see the hope of curing the disease!"

"By the way… from the super god Tony Stark, blackmail a big sum!"

"The day when this baby becomes a big local tyrant is just around the corner!"