
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 53

Time flies like a white horse passing by. It seems to be only in the blink of an eye. It is already a few months later.

In the past few months, Qi Yu was relatively bad luck, because he did not come across an Ascended Level evil lifeform, and he encountered ordinary criminals, such as gang members, Bank robbers, members of criminal syndicates, etc.

Therefore, in the past few months, even though Qi Yu has killed hundreds of bad guys, the evil life energy drawn from their corpses is only a few hundred points in total. This is the difference between Ordinary Lifeform and Ascended Lifeform. An Ordinary Lifeform can only bring a little life energy to Qi Yu, while an Ascended Lifeform can contribute a full 1,000 points of life energy to him.

On the surface, a thousand Ordinary Level criminals and an Ascended Level criminal contribute the same life energy, but from a practical point of view, it is obviously more cost-effective to kill an Ascended Level criminal .

For Qi, who is the most powerful in the world, even if the opponent is an Ascended Level criminal, he can still wipe him out with no difficulty, have the words at hand.

Unfortunately, a thousand Ordinary Level criminals are not so easy to get together. For example, Qi Yu has only taken hundreds of Ordinary Level criminals after running hundreds of times in the past few months.

Qi Yu is even thinking about it now. If it doesn't work, should he go to prisons all over the world to use his experience?

Night, Queens, New York, Dragon's Manor, luxurious room.

On a spacious, beautiful and flexible Simmons bed, Hannah's lithe and graceful and smooth carcass is covered in a warm bed, and the small head is nestled in Qi Yu's arms.

Hannah looks like a docile little kitty with a red face, a rush of heat, wet hair, and a well-behaved expression.

"Qi, can you Fak me again?" Hannah's beautiful eyes were full of affection, and she whispered to Qi Yu beside her face.

"Tomorrow Monday, you have to go to class. You can't delay your study because of love." Qi Yu stroked Hannah's hair softly.

Hearing Qi Yu's tactful refusal, Hannah's eyes became wet, and tears rolled in her eyes: "hmph! You don't love me anymore!"

Hannah lifted her head from Qi Yu's arms, coquettishly, muttering, and sulking.

No way. Seeing Hannah, a little beauty, with tears rolling in his eyes, Qi Yu is softened: "Well, this is really the last time."

After that, Qi Yu turned over and pressed the charming Hannah down…


next morning, Hannah left the manor and went to the empire after getting up The state university rushed to class.

As for Qi Yu, after washing up, sitting in the manor's dining room, enjoying the delicious breakfast prepared for him by Michelin Dachu, while watching the 75-inch large LCD screen hanging on the wall. Digital color TV with high-definition LED display .

On the TV screen, the morning news of United States is playing.

Originally, news about a literary museum was playing well. In the picture, a group of old people and children wandered around in the museum. Suddenly, the picture was replaced by a live news.

"Now I will show you the urgent news that happened at the Monaco Monte Carlo Circuit, and then I will transfer you to the live broadcast of the Monte Carlo Circuit."

TV What is shown on the screen is a scene of a sloppy, long-haired middle age person equipped with two electric whips on the Monaco Monte Carlo Circuit in the vast crowd, waving the electric whips and fighting Iron Man.

Seeing this familiar scene, Qi Yu naturally thinks of the plot in the Iron Man movie series, and a smile of planning strategies appears on his face.

"It seems that the timeline of "Iron Man 2″ is already open."

In the TV screen, the sloppy middle age person using the electric whip weapon is from Russia's Supervillain loses the whip!

Sanglash, formerly known as Ivan Vanko, was born in the Soviet Union fifty years ago.

His father Anton Vanko, once a very outstanding physicist in the Soviet Union, defected to the United States when the Soviet Union was not disintegrated, and worked with Tony Stark's father Howard Stark to develop Arc Reactor.

Four years later, the two finally cooperated to complete the Arc Reactor project, a big project that can change the world's energy supply pattern! Regrettably, Anton Vanko was later accused by the US Government as a spy for forcible deportation, so that all the research resources and records about Arc Reactor, Anton Vanko failed to bring back to the Soviet Union, and given that Anton Vanko defected from the Soviet Union four years ago Overseas, so he returned to the Soviet Union in four years, and the Soviet government did not wait to see him.

Howard Stark, let it go, occupies all the research results of Arc Reactor. As for Anton Vanko, even though there is a lot of high-end scientific and technological knowledge stored in his mind, the United States does not allow him to pass, and the Soviet Union also put him on the blacklist, which is regarded as blocking his scientific research road. He was full of scientific and technological knowledge, but there was no corresponding liquidity and resource equipment, which caused him to quickly become a poor LOSER.

Several decades later, Howard Stark's son Tony Stark, with Arc Reactor's energy supply technology, became the majestic Iron Man, and Anton Vanko's contribution in this field has been forgotten by the world. .

Some time ago, Anton Vanko saw Tony Stark and admitted at the press conference that oneself is the news of Iron Man, and was almost out of irritation.

Before dying, he told his son Ivan Vanko earnestly that the honor Iron Man got should belong to Ivan Vanko, not Tony Stark!

With full of regret, Anton Vanko passed away.

At the moment of father's death, Ivan Vanko told oneself that must destroy the Stark family and prove to the world that it was a shameless thief family!

So, Ivan Vanko began to create a new small Arc based on the handwritten version of Arc Reactor left by the old father, combined with oneself's rich knowledge in the field of science and technology. Reactor.

Ivan Vanko uses the small Arc Reactor as the core energy source, and equips it with two powerful electric whips. With the help of friends, he grasps the whereabouts of Tony Stark and sneaks into Monaco Monte Carlo. At the racing track, standing on the lane where the car was rushing, disguised as a lane worker, launched a sudden and fatal attack on Tony Stark as a racer.

Fortunately, Tony Stark's personal driver, Hogan, rushed to the chaotic scene in time, threw the portable Iron Man Armor to Tony Stark, let him put on the Iron Man Suit and quickly incarnation as Iron Man. The capital to counteract military force.

The scene currently taking place at the Monaco Monte Carlo Circuit is exactly the scene where Iron Man and Lost Whip are fighting under the focal point of ten thousands!