
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 52

"However, you can not give me the source code of Jarvis, but you can always give me a copy of the subroutine code of Jarvis?"

Speaking of which, Qi Yu pouring a half glass of red wine for Tony opposite, "After all, Jarvis has that many subroutines. I saved your girlfriend Pepper. It's not a disadvantage if you give me one of these subroutines, right? I still believe that Pepper is not as important as the whole Jarvis, but if you say that Pepper can't match even one part of Jarvis, then it's a bit too fake, right?"

For what Qi Yu said, Tony not at all gave an immediate answer. He raised his teacup and tasted the wine. During the drinking process, his brain was thinking quickly.

Immediately, he put down the teacup with a small glass of red wine left, and gave his own reply: "In fact, there are only a few subroutines in the Jarvis general program, not that many as you imagined. . Please tell me, which subroutine do you want?"

When Tony said that, Qi Yu knew that it was interesting to ask for the "Jarvis security program".

"Jarvis's security procedures," Qi Yu pointed out the subroutine he wanted without hesitation, and then explained, "used to upgrade the security level of my estate and ensure the safety of my estate to the greatest extent possible."

What Qi Yu wants is a security system rather than a weapon system. This requirement is not excessive, and it did not make Tony, who was determined to maintain peace in America, feel embarrassed. And the reason is quite sufficient and valid, in order to protect the own homeland. Furthermore, Qi Yu somehow rescued Pepper from Obadiah that night. If Tony obviously refuses any more, it will obviously be a bit awkward.

Tony finished the last sip of red wine in the teacup, got up from the wooden chair, and stretched out his hand to Qi Yu who was opposite, showing the typical smile on his face when a business negotiation succeeded.

Seeing Tony standing up, Qi Yu also stood up dignifiedly, and shook hands with Tony to reach an agreement, "Deal!"

We shook hands happily. After that, Tony subconsciously thought that this question about the charging standard was over. However, Qi Yu's next words made Tony a little dazed.

"Uh huh, the charge for saving Pepper is over. Next, it's time to talk about the cost of saving you from Iron Overlord."

Qi Yu Like an old fox, with a sinister and cunning face, oh no, it should be Blink's smile of wisdom rays of light, stretch out his take action arm and ask Tony on the opposite side to sit down and talk.

Qi Yu didn't kill Iron Man from the very beginning that night. The main purpose was to deliberately create opportunities. Later, when Iron Man and Iron Man fought fiercely and Iron Man was threatened. He takes action again. In the case of life hanging by a thread, Qi Yu take action also means that he saved Iron Man's life and made Iron Man owe him a life-saving grace.

Obviously, in the negotiation on the charging issue just now, Tony thought Qi Yu was saving him and Pepper, a total of two lives were counted together, and the two lives were paid by Jarvis. Security procedures.

Now, Qi Yu is euphemistically saying that the two lives are not counted together, but counted separately.

In short, Qi Yu rescued Pepper from the Iron Overlord's Gatling machine gun, and received a Jarvis security program; and tore away Iron Man from the Iron Overlord's violence, Symbolizes another expense.

Tony is now in the heart with only a single thought - Lao Tzu is overcast!

"Save Pepper, the payment you are asking for is Jarvis' security system, then…" At this point, Tony's expression became a bit solemn, "Save me, should you ask for the payment? Will it be Jarvis's weapon system?"

Since the Afghanistan attack, I have witnessed those indigenous warlords using Stark Industries weapons to massacre old and weak villagers to deter young men's labor force and coerce women. Going to sell themselves with girls and other ugly acts, Tony's heart had the decision to close the Weapons Department of Stark Industries.

So, if Qi Yu asked for Jarvis' super artificial intelligence weapon system, Tony would definitely not agree.

Fortunately, Qi Yu did not intend to ask Tony for Jarvis' weapon system. Because his Qi Yu's fist is the strongest weapon in the world!

"Can you give me the small Arc Reactor you developed, which is the bauble on your chest, too?" Qi Yu was not sure whether Tony agreed or not, and pointed to the study room. In the dark golden chandelier, "I think , if the chandelier is not powered by the public system of the city, but powered by the kind of small Arc Reactor on your chest, a piece of Arc Reactor should theoretically be able to add at least one to the chandelier. Energy supply for ten thousand years?"

Then Qi Yu opened his arms wide, representing all the infrastructure and electrical equipment that need power in the entire manor. "As for the expansion to the entire manor, it is estimated that one Arc Reactor can supply energy for several decades."

Tony knows that there is an old saying in Huaxia that is to eat others' mouths and take others' hands short, let alone oneself, which is still a life-saving debt.

Think about it carefully. Although the small Arc Reactor belongs to the first-class black technology, it has not appeared in other countries on Earth yet, but Tony knows very well that since his identity as Iron Man was exposed in the public eye and passed United After the hype in the States media, the whole world basically realized the power of Iron Man Armor.

Iron Man Armor, a black technology product, is especially suitable for the national military field. Therefore, it is estimated that there should be some restless countries in the world that have already included "Human Wearable Armor Combat" as an important national military project. Up.

I believe that Arc Reactor technology will appear in the military systems of many major countries as long as several years are as short as a few years, and as long as decades.

"Although your reason sounds a bit ridiculous, but forget it, I will give you a reactor, so that the two of us don't owe each other, and don't hit me with black technology in the future. It's an idea. " Under Qi Yu's coax and pester, Tony finally compromised.

The crying child has milk to eat, and the witty Qi Yu has successfully obtained another epoch-making black technology creation from Tony.

Jarvis security system and small Arc Reactor, for Qi Yu, the future will be very useful!

PS. The plot of "Iron Man 1" ended in the chat of two men, and the next chapter officially entered the new plot of "Iron Man 2"!