
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 46

Faced with the ferocious firepower launched by Obadiah, Qi Yu still stood still.

He gently stood on his tiptoe and lifted his right hand at will, spreading his five fingers wide, spreading his palms and blocking the six barrels of Iron Overlord Steel Gatling.

puff puff puff puff pu…

Sparks flew and the shells flew horizontally.

However, a large number of Gatling bullets carrying huge penetrating power pouring out of the barrel were forcibly blocked by Qi Yu's right palm!

In just a few seconds, Iron Overlord fired more than two hundred bullets frantically.

However, with more than two hundred metal bullets, even Qi Yu's palm could not be shot through.

On the surface of Qi Yu's palm, there is only a slight tingling sensation, in fact, even the epidermis is not damaged.

As a result, it is enough to see what a terrifying level Qi Yu's fleshy body strength has reached.

More than two hundred bullets were shot down, and Qi Yu's palm was blocked at the barrel of the barrel. The remaining bullets that had not been ejected were already stuck in the barrel and could not be shot out.

Or it can be said that the steel Gatling, one of the main weapons of the Iron Overlord, is basically scrapped, unless it is taken back to the 16th area to clean up the blocked bullets and repaired before it can be rebuilt. Put into combat use.


Obadiah was very surprised and unimaginable at what was happening before him.

Right, maybe… maybe it's the illusion of own?

A person can resist the bullet flow of the Gatling rapid-fire machine gun with formidable power enough to shoot through steel plates with just the palm of his hand. What kind of subversion is this?

Trying to comfort oneself in his heart, Obadiah immediately raised the Iron Overlord's right arm and punched the Terminator beneath him.

The power index of this fist is at least 15 tons, which is roughly equivalent to the impact of a heavy truck.

However, in the face of such a terrifying steel giant fist, Qi Yu just casually raised an index finger to resist in front of the own door.

Iron Overlord's giant steel fist hit Qi Yu's small index finger, and in an instant there was a clear sound like a metal crash.

At the same time, Obadiah, hiding in the armor of the Iron Overlord, immediately felt an unusually tingling sensation from his entire right arm, as if this arm was about to die.

The whole set of Iron Overlord's armor was even more uncontrollably retreating several steps back after being hit by the rebounding force of Qi Yu's index finger.

"How...how is it possible? This is impossible!"

"You monster! You devil! See if the missile blows up to kill you!"

As the crazy voice fell, Obadiah, with bloodshot eyes, activated the anti-tank missile on his shoulder without the slightest hesitation.

A small anti-tank missile is enough to easily destroy a heavy tank. He doesn't expect to blow Terminator to death with this, even if it only blows Terminator into a wounded state is enough. . In that case, when the time comes , he can hurry and run away.

Unfortunately, ideals are full, but reality is rather skinny.

Even if I witnessed an anti-tank missile with a flame tail flying towards oneself, Qi Yu still stood still, making it as if the missile was not coming to bomb Like him.

Just as the micro anti-tank missile was about to hit Qi Yu's face in an instant, Qi Yu suddenly raised his right hand.

With bare hands, hold this miniature anti-tank missile in your fist.


A powerful muffled sound came out, and the miniature anti-tank missile exploded violently in Qi Yu's fist.

The violent explosion in the palm of his hand basically did not bring any waves to Qi Yu's expression, he just blinked a little at the moment the missile exploded.

Qi Yu's fearless and powerful mind comes from the absolute strength that sweeps everything!

He stretched out his palms and showed Obadiah the hot shards piled up in his palms. Along with the rising thick smoke, he poured the missile shards on his palms down to his feet.

I witnessed this complete scene with my own eyes, Obadiah in the armor of the Iron Overlord, the whole dumbstruck stunned expression, speechless for a long while.

He knows that Terminator is very difficult to deal with, but he doesn't know that Terminator is actually so powerful that it can be called a "god"!

A missile capable of destroying a heavy tank just exploded in the palm of Terminator, but the opponent was unscathed?

Obadiah, who has a high degree of physics and materials science, knows very well that even if the palm of the opponent is made of steel, it will inevitably shatter like fragile glass under the explosion of an anti-tank missile.

However, the fact is that the palm of the opponent does not seem to be injured at all!

Even the strongest attack method is displayed, but it still doesn't hurt the opponent at all. Also, is it necessary to continue to fight?

"That, Terminator big brother, I surrender with my hands!"

Obadiah is a cheeky old fox, realizing that his Iron Overlord armor is not Qi Yu's at all After the opponent, he immediately changed his attitude and laughed and surrendered to Qi Yu.

However, in the process of "surrendering", he quietly activated the flight propellers on his feet, and while Qi Yu temporarily relaxed his vigilance, he quickly stretched out his left arm and quickly launched six miniatures Sidewinder missile.

Seizing this opportunity to delay the time, Obadiah hurriedly drove the propeller at the bottom of his foot, and rushed towards the night sky at full speed with the golden-yellow flames and pungent smoke sprayed under his feet. Is going to run away!

Seeing six small missiles coming from the opposite side, Qi Yu's silhouette flashed, avoiding the bombardment of this small group of missiles.

"No matter how many crafty plots and machinations you have, under the single fist of mine, it is all in vain!"

Qi Yu looked up at the iron flying into the night sky Overlord, the black cloak fluttering in the wind behind him, unspeakably chic and domineering.

Immediately, he stepped up to the ground in the direction where Obadiah was fleeing, leaving a cobweb-like crack with a diameter of tens of meters on the ground, and rushed towards the Boundless Starry Sky.

Although the speed of the Iron Overlord has reached the speed of sound, the time of breathing will fly to an altitude of kilometers, but it is still not comparable to Qi Yu's speed.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Yu was like an impenetrable iron wall, intercepting him in front of the Iron Overlord.

"Sheet! Is this cracking a joke?" Obadiah stared wide-eyed at Terminator who suddenly appeared higher up. His face was incredible, and he strongly doubted life!

"Just kidding! Get me back!"

Qi Yu kicked the Iron Overlord back to the gate of Stark Industries Park.

He kicked this kick slightly, and the height was more than one thousand meters, so when Iron Bawang hit the ground, he instantly knocked the entire area outside the gate of Stark Industries The ground slammed into a cobweb-like cracked ground.

But then again, in fact, Qi Yu deliberately reduced most of his strength just now. Otherwise, if he plays the serious series, I am afraid that the Iron Overlord will collide under his foot just now. Enough to cause the entire New York City to collapse.