
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 42

Obadiah knows very well that he has been targeted by the government.

Especially the government department called Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Recently the past few days have sent several agents to investigate him.

What makes him even more angry is that he discovered an hour ago that Tony's personal assistant, Pepper Potts, hacked into a hidden disk in his computer in the office and copied all the information about his crime. Up.

Originally, if the criminal evidence was not copied, Obadiah's situation would not be too bad. After all, he could hire a top-level team of lawyers to fight for him and clarify that he has nothing to do with Tony's attack. . It is a pity that the conclusive evidence of the crime has been tortured by Pepper Potts. I am afraid that no matter how powerful a team of lawyers is invited, it will not be able to cover up the facts of the crime in a situation where there is strong evidence.

Obadiah hired someone to attack Tony in the African wilderness, which not only caused serious physical and psychological damage to Tony, but also caused the death of more than a dozen United States soldiers who were responsible for escorting Tony. The US Government really has to take it seriously If you get the account, I'm afraid he will have to squat in prison for the rest of his life.

Considering that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to oneself, Obadiah had no choice but to jump over the wall and prepare to take an extreme approach——

Find Tony Stark and snatch the small Arc Reactor from his chest !


Malibu Port 10880, Tony Stark's private sea view villa.

At the owner's house, Tony wears simple and casual clothes, black slacks and white long-sleeved shirt.

Hearing the cellphone ringing in the living room, Tony walked to the sofa, took out the cellphone from the suit on the sofa, and then sat down on the sofa, one leg over the other.

The picture of Pepper Potts is displayed on the cellphone screen. It seems that this is a call from Pepper Pepper. Tony presses the answer button and sticks the cellphone to his ear.

Originally, everything developed normally as usual.

However, when Tony put the cellphone on his ear and was about to talk to Pepper on the other end of the phone, an unusually harsh "weng weng weng" sound suddenly hit his eardrum.

This "weng weng weng" sound has a strong nerve paralysis ability. After Tony heard this sound, the meridian network of the entire head immediately bulged from the epidermis. Especially the cerebral nerves were paralyzed, which made Tony unable to move for a short time , and even his mouth couldn't even open when he wanted to talk.

At this moment, Tony's complexion is pale with bulging blue veins, and it looks not much different from the lifeless zombie.

Immediately, a slightly hoarse voice came from behind him.

"Breathe, breathe, relax, relax." Obadiah, standing behind Tony, took the cellphone in Tony's hand and threw it lightly on the sofa.

Tony is completely immobile now, unable to turn his head back to check the face of the speaker. And since the other party can break into his house so easily, it is obviously through the identification of Jarvis, that means that the other party is one of the very few people with free access to the house, such as the personal assistant Pepper Pepper, such as the best My friend Colonel Rhodes, like Obadiah, the second largest shareholder of the Stark Group who has worked together for more than 30 years.

Combined with the other's familiar tone, Tony has basically determined that his bastard in sneak attack is Obadiah, no doubt!

"Remember this thing?" Obadiah lowered his head and raised the nerve paralyzer to Tony who was leaning on the sofa. "It's a pity that this thing didn't pass the government. Approved by the author to temporarily paralyze the nerves of others, it can still come in handy in many situations."

Speaking of which, Obadiah put the nerve paralysis device back in his pocket, and then walked to it leisurely as usual In front of Tony, the expression on his face looked no guilt, which only shows that his face is thicker than that of Sister Feng who threatened to participate in the US President campaign.

Obadiah took off the nerve paralysis sonic shielding device that he was wearing in his ear, put it into the pocket where the nerve paralysis device was placed just now, and continued: "I paid a lot of money to the group of indigenous people in Afghanistan . The warlord intercepted you. I am still very worried. I am worried that I will kill a hen that will lay golden eggs."

As Obadiah spoke, he took out a special removal instrument from the metal suitcase. Without hesitation, he inserted the small Arc Reactor on Tony's chest.

"Look, you survived. This is your destiny."

"Because you have to lay your last most precious golden egg."

"Do you think the idea you came up with belongs to you? Your father helped United States successfully create the atomic bomb, but if he was as selfish as you, then what would the world look like?"

With the voice, Obadiah tore off the small Arc Reactor from Tony's chest.

At the same time, losing the small Arc Reactor, a device with strong electromagnetic properties, the bomb fragments that remained in Tony's heart more than three months ago began to transfer to the depths of his heart. Up.

Nerve palsy had already caused his heartbeat frequency to drop sharply. Now, coupled with the squeezing of a few small iron pieces in his heart, Tony's breathing almost stopped.

Tony is full of deep disappointment and hatred at this moment. Although he has some doubts about Obadiah recently, he suspects that oneself's attack in Afghanistan more than three months ago is inseparable from Obadiah. But after all, there is no conclusive evidence.

Now Obadiah not only confessed the Afghanistan incident to him personally, but also sneak attacked him from behind, using a nerve paralysis device to paralyze his nerves, which really disappointed Tony and burned with anger!

Reluctantly, now oneself's nerves are paralyzed, the body is disabled to move in a short time, the reactor is taken away, and the deadly small iron pieces are also invading the heart. This bunch of troubles makes Tony feel desperate!

"Look at it, how bright and beautiful it is. It is your legacy. The core of the latest generation of Colossus armored weapons is it!"

"We can dominate Weapons, thereby changing the pattern of the entire world and bringing the world on track."

"To be honest, I really want you to appreciate the Iron Man Armor prototype I designed. My big guy, it's not like Your Little Brat is so conservative, it's actually very wild."

"Also, unfortunately, you also involved Pepper. She usually respects me very much, and honestly I want to She lives."

"It's a pity that she stole my criminal evidence under your instructions, so I absolutely can't let her survive."

Arc Reactor was put into a metal suitcase, and Obadiah patted Tony's shoulder meaningfully for the last time, and then left the ocean view villa with a smirk on his face.

As for Tony, if nothing goes wrong, he should have a heart hemorrhage to death within 20 minutes. In Obadiah's view, this method of death also saves him from doing it himself.

even more how If you shoot and kill someone, there will be evidence of murder left at the scene, and like this, let Tony slowly die with heart bleeding, when the time comes, you can also use Stark Group's powerful public opinion manipulation capabilities In the official name, it was declared that Tony was a heart failure Death, not a murder!