
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 40

Being trapped in the nest of the indigenous warlord of Afghanistan for three months, Tony Stark, with the assistance of the old scientist Ethan, used a pile of broken copper and iron in the cave. It was easy to create a complete Iron Man Armor.

Although this primordial version of Iron Man Armor is relatively simple and bulky, it is basically enough to deal with the group of indigenous warlords who fight soy sauce.

So, Tony Stark wore this Iron Man Armor, which was called a killing machine, and fought all the way from the heavy defense of the native warlords, and finally destroyed the entire base of the native warlords.

Later, Colonel Rhodes, Tony Stark's friend, found him escape alive in Desert and flew back to New York safely with him.

However, as soon as he returned to New York, he dropped a blockbuster at the press conference-announcing the closure of the weapons department of Stark Industries!

Undoubtedly, this quickly attracted the attention of the entire United States media and the panic among the holders of Stark Industries stocks.

As for the other civilians, to be honest, Stark Industries has nothing to do with them whether it closes the weapons manufacturing department.

Qi Yu saw this morning from his home's 75-inch large-screen LCD ultra-high-definition LED display digital color TV, the news that the Weapon Department of Stark Industries was closed.

As a prophet who has watched the Marvel movie series before crossing over, Qi Yu knows that in the next few days, Tony will lock oneself in the basement of the ocean view villa in Malibu Port, wholeheartedly Put your energy into developing the upgraded version of Iron Man Armor.

The primordial version of Iron Man Armor was created by Tony in a cave with ragged things. Now I am fortunate to safely return to a private high-end laboratory with sufficient funds and resources. The new generation of Iron Man Armor developed Man Armor, in all aspects of performance, is bound to far surpass the original Iron Man Armor.

At the same time, Qi Yu also knows very well that after a while, the big villain named Obadiah Stan, that is, the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries, who is apparently sympathetic to father and son with Tony, is a sanctimonious The ambitious and conspirators will show Tony his true evil face.

Speaking of which, Tony is one of the most eye-catching celebrities in the Marvel Universe. He not only masters many technologies beyond this era, but also ranks in the top ten of the world's richest people. To have a role to play.

For Qi Yu, who has invincible power, but in this World there is neither a military or political background nor a business network, let alone all kinds of black technology, wealth and reputation, It is necessary to make friends with Tony, the world's top influential figure, and many problems can be solved in the future.

For example, Qi Yu has always wanted to equip the manor with a Peak security system since he bought the manor where he lived. Unless you encounter a whole army, or a very powerful Supervillain, a Peak-level security system is not a problem to ensure the safety of the manor, and Tony has the security system that can provide this level. condition.

Tony has developed a super artificial intelligence system called "Jarvis". The Jarvis system contains subroutines such as medical subroutines, network subroutines, translation subroutines, weapons subroutines, and security subroutines. Wait a lot of subroutines. If there is a Jarvis security system in the manor, it would be a good thing for Qi Yu's manor.

In short, there is a world-class influential figure like Tony behind it as a thick thigh. It will definitely solve a lot of worldly troubles in the future, even more how Iron Man also Extremis, Heavenly Mandarin, and other powerful rivals, Qi Yu You can just follow him to learn a wave of experience.

"Well, it was so happily decided, I'm going to hook up Iron Man."

In the heart, I made up my mind. A few days later, Qi Yu came to the backyard of the manor. Inside, I picked up a relatively smooth slab under the fence of my manor.

He took out the black bold marker from his pocket, and wrote in English on the front of the brick, "Please contact me when you have trouble. Of course, this is a charge!"

On the back of the brick, the own cellphone number is attached.

Then, Qi Yu drove to 10880 Port Marbury, which is the address of the sea view villa where Tony lives.

He threw the brick to the window of Tony's house. After the brick smashed the window, he spinning and rolled into the hall. After confirming that the brick had been thrown in, he hurried away.


"Sir, the system has detected that the window outside the hall of the house is broken. A red rectangular object with a length of 21 cm and a width of 14 cm has entered the hall without authorization. Preliminary inspection, it's not a bomb. "

In the spacious basement of the Ocean View Villa, Tony is further improving the performance of the Mark II Iron Man Armor, dealing with the Mark II's exposure to extreme cold and harsh environments. The icing problem.

Suddenly a reminder from the artificial intelligence steward Jarvis came in his ears, and Tony immediately put down his work.

"Will it be a love letter from a Victorian girl, right?"

Tony was joking with Jarvis, while walking up the spiral staircase in the basement to the upper hall Walked inside.

I came to the hall, curiously picked up the unidentified object with black lettering on the ground, and squinted for a while to identify it, before Tony was sure that he was really just a brick!

"Please contact me when you are in trouble. Of course, this is a charge!"

Tony reads the words written on the front of the brick, and can't help feeling a fog in his brain. What does it mean?

He then checked the back of the brick and found that the contact information was written on the back.

"Is this a prank? Or is it, which mental illness did a good thing?"

According to Tony's past arrogant personality, he will definitely smash this someone with a brick He told the New York Police about breaking the windows of his house, and tried his best to let the boring bastard taste the taste of jail.

It's just that, since he was kidnapped by the Afghanistan terrorist three months ago, his entire outlook on life and values ​​​​have changed dramatically since he was at the press conference yesterday. This can be seen in the announcement of the decision to disband the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries.

Tony today can be said to have transformed from a arrogant, arrogant, and slutty guy to a pretty good person. Of course, it is undeniable that even if he becomes a good person in the general direction, there are still many character defects in him .

This time, facing this piece of brick that should be regarded as a prank, Tony just threw it into the trash can very politely and didn't take it seriously.

He then returned to the basement and continued to deal with the icing problem of the Mark II armor, which further strengthened its overall performance.