
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 36

Returning to the gate of Imperial State University, the brown-haired girl suddenly stopped.

She lowered her head slightly, with two snow-white index fingers tied together in circles, as if doing something wrong, whispered to Qi Yu softly: "That… classmate, I want to invite you to campus I have a cup of coffee in it as a thank you. I don't know if you want to?"

Looking at the two faint blushes on the cheeks of the brown-haired girl because of the shyness, to be honest, Qi Yu really wants to be now He hugged her and kissed hard.

This girl is really charming, shy, sweet, and sometimes a bit savage. It is the type Qi Yu likes, and it fits his taste.

"Of course I do." Qi Yu has a sincere smile on his face, "also, I am not a student of this school. You can call me Qi Yu."

"Hannah Daisy, my name." Hannah also responded with a sweet smile, and then led Qi Yu through the campus gate and walked towards the cafe inside.

Actually, Hannah is not a pure silly white sweet. If Qi Yu is an ugly man, she would choose to bow to Qi Yu and thank her, and then go to her morning class separately.

Because Qi Yu is a handsome Chinese man and has a great body, Hannah was attracted even further, and she invited Qi Yu to go to school for coffee as a thank you.

It is true that Qi Yu also agreed to go to have a cup of coffee with Hanna because Hanna is a pretty woman. In terms of logic and mathematics, this is called "necessary and insufficient conditions."

In view of the 8:30 in the morning and also classes, the two of them left in a hurry after sitting in the cafe for less than 10 minutes.

Qi Yu helped Hannah hold the book, and prepared to send Hannah to the door of the classroom before leaving.

At the same time, Hannah was dreaming in her heart that it would be nice if Qi Yu was her boyfriend. An eight-foot man with a strong physique, handsome and considerate, if he could walk towards the classroom with his arm, he would definitely envy all the female students in the class!

Just when Qi Yu and Hannah left the cafe, there was a fierce noise from the grove, which attracted their attention.

"What happened?"

Qi Yu came to this kind of United States-style university for the first time. No Hannah is familiar with this, not quite clear what is going on, so Ask Hannah humblely.

However, Hannah didn't know the answer. She shook the head and approached the scene of the incident with Qi Yu.

After walking to the scene, Qi Yu saw that it turned out to be a big-breasted blonde girl with a hideous expression, who was pulling another soft girl's hair and slapped her cheeks "pa pa pa" , Slapped her face flushed.

No matter in terms of physical strength or personal imposing manner, the girl in jeans is not as good as the blonde with big breasts. even more how, behind the blonde and big breasted girl, there are still two of her sisters standing. Three against one, forgive you for not daring to resist!

"Bi Chi! You actually had breakfast with my boyfriend, how dare you hook up my boyfriend!"

"no! He came to me, I at first Just sitting there, I didn't hook him up!" The jeans girl explained cryingly, and the words contained a bit of begging for mercy.

It's a pity that the strength to bully the weak blonde female student not at all intends to let her go, and still continues to smoke the jeans girl's mouth.

Originally, Qi Yu didn't want to be nosy, especially this kind of love triangle, but since there are beautiful girls around oneself now, now that I see this kind of bullying injustice, Then you shouldn't stand idly by and can' t be coward!

Hannah saw that Qi Yu was going to come forward and blend in, but she quickly stopped him.

"Qi, I advise you not to go there. You definitely don't know who the woman's boyfriend is."

Hannah is not so strong, she has always followed It is best not to take care of the nosy life rules, otherwise, once you get into trouble, you will lose more than you gain.

Of course, in fact, Hannah said that. If Qi Yu really intends to take action to help, she would certainly not stop her. Anyway, Qi Yu is not a student of this school. The woman's boyfriend does have a lot of influence in the school, but once Qi Yu goes out of the scope of this school, her boyfriend will still find it difficult to trouble Qi Yu.

Hearing Hannah's dissuasion, especially Hannah admonishing him that the woman's boyfriend is a character not to be trifled with, Qi Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

How could I be afraid of her boyfriend?

Unless her boyfriend is Dan Xing, otherwise, even if her boyfriend is X-Men, it won't work. In front of strongest on earth, Invincible Hulk has to kneel when he comes!

Under this confidence with absolute strength, Qi Yu will always be a true man who dares to be a dare!


Qi Yu came to the blonde schoolgirl from a few meters away, reached out to hold her wrist, and stopped her continued slapstick violence.

Seeing that a man is nosy, the blonde female student relied on the influence of oneself boyfriend in the school, without fear, immediately raised her other hand, ready to slap another slap.

Uh, the target of her slap this time is not the jeans girl, but Qi Yu.

"Damn! If you don't agree with me, you will draw your face?"

Qi Yu secretly raised his other hand and grabbed the other wrist of the blonde girl student again.

Originally, Qi Yu planned to stop the blonde female student and let the beaten jeans girl leave safely, and oneself would get out of it, which was considered a perfection.

However, now that he saw that the other party dared to do something to oneself, and it was the dignified behavior of slapped men in public, Qi Yu immediately felt that this matter could not be settled so easily.

Two wrists were grabbed by Qi Yu. No matter how hard the blonde student struggled, she couldn't get rid of his hands.

"Let go! Otherwise, I will let Fleischer beat you to the hospital!"

The blonde female student admitted that her own strength is not as strong as the man in front of her, so she had to move out His boyfriend's name came to scare Qi Yu.

Freischer, the boyfriend of this blonde female student, is the all-around champion of the school's track and field team, football team, basketball team and football team. Not only is he burly physique, he has outstanding athletic ability, but he is also strong on campus. Many buddies, in short, can be said to be one of the few influential figures in the huge Imperial State University.

It is worth mentioning that Fleischer is actually the hateful guy who often bullies Peter Parker in the Spider-Man movie series.

The blonde girl student has every reason to believe that the yellow-skinned monkey in front of her must have heard of Fleischer's name.

After reporting Fleischer's name, the arrogant blonde schoolgirl immediately became complacent, with a proud sneer on her face.

She thinks that Qi Yu will definitely let her go, otherwise she will offend her domineering boyfriend Fleischer, and don't even think about getting involved in this school in the future.