
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 34

It has been several days since the night when Doctor Octopus was defeated.

In the past few days, Doctor Octopus, who was riddled with scars, was first sent to New York General Hospital. After discharge, he was directly handcuffed and thrown into Clinton Prison in the north of New York.

As for Qi Yu, he successfully got 20 million USD in suspension from the top five banks.

If an ordinary person catches Doctor Octopus by special means, they may not be able to get the 20 million USD provided by the five major banks as scheduled. After all, 20 million USD is not a small amount, so when the time comes The five major banks will talk to you about the probability.

But they absolutely dare not play tricks with Qi Yu. They have heard market rumors about Terminator. Terminator usually slaughters bad embryos directly and rudely. Besides, Even Kingpin, the former head of the New York underworld group, was destroyed by him. How dare they bankers offend Terminator for trifling 20 million USD?

even more how, the five major banks fulfilled their agreement to pay 20 million USD to Terminator. This kind of honest and positive marketing incident is talked about by the citizens after eating and drinking, and it also helps to improve their five major banks in the public in The image and credibility of mind.

In terms of taxes and fees, perhaps it means a little bit of goodwill. The New York City Taxation Bureau gave Terminator a special preferential policy and decree for the huge sum of money received, which is There is no need to pay a penny of taxes .

Otherwise, if you follow the normal process, at least 20% of the part will be eaten by the US Government.

In response to the New York government's thoughts, if New York City encounters a major crisis that is difficult to solve in the future, he Terminator when the time comes will consider taking action to help!

Qi Yu used 20 million USD to successfully purchase the private estate worth 18.88 million USD on the New York sales website.

This manor was originally called "Bu Laien Manor". The former owner was a wealthy businessman in Queens called Mr. Bu Laien. It was high-spirited and vigorous back then. It was a winner in life, but unfortunately a few years later due to business failure , Not only lost all the funds, but also owed a large amount of debt. Involuntarily, the manor that had lived for several years was mortgaged by the bank with a value of 10 million USD. Later, the bank sold the Bu Laien estate to Queens real estate agents for 12 million USD. The real estate developer carried out a certain degree of secondary decoration on this manor that had been used for several years, and then offered a price of 18.88 million USD on the sales website for sale . Finally, that is now, it was bought by Qi Yu, and fell into the name of Qi Yu.

Actually, if Qi Yu bought this manor under the name of Superhero Terminator at that time, it is estimated that the real estate agent would at least erase the "88" fraction of 18.88 million USD, which is not high Sold it to him at a discounted price of 18 million USD.

It's just that Qi Yu doesn't think this is necessary at all. Superhero can be high-profile when fighting criminals, but it is better to keep a low profile at ordinary times, otherwise it will definitely face all kinds of boring harassment and the troubles of being targeted by enemy influences.

For example, Iron Man in "Iron Man Trilogy" is a typical example. He disclosed his true identity to the whole society at a press conference as Tony Stark, so that he was later caught by the US The Government sent it to a military court to share Iron Man Armor technology, was fought with Hammer Industries with the whip, was destroyed by AIM's armed helicopters, and was taken away by his old enemy's girlfriend Pepper, and a series of troublesome things.

Qi Yu bought this Bu Laien Manor and obtained its legal property ownership, and then renamed it "Dragon's. Manor", ​​which means "Dragon's Manor".

Long's Manor, well, is more in line with his identity from a traditional Eastern country, both image and intriguing.

After spending 20 million USD and spending 18.88 million USD, Qi Yu used the remaining money to purchase some facilities for the manor and hired more than 20 manor members, including old steward, maid, chef, Guards and so on.

As a result, there is not much money left in Qi Yu's account.

It seems that after a while, I have to continue to think of ways to save money!

By the way, consider extorting a large sum of silver from the rich man Tony Stark!

The rising sun emerged from the gaps in the white clouds, revealing a half-hearted smile. The morning mist is like a veil, lingering in this quiet classical European-style manor.

A beam of warm sunlight passed through the window sill on the third floor, stroking Qi Yu's face like the tender hands of the sun Goddess.

Qi Yu dimly realizes that a new day seems to have begun!

The life of the rich is happiness!

No, after Qi Yu got up early in the morning, there was already a hard-working maid who prepared hot water for his bath.

After taking a comfortable shower in the minimalist bathroom, he walked into the luxurious and luxurious restaurant and enjoyed a rich and delicious breakfast.

When Qi Yu opened the door and walked into the courtyard of the manor, two Danish maids stood at the door and bowed respectfully to their host Qi Yu.

"I don't know if these maids will give the grass." This strange thought flashed through Qi Yu's mind.

With a faint smile on his face, Qi Yu paced leisurely and came to the courtyard outside the manor building.

The yard covers an area of ​​​​3,000 square meters. There is a small man-made lake, two Willow Trees fluttering in the wind, a few tall and tall acacias, and a large patch of green moist grass. A small walkway paved with cobblestones.

The scenery of the manor is indeed beautiful, Qi Yu's choice is not at all wrong.

New York criminals, especially Queens criminals, after experiencing Spider-Man arresting criminals and Terminator cruelly destroying The Hand, it can be said that they have all converged in recent days. A lot.

So these days, Qi Yu naturally has not collected any life energy.

After all, the Strongest System is a relatively positive system with three views. It will only extract life energy from Evil Lifeform. Justice lifeforms such as Daredevil, Spider-Man, and X-Men cannot be absorbed by the system. They even have a little life energy, so even if Qi Yu really has no targets to kill, they will not choose to kill them, these righteous characters, even more how Qi Yu is a good child with higher education.

In Qi Yu's view, perhaps the best way is to wait patiently.

Once waiting for some Supervillain to appear, must grab the lead of other Superhero and kill the new Supervillain!

There is nothing to do at the moment, Qi Yu decided to go outside, look at the beauties, look at the scenery, amuse Little Loli and so on, and use it to pass the boring time in the morning.

Although the economic situation of Queens is not as developed as that of Manhattan, it ranks very high in the world.

Wandering all the way in places like Queens, Qi Yu also saw the excitement and prosperity that he had never seen before.

Qi Yu looked down at his watch and found that it was less than eight o'clock right now, so he continued to walk around for a while, until he saw a huge stone tablet engraved with "Imperial State University". Then he stopped with great interest.

"Imperial State University…looks like Spider-Man Peter Parker, do you study in this school?"