
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 13


The steel nail thrown by Qi Yu is in the forehead center of Bullseye!

Bullseye's forehead was hit by a steel nail, and the eight-centimeter steel nail penetrated to a depth of four centimeters.

Of course, this is actually what Qi Yu calculated to shoot the steel needle, otherwise, if he really wants full strength, it is estimated that the steel needle will not only pierce Bullseye's skull but even pierce the atmosphere. It is very possible to fly out of the solar system.

The length of four centimeters deep into the head is enough to cause Bullseye's consciousness to gradually collapse, making him wait for Death God to come.

As Bullseye was shot in the forehead, his brain consciousness was suddenly blurred, his body lost its balance, and he fell off the motorcycle.

His head is dizzy. After getting up from the ground, he walks crookedly, on the verge of collapse, and he will fall to the ground at any time.

Qi Yu walked to Bullseye calmly and waved his hand: "Bye! Little baldy!"

After speaking, he made a murderous aura full of thorns. Fist, directly blasted Bullseye on the opposite side to death like fireworks!!

In a remote and dark alley, within a small area, a large amount of dark red blood was stained at this moment, scattered with a large amount of rotten meat, filled with a pungent bloody smell.

"Ding! Destroy 1 Ascended Evil Lifeform and absorb 1,000 Life Energy!"

After Qi Yu punched Supervillain Bullseye, the prompt from the Strongest System immediately appeared Sounded in my mind.

Qi Yu closed his eyes and browsed the character attribute panel, and found that the 130 point value in the "evolution goal" has now risen to 1130 points.

"Supervillain is really valuable! The life energy of one person is worth the life energy of a thousand people!"

Qi Yu couldn't help sighing, with a satisfied smile on his face. It seems that the two or three hours of waiting were not wasted.

After that, Qi Yu walked to the motorcycle that fell to the ground before Bullseye was alive, and confiscated the cool motorcycle.

After killing tonight's highlight Supervillain Bullseye, it is about 0.916666667, which is not too late.

Taking advantage of the high interest after harvesting 1,000 Life Energy, Qi Yu did not immediately return to the Queens Hotel to rest but rode this spoils of war motorcycle from Queens to Brooklyn.

Brooklyn's public security environment is also relatively poor in the Five Boroughs of New York. Robbery, murder, rape, and other bad cases often occur. These bad cases usually happen 30-40 times a day, and These are only recorded by the local police.

Unfortunately, Qi Yu wiped out 25 crime bases in Queens last night, which aroused strong vigilance from the New York criminal influence. Brooklyn, which is adjacent to Queens, may have been deterred. Tonight's crime rate has dropped significantly, and most of the gangsters have receded much more than usual.

Qi Yu only met 22 criminals after he swept from more than ten o'clock to the early morning. Compared with the 124 criminals last night, this number is too small.

But no matter how small a mosquito's leg is, it's meat. Relying on the life energy contributed by these 22 evil lifeforms, Qi Yu's EXP for Great Sage has temporarily accumulated to 1152 points.


The news of Bullseye's killing soon reached Kingpin's ears.

Bullseye, as the killer of The Hand, has helped Kingpin successfully assassinate dozens of thorny thorns in more than a decade, and in a sense has become Kingpin's, right-hand man.

So when he heard the news that Bullseye had been killed, he immediately slapped the desk in front of him angrily. It was almost crazy flustered and exasperated.

At this moment, on the top floor of Fisk Tower, in the office rendered with soft orange-yellow lighting, Kingpin took a big puff of the cigar.

Dense smoke flowed out of his nostrils. Kingpin spits out the smoke ring hard. Although his voice was low, it was full of vigorous tone: "Terminator, you are dead."

Kingpin beckoned and motioned to his male secretary to come over.

He whispered a few words in the ear of the male, the secretary listened to denomination, and then went out to do secretary errands…

The distant place is soft The grey dawn, the warm morning light spilled onto the earth, and an early morning full of bright clouds descended on New York as usual.

Lush and green artificially planted trees stand in great numbers On both sides of the city roads, flowers of deep purples and brilliant reds are clustered lazily on the green lawn, where the smell of gasoline and stone The city exudes the unique fresh fragrance of flowers and trees.

A ray of sunlight, plus a scent of fragrance floating in from the gap of the slightly open window, awakened Qi Yu in his sleep.

Stretching a comfortable waist, Qi Yu lifted the quilt and got up from the warm bed.

After going to the toilet and simply washing up, Qi Yu turns on the standard computer in the hotel room and enters a secret URL in Google Chrome.

He logged in to his account, entered the password, and entered a non-public website called "New York Black Market Union".

Qin Yu's inference was right. As soon as he logged into the website, he saw an explosive bounty message that was highlighted and highlighted in red.

The general meaning of this reward message is that the organization is willing to pay 1 billion USD to buy the head of "Terminator".

Then the following is a detailed description of the reward, such as Terminator's image characteristics, frequent visits to places, comprehensive evaluation of anti-assassination capabilities, and so on.

Although the bounty is anonymous, the well-known influence roughly knows that the anonymous bounty is most likely to be The Hand, the largest gang in New York State.

Despite these well-known influences, Terminator wiped out the 25 crime scenes that Kingpin placed in Queens overnight, knowing that Terminator should be extremely difficult to deal with.

However, Youdao is "There must be a brave man under the heavy money", 1 billion USD is a huge reward enough to make them make any crazy actions!

Of course, there are many small influences or individuals whose news is relatively closed. It is not clear who Terminator calls, what abilities it has, and what organizations have offended.

For example, Deadpool, which is used to doing it alone, is like this.

Deadpool only his mother knows, the number of 1 billion USD is horrendous!

His Deadpool is well-known in the killer world of the United States. He usually takes one assassination mission and the reward is only several million dollars, and the most one is less than 30 million USD.

However, nowadays, a mysterious Big Boss directly offers 1 billion USD, which is an astronomical figure that makes people happy and suffocating!

As long as the ticket is finished, it will be enough for Deadpool to quit.

"This bad luck ghost who calls himself Terminator, obediently wash it and wait, your Uncle Wade is coming soon to take your head!"

Deadpool switches the computer screen to the Music interface while listening to the dynamic heavy metal music twisting his butt while wiping his pair of Adamantium katana with a towel, "Baby, I haven't pampered you for more than ten days, don't worry, you will be in handy soon. That's it!"
