
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 12

Sunset at dusk, and night falls.

Tonight is the third day-night of Qi Yu crossing over to Marvel Universe, and it is also the night after he wiped out Kingpin's influence in Queens.

This night, with the help of the dim night, Qi Yu put on a black skull mask and deliberately wandered around in the remote alleys of Queens.

His main purpose is not to hunt down criminals on the street, but deliberately expose him in the enemy's field of vision in this way, so that Kingpin's gangsters can discover his presence and inform them of his presence. Boss Kingpin.

Qi Yu hopes that Kingpin will send someone over to kill him, the more the better! Of course, what Qi Yu actually wants to see is that Kingpin directly dispatched Ace Killer Bullseye to assassinate him.

In this way, within two or three hours, Qi Yu pretended to patrol fifteen alleys, waiting for Bullseye, who could send 1,000 Life Energy, to take the bait.

During this period, Qi Yu only caught a middle-aged man who was leaning against the garbage dump. According to the system scan, he is a habitual offender who often molests women who have missed their feet and meets the evaluation criteria of an evil lifeform . Qi Yu killed him and drew 1 Life Energy.

What is not disappointing is that when Qi Yu walked to the 16th remote alley and was about to go back to the hotel to rest, Bullseye finally appeared!

Seeing the appearance of Bullseye, Qi Yu suddenly felt with emotion: It's finally here, my rich experience!

At the entrance of the bleak alley, a bald head riding a cool motorcycle, the right hand repeatedly turns the handlebars that control the speed, and rushes aggressively toward Qi Yu!

Faced with such an offensive, Qi Yu slammed on his side like a gust of wind, and successfully avoided Bullseye's motorcycle collision attack.

Along with the harsh sound generated by the friction between rubber tires and the stone ground, Bullseye controlled the motorcycle to a lightning drift-style emergency stop and again faced Qi Yu ten meters away.

Bullseye's anger was wide, and a pair of fierce eyes looked up and down at Qi Yu, with a grim expression, as if he wanted to strip Qi Yu alive.

"You are the Terminator who is rumored to kill my boss 107 guys?" Jumping off the motorcycle, Bullseye twisted his head, eccentrically questioning Qi Yu.

"No, you made a mistake. There are 108." Qi Yu corrected Bullseye's mistake.


"Yes, including you, it happens to be 108."

"Arrogant! I'm Uncle Bullseye tonight, Must give you a good lesson!"

Following the sulky and manic voice, Bullseye took out a steel nail from his arms and pinched it firmly in the belly of the right finger, holding the body continuously inside the body. Motivation is instilled into the belly of the fingers.

The bright moonlight shines on the steel nails, and a ray of cold light flashes across the steel nails, cold and solemn, the murderous aura is pressing.


The sharp steel nails pierced the cold air, and a series of chilly wind broke.

The hard metal material, sharp steel nail tips, coupled with huge recoil, and Bullseye's nearly perfect projectile ability, are enough to pierce any target his eyes are locked in!

Bullseye is very confident, even if the opposite is a steel plate ten centimeters thick, he can completely pierce it with this one-shot!

However, what makes Bullseye suspect in life is that Qi Yu just casually raised his hand, and easily caught the amazing steel nail of formidable power and clamped it between the index and middle fingers of the right hand. In between, it seems as easy as blowing off dust, very simple and casual.

Bullseye rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had made a mistake.

To find out if he was wrong, Bullseye then continued to project the second, third, and fourth steel nails.

Without exception, they were all caught by Qi Yu one after another, and Qi Yu still used his two "sky-defying" fingers.

"Hey, Bald, are you playing a little child game? Would you please aim a little bit? Would you please use your strength? Would you please be faster?"

Qi Yu deliberately turned on his taunt mode. In the face of Overlord Lifeform's absolute crushing power, Bullseye, as Ascended Lifeform, is not an ant, but at best it can only be regarded as a chick that's all with a little bit of ability.

In terms of aiming ability, Bullseye knows that his shooting level is extremely excellent; in terms of strength, the power formed by his arm in the explosion is equivalent to the recoil of an AK47; in terms of speed, it can also be described as very fast.

However, after shooting four steel nails in a row, they still failed to cause any damage to the enemy. Even the enemy was just casual and easy to resolve the own strong attack.

This makes Bullseye, who has had a killer's career for more than ten years, feel unimaginable, it's incredible!

Of course, in addition to the absolute shock, it was also a kind of irritation in his heart that was underestimated by the enemy, as if he was in front of the enemy, like a boring child.

Bullseye, who can't be irritated and provoked, is ready to make a real move and make a big move!

He inserted his hands into his arms, took out eight steel nails at a time, and clamped them between the eight fingers.

Stable the bottom plate, the full strength of both arms and arms erupted, and the eight steel nails in the hands were projected out at once!

Don't look at this as a simple drop. The eight nails are aimed at Qi Yu's eyebrows, throat, heart, aorta, left knee, right knee, left elbow, and right hand. elbow.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is still like a chasm.

Faced with the eight densely packed steel nails, Qi Yu still stood still, but the dragonfly touches the water and lightly moved his right hand.

Immediately, unfolding his palm, the eight steel nails are piled up in the palm of his palm!

He deliberately used this scene to stimulate Bullseye's eyeballs.

"no! impossible! This is impossible!"

Bullseye clutched his bald head and roared hysterically.

His strongest skill is eight stitches! It was so casually cracked, that it made him feel depressed from the heart!

Although flustered and exasperated, a trace of reason in his mind tells Bullseye that this opponent is extremely strong and cannot be defeated by his ability!

So, Bullseye resisted the anger and unwillingness in his heart, raised his thigh, and quickly stepped onto the motorcycle, ready to leave here as soon as possible on the motorcycle.

It's a reasonable idea to run away if you can't beat it.

Qi Yu witnessed this scene and realized that Bullseye was about to run away.

Qi Yu used his thumb to fix a steel nail in the palm of his hand calmly and flipped his palm to dump the other seven nails in his palm.

Seven steel nails fell on the ground, and there was a crisp metal sound. The engine of the motorcycle under Bullseye's seat made a louder noise, which concealed the soft sound of the steel nails.

The thumb and index finger pinched the steel nail, Qi Yu squinted slightly, aiming at the cross tattoo design on Bullseye's forehead more than ten meters away.


The steel nail pierced the red dot in the center of Bullseye's forehead with the lightning bolt!!