
Marvel's Strongest System

As soon as Qi Yu crossed the Marvel world, he was given a level of 9999 power by the omnipotent strongest system. Captain America: “I have an indestructible vibrating shield!” Qi Yu gave a silent punch, and the shield shattered… Hulk: “I will destroy a city when I lose control!” Qi Yu silently slapped him, Huoke rushed to the street… Deadpool: “I am immortal, there is a kind of come and hit me!” Holding the pig-killing knife bought from the vegetable market yesterday, Qi Yu chopped the Deadpool into a hundred pieces and threw it into the septic tank… In short, this is a story of a guy who is close to the full level and waved in the Marvel world. ( Cover is not mine) (MTL Translation) (WARNING! You will enter the dao of Chinese fanfic, once you enter you wil have a continuous of brain damage) (This is a chine fanfic and it's not my work. so expect some patriotism and racism) (Read at your own risk)

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Marvel’s Strongest System Chapter 11

After the taxi watching Emma Watson left, Qi Yu hurried back to the scene of the crime and took off his eye-catching coat from the body of a gangster.

Qi Yu just wrapped his black coat on Emma Watson's broken shirt, and he is the dignified Superhero "Terminator" after all, so you can't wear a sweater to fight criminals in the second half of the night Right? It would be better to change the name to "The Lineman".

So, Qi Yu stripped off the gangster's jacket and put it on her body. By the way, all the cash in the four gangster pockets was searched out and confiscated. Regrettably, the four gangsters did not carry any cash on them, and the total net worth of the four gangsters totaled less than 200 USD.

After putting on his coat, Qi Yu continued to search for evil criminals in other remote alleys.

This time his lucky thief was so lucky. Among the three killed, one of them was a small gang leader arranged by The Hand in Queens.

Qi Yu obtained from the small gang leader the addresses of 25 bars and nightclubs and other crime bases arranged by Kingpin in Queens.

In fact, those bars and nightclubs are not well-regulated business establishments, and their main income is not their on-the-surface legal operating income, but the various illegal incomes in the dark. Such as drug dealing, sex trading, arms trading, and occasionally setting up bureaus for the wealthy people, the people who get the money go bankrupt, and their wives are scattered.

Although these things are actually illegal, it is undeniable that they all have one thing in common-huge profits!

Huge profit margins and crazy profit margins, so the existence of these illegal activities in bars and nightclubs have become the inevitability of Queens night.

Even more, how, they are the biggest gang leader in New York, an industry-owned by Kingpin!

According to this map marked with 25 bars and nightclubs owned by Kingpin, Qi Yu conducted a sudden sweep of the 25 crime strongholds in Queens that night. For an Overlord Lifeform, killing the ordinary person holding these knives and guns can be described with domineering adjectives such as "like a hot knife through butter", "invincible", "unbecoming", and "crushing all the way" and so on.

In just one night, 124 criminals who were evaluated by the system as "evil lifeforms" died on Qi Yu's fist. Among these people, most of them are from the Kingpin gang, and the rest are criminals from other influences.

In fact, Qi Yu encountered a total of 186 bad criminals in the process of raiding these 25 crime bases. However, among these 186 people, 62 of them did not meet the criteria of an evil lifeform, which means that 62 of them are non-evil lifeforms evaluated by the system. If Qi Yu kills these 62 people, he won't draw any valuable life energy, so killing it will be considered a dead kill.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the deep in one's hearts 62 of them should still retain a greater conscience. They are not really bad guys. Maybe they are just forced by the bad life situation and forced to do so. Doing bad things for the criminal organization of The Hand, these people have a certain hope to get back to the right. Of course, another situation is not ruled out. A small number of these 62 people may be undercover justice sent by the New York Police. The mission is to enter the enemy to collect evidence and so on, so the system not at all puts this undercover. The class is an evil lifeform.

It is worth mentioning that after Qi Yu single-handedly destroyed the influence of Kingpin's 25 crime bases in Queens, he also deliberately left a piece of a corpse on each site. A wooden sign with "END" written with a brush.

The "END" wooden sign means that it was done by his Terminator and the hidden subtext of Qi Yu is Kingpin. Come to my Terminator if you want to. Don't find the wrong person, such as What about Daredevil, Power Man, Kick-Ass, and other heroes.

After returning to the hotel, Qi Yu lay directly on the bed, with his arms resting on his head, his eyes looked towards the ceiling, but his focus was in midair.

Close my eyes slightly, enter the Strongest System in my mind, and check the character attribute interface.

Host: Qi Yu

Life Level: Overlord

Evolution Goal: Great Sage (129/1,000,000)

Plane: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Current Location: Earth, Best Western Plus Plaza Hotel

The greedy householder who was killed by Qi Yu in the demolition area last night contributed 1 Life Energy to him; tonight is in a remote alley The 4 bad gangsters slaughtered also brought him 4 Life Energy; in addition to the 124 bad guys that Jin arranged in Queens' 25 crime bases, there was another 124 Life Energy.

Together, the total life energy Qi Yu currently draws from the evil lifeform is 129 points.

"Only crossing over to this World in less than two days, I have already collected 129 Life Energy. Not bad!"

"Unfortunately, the opponents I met tonight were too weak, Only use those daggers and pistols that are more boring than toys. It's easier to kill them than to squeeze the ants. They are all done with fists."

"These NPCs used to level up are the same, except for everyone. In addition to contributing a little life energy, there is no fun in fighting."

"However, there seems to be a guy named 'Bullseye', he is the chief assassin of Kingpin, and the battle strength is Biao. Hehe, from an Ascended Life Level Supervillain corpse, you can get 1,000 Life Energy!"

Qi Yu watched a movie called "Daredevil" and knew that there was something under Kingpin's seat A terrifying ace killer is called Bullseye.

Bullseye has a nearly perfect projectile ability, he can make any object in his hand throw at the target accurately with incredible lethality. Kingpin has witnessed Bullseye's several unimaginable true projections. For example, he spits out his mouth's teeth to penetrate the opponent's skull, spouted a toothpick held in his mouth to stab an enemy 100 meters away, and used playing cards from far away. Slash someone's throat, etc.

In addition to the powerful ability of super projectile ability, Bullseye is also a sharpshooter who specializes in firearms, an archer proficient in bows and arrows, and a professional martial artist. Moreover, his physical fitness is very superior, his skill is strong and his reaction is quick.

Although Qi Yu knows very well that with his crushing strength comparable to Cosmic Villain Thanos, Bullseye can still be solved with one punch, Bullseye, an extraordinary Supervillain, can indeed bring him A little real fighting fun.

Even more how, Bullseye's Ascended Evil Lifeform can contribute 1,000 points of rich life energy. The 1,000 Life Energy contained in his body is what Qi Yu values.

Killing 1 Supervillain Bullseye and absorbing 1,000 Life Energy can be considered as being close to home with more money, very cost-effective!

It's just that Qi Yu's biggest concern at the moment is whether Kingpin's Ace Killer Bullseye will take action?

To be honest, Qi Yu is not 100% sure, but he still has 50% sure.