
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Movies
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147 Chs

Chapter 62

Standing at the entrance of the grand starship dock, Lydia watches Carol ascend into the ship. She raises her hand in a farewell gesture, a mixture of concern and love flickering in her eyes. Once Carol's figure disappears into the spacecraft, the immense doors of the dock close, and Lydia is left alone.

She retreats back into the seclusion of her private quarters, where she settles into a meditative position, cross-legged, on a plush rug. Her eyes close, her body relaxes, and her mind focuses, creating a conduit to the Reality Stone. She opens herself up, and like a mighty river, the energy of the Stone rushes in, flooding her body with a power that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Lydia rides this surge of energy, controlling it, guiding it into every corner of her being. As she draws more of the Reality Stone's power into herself, her senses heighten, and her perception warps and changes. Suddenly, a darkness shrouds her mind, creeping in like a silent predator. It engulfs her, replacing the vibrant energies of the Stones with a black void that consumes everything.

Her Mind Stone, Power Stone, and Space Stone energies escape her control, seeping out and swirling in an eerie dance with the pervasive darkness. Fear clutches at her heart, but Lydia, having faced countless horrors, fights to retain her composure.

Then she feels it—a gaze. The feeling of a million unseen eyes boring into her soul from the darkness. Something, no, some things were there, lurking in the abyss, watching her, studying her. Lydia, caught in the crosshairs of the invisible eyes, finds herself seized by an icy dread that sends chills down her spine.

In an instant, she cuts the connection, retreating from the dark void. The energies of the Stones return to her, nestling back into their respective places within her body. Lydia jerks back, opening her eyes wide. The room comes into focus, a stark contrast to the darkness that had threatened to consume her moments before.

A cold sweat coats her body, soaking her clothes and making her shiver. She takes deep, ragged breaths, attempting to calm her racing heart. As the fear subsides, confusion takes its place. What just happened? What was that darkness, and what were those...things? Questions whirl in her mind, leaving her dazed and apprehensive.

The encounter with the unseen entities within the darkness left Lydia shaken. As she processed the strange event, she knew one thing for certain: something was brewing in the darkness, and she would need to be ready for whatever emerged from it.

Months had passed since Lydia's eerie encounter in the depths of the Reality Stone's power. While she still continued her absorption of its energy, she did so with the utmost care, wary of the strange entities that lurked in its darkness. Like an explorer venturing into an uncharted territory, she tread carefully, fully aware of the risks that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, light-years away, Carol Danvers represented the Genoshian Empire in a high-stakes negotiation with Tarkus, leader of the Andromedan system. Seated in a grand chamber that echoed with the hushed whispers of anxious representatives, they discussed terms of a potential peace agreement. Tension hung in the air like a thick fog, every word weighed with the gravity of their implications.

Despite the proposal heavily favoring the Genoshian Empire, Carol refused to waver. Her stance was firm, unyielding. Tarkus, with the Starshard in his possession, found her audacity bewildering. He couldn't understand her fearless demeanor, especially in the face of the ancient weapon's power. Doubt crept into his mind, seeding uncertainty and threatening his once unshakable resolve. The balance of power seemed to be shifting, and Tarkus was finding it increasingly hard to keep his footing.

In the Veil Nebula, a vibrant region of space dusted with brightly colored stars and interstellar gases, the Genoshian fleet patrolled. They moved through the star system with an imposing grace, their metallic hulls gleaming in the light of distant suns. Their actions were a clear statement of power as they neutralized pirates and raiders, preserving the fragile peace.

Parallel to them, ships of the Shi'ar Empire also patrolled the same star systems. The tension between the two factions was palpable, a simmering pot ready to boil over at any moment. It was a cold war, a battle of attrition, each side trying to outdo the other in a subtle power play.

The star system had become a chessboard, and the ships were pawns in a complex game of galactic politics. Whenever the same pirates were targeted by both sides, it resulted in a strange and childish competition, a rush to secure the kill. Despite the severity of their duties, these instances seemed to reduce the tension to a playground rivalry, albeit one with potentially catastrophic consequences.

These were the scenes that unfolded across different parts of the universe. All the while, the omnipresent entity Sir, the ruler of the Multiverse and Omniverse, watched on, his enigmatic gaze tracking the movements and decisions of the chess pieces in his cosmic game. A large smile appears in his face.


In the grand throne room of the Shi'ar Empire, Majestrix Lilandra stood surrounded by her council, her presence commanding the vast, opulent space. The high ceilings adorned with intricate murals echoed the intense discussions below, while the lustrous gold and deep burgundy decor highlighted the sheer power and prestige of the Shi'ar.

"Genoshia's swift expansion cannot be ignored any longer," Lilandra stated, her voice resonating with authority. Her advisers, comprising of high-ranking military officers, diplomats, and other influential members of Shi'ar society, listened intently.

A seasoned diplomat, Councillor Vr'N-Xak, stepped forward. "Majestrix, the Genoshian Empire's influence is spreading at an unprecedented rate. Their recent annexation from the Nova Corps puts us in a precarious position."

The military adviser, General Korvus, a towering figure with a fierce gaze, nodded in agreement. "And now they have their sights set on the Veil Nebula. We cannot allow them to acquire such vast reserves of Quantinium."

There was a murmur of agreement through the room. The Veil Nebula was a game-changer. The rare energy source it housed could significantly tip the power balance in the galaxy.

"I suggest we send the Imperial Guard to assert our claim," Korvus continued, his voice firm. "Their presence alone should be enough to halt the Genoshians."

Murmurs of agreement filled the room, but one voice stood out against the others. It was the sage-like voice of Councillor Els Udonta, one of the oldest and wisest among them. "While I agree that we need to make a show of force, sending the entire Imperial Guard may be too provocative. It could trigger an all-out war."

A hush fell over the room. Lilandra looked at Udonta, her eyes holding a silent question. Udonta responded, "Instead, we should consider sending Gladiator. He is our Praetor, our strongest warrior. His presence alone will signify our resolve, and he has the strength to act as a bulwark against the Genoshian fleet."

There was a pause as the council absorbed his words. Lilandra looked thoughtful. "Gladiator is a symbol of our strength and resolve. He carries with him the honor and might of the Shi'ar Empire. His presence in the Veil Nebula would send a clear message to the Genoshian Empire... and to the rest of the galaxy."

The council, after a brief discussion, agreed unanimously. Lilandra's decision was clear, "We send Gladiator to the Veil Nebula. Let this be our statement, loud and clear: The Shi'ar Empire will not stand by while others infringe on what is rightfully ours. Prepare the decree, and inform Gladiator of his new mission."

With a firm nod, the council members disbursed, each carrying with them the weight of the impending clash in the Veil Nebula. The Shi'ar Empire had made its move. Now, they would wait to see how the Genoshian Empire would respond.


In the heart of the Shi'ar Empire's central command, the imposing figure of Gladiator, the Praetor of the Imperial Guard, dominated the space. His powerful form radiated a sense of coiled energy and preparedness. His body, enhanced by Strontian Physiology and further augmented by the Gladiator process, was a testament to the might of the Shi'ar Empire.

His skin, the color of a clear summer sky, contrasted sharply against the golden uniform he wore, a symbol of his status and role. His dark, Mohawk-styled hair, a hallmark of his Strontian heritage, stood tall and proud, framing his strong facial features.

The spacious room was filled with the hum of advanced technology. Shi'ar scientists and officers worked diligently at their stations, ensuring the smooth operation of the Empire's formidable military strength. High-tech screens displayed star maps and data, their soft glow casting an ethereal light onto the Strontian warrior.

Suddenly, a Shi'ar officer, uniform crisp and demeanor respectful, approached Gladiator. "Praetor Kallark," he began, holding out a holographic device, "We have received a decree from Majestrix Lilandra."

Gladiator took the device, his large hands making the high-tech gadget seem small and delicate. A holographic projection of Lilandra appeared, her voice echoing in the silent room.

"Gladiator, the Veil Nebula is under threat from the Genoshian Empire. Your strength and resolve are required to maintain the honor and territory of the Shi'ar Empire."

A slow smile spread across Gladiator's face. His eyes sparkled with anticipation. The Genoshian Empire, a power that had risen with an astonishing speed and ferocity, was something that he was eager to assess personally. His blood sang with the promise of a challenge, the opportunity to test his might against a worthy opponent.

"Prepare for your assignment, Praetor," Lilandra continued, "We are counting on you to be the shield that guards the Shi'ar Empire."

"As you command, Majestrix," Gladiator responded, his voice resonating with confidence and an undeniable sense of thrill.

His heat beams lit up briefly in excitement, revealing the intensity of his eagerness. A display of power that the officers around him were more than used to, yet it still sent a wave of awe through the command center.

Gladiator took a moment, looking at the hologram of the Veil Nebula. His micro-vision examined every detail, his mind already starting to strategize. He would go, and he would stand as the bulwark against the Genoshian fleet, the unyielding shield of the Shi'ar Empire.

His heart pulsed with exhilaration as he thought of the coming challenge. The Genoshian Empire would soon learn the full might of Kallark, the Gladiator, and the relentless strength of the Shi'ar Empire.


In the infinite expanse of space that made up the Veil Nebula, an invisible line was drawn. It was a boundary that no Genoshian ship dared to cross, a border maintained by a single, formidable presence. Gladiator, the Praetor of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard.

For weeks, the towering figure of Kallark had held his ground. Like a celestial statue forged of raw power and unyielding resolve, he stood in space, the golden rays of distant suns glinting off his uniform. His eyes, capable of emitting beams hotter than the core of a star, kept a watchful vigil on the encroaching Genoshian fleet.

His commanding figure, radiating invincible power, was a beacon of refusal against any attempt to trespass into Shi'ar territory. Each time a Genoshian ship tried to maneuver past him, Gladiator would simply glide towards it. With a speed that defied logic, he would reach the ship, his large hands enveloping it with ease.

He handled them as one would a delicate toy, effortlessly pushing them back without so much as a dent. Even when he exerted his strength, it was controlled, a deliberate display of force designed to assert authority rather than destroy. To the Genoshian fleet, it was a terrifying demonstration of power.

On the flagship of the Genoshian fleet, the overseeing captain watched the scenario unfold, his mind heavy with concern. Each attempt to cross the invisible line resulted in the same outcome. Each Genoshian ship that attempted to outmaneuver the lone guardian was promptly, and easily, returned to its original position.

The captain's face was etched with frustration. His fleet, a symbol of Genoshian military might, was being held at bay by a single individual. And yet, he understood the implications of escalating the situation. Gladiator's power was on full display, a stark reminder of the strength of the Shi'ar Empire. Firing upon him would not only instigate an all-out war but also assuredly result in the decimation of his fleet.

Grudgingly, the captain decided to relay the situation back to Central Command. He moved to the ship's communication console, the blue light from the panel illuminating his stern features. As he relayed the details of the situation, his voice was heavy with the gravity of their predicament.

"Central Command, this is the overseer of the Genoshian Fleet in the Veil Nebula. We're unable to proceed past Shi'ar defenses. Gladiator is singlehandedly containing our movement. Our current tactics are ineffective. We await further instructions."

His words were met with a heavy silence from the other end, a silence that filled the spaceship and echoed the vast, quiet space outside where Gladiator stood, an unmovable sentinel between the two empires.

Decided to take a bit of time to go back and edit some of the previous chapters. Wanted to keep my writing the same. Will release chapters a little slower this week while i'm doing that. Thanks for reading!

Tomlishcreators' thoughts