
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Movies
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Chapter 52

As the wail of sirens and the red and blue lights from the police cars fill the space, Ivy and Spider-Man make their exit. The sight of Octavius being hauled away is a stark reminder of the carnage left in his wake.

"Steve, Tony, we've handled things here," Nina's voice is steady over the comms, relief evident in her tone. The first part of their mission was complete, but there was still much work left to do.

Tony's response comes in with his usual flair of sarcasm. "Well, it's about time. For a second there, I thought you'd need a little help from your old mentor."

His lighthearted banter lightens the somber mood, his voice carrying a sense of ease despite the chaos of the day. Nina can't help but chuckle at his comment. Tony's always had a way of diffusing tension with humor.

He proceeds to give an update about the Devil's Breath situation. He sounds surprisingly calm as he mentions having a lead on an antiserum, explaining that he got hold of Dr. Morgan Michaels, the project lead of the dreaded virus.

"Give it an hour and we should have the antiserum," Tony says, his tone confident and hopeful. His assurance is a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, as reports of mild symptoms appearing among those infected by the Devil's Breath begin to trickle in.

Nina, ever the dutiful team member, offers to assist but her words hint at her preference to stay alongside Spider-Man. Steve and Tony pick up on it, a shared understanding passing between them.

"Looks like you've had a long day, Ivy," Tony teases her over the comms, "Why don't you take a break? Spend some quality time with your...boyfriend."

Nina chuckles at Tony's teasing remark, the camaraderie between them evident even amidst the crisis. With a last few assurances that they have things under control, she signs off from the comms, leaving her to her peace amidst the ongoing chaos.

Silhouetted against the vast cityscape, Ivy and Spider-Man make their way up a tall skyscraper, the concrete behemoth offering a panoramic view of the city they've just saved. Perched on the ledge, Peter, with his mask off now, seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, his eyes reflecting the flashing lights of the city below.

It's been a taxing day, and Peter looks every bit as worn as he feels. His mentor had betrayed him, and he'd been thrust into a battle of life and death. As he grapples with the day's events, Peter can't help but wonder - could he have prevented all of this?

Sitting beside him, Nina can see the torment in his eyes. Even without him speaking, she can sense the guilt that's eating away at him. She's been there, knowing how it feels when you think you could've changed something, prevented a catastrophe.

Nina reaches out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Her voice, when she speaks, is soft and assuring. "Peter," she says, "this isn't your fault. You couldn't have predicted what Octavius would do."

He gives a small nod, acknowledging her words but not entirely convinced. His gaze remains fixated on the cityscape, lost in a sea of what-ifs and if-onlys.

Sitting there beside him, Nina allows her thoughts to drift. Over the past few days, their relationship had taken a turn that she hadn't expected. Peter, who was initially just an associate, a fellow superhero, had become so much more. His courage, his relentless determination, and the strength of his character had drawn her in.

As she watches him, his profile illuminated by the city's ambient glow, she realizes that her feelings for Peter run deeper than she had initially thought. There's an inexplicable bond that's developed, one that she's unsure of but is not unwilling to explore.

It's a quiet moment amidst the chaos of their lives, a slice of peace in the never-ending battle they fight. And as they sit there, shoulder to shoulder, silently comforting each other, they realize that no matter what lies ahead, they have each other to lean on.

In the backdrop of the shimmering city, Nina turns over the thought of their age difference in her mind. She, being 36, and Peter, a good eleven years her junior at 25. A smile tugs at her lips as she imagines the playful teasing she'd receive from Yelena if she knew about this.

But age, in Nina's perspective, was a mere number. The advanced super soldier serum coursing through her veins, along with the healing abilities bestowed upon her, had seemingly halted her physical aging at 22. Her body was young, agile, and resilient, defying the march of time.

A quiet contemplation fills the space between them, and in that silence, Nina makes her decision. Acknowledging her burgeoning feelings for Peter, she decides to take a step forward.

As they sit there, shoulder to shoulder, Nina reaches out and intertwines her fingers with Peter's, a silent affirmation of the bond they've developed. Peter, initially taken aback by the unexpected gesture, doesn't pull away. Instead, he warmly reciprocates, his fingers gently encircling hers.

Their entwined fingers become a symbol of their unspoken connection, a silent promise of companionship. There is no need for words now, for their actions convey more than any spoken affirmation could. They sit there, quietly, their hearts resonating with an understanding that goes beyond words.

In that moment, atop a skyscraper overlooking the city they'd sworn to protect, their bond deepens, strengthening under the gentle weight of mutual affection and shared experiences. This was not just about a superhero partnership anymore; it had evolved into something more profound and personal.


Weeks turn into months, and the city of New York slowly recovers from the crisis that had plunged it into chaos. With the departure of Silver Sable, a new normal begins to settle in, the city's denizens finding their footing amidst the aftermath of the devastation.

In an unassuming corner of the city, Miles Morales discovers a peculiar change within himself, a transformation sparked by a bite from an escaped spider from Osborn's lab. Meanwhile, Peter and Nina navigate through their evolving relationship, the delicate dance of their feelings leading them to a more significant commitment.

On a sunny afternoon, while sitting in the modest yet comfortable living room of her apartment, Nina gathers her courage. She looks over at Peter, her gaze soft yet determined, "Peter," she starts, her voice calm but betraying a hint of nervousness, "I think it's time we... took a step forward. I want you to move in with me."

Peter, caught off guard, blinks at her in surprise. It takes a moment for Nina's words to sink in. When they do, he can't help but feel a rush of excitement mingled with uncertainty. "You mean... live together?" he clarifies, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nina nods, her gaze steady on his, "Yes, Peter. Live together."

Peter is silent for a while, and for a moment, Nina worries she might have misjudged their relationship. But then, a soft smile spreads across Peter's face, "Okay," he finally replies, "Let's do this."

Their shared excitement over this new chapter of their relationship overshadows the hassle of moving. With the help of Miles, Peter's transition from his small apartment to Nina's place is seamless. It's during this period that Miles reveals his newfound powers to Peter. Taken aback yet understanding, Peter reveals his own secret identity, creating a deeper bond of trust and mentorship.

In stark contrast, at an undisclosed location, Norman Osborn, resigned and disgraced, looks upon his son Harry, suspended in a holding tank filled with a mysterious black substance. As he places his hand on the tank, the substance reacts, a chilling mirroring of his gesture. The meaning of this strange occurrence is yet to be understood.


Nina covertly travels to the secret location of the ship she arrived in, the Ares MK 2. Amid the soft hum of the spaceship's engine, Nina paces the deck of the Ares MK 2, her fingertips skimming over the sleek surfaces of the consoles. Her eyes glint with a profound admiration as she gazes upon the testament to Genoshian ingenuity. The vessel itself is a beacon of technological prowess, its design a perfect blend of form and function. Cloaked in cool metallic hues, the ship stands as a symbol of might and resilience, its structure augmented with precious alloys of Uru, Vibranium, and Adamantium.

The vessel, despite its modest size, is an embodiment of power. Its reputation is well-known across the galaxies, capable of engaging an entire Kree fleet and emerging victorious. This is largely due to the meticulous design put forth by Empress Lydia and Astrid, who chose to incorporate valuable metals in crucial areas, bolstering its structural integrity and weaponry.

Nina, a warrior in her own right, fits perfectly amidst the ship's powerful aura. Her formidable demeanor and unyielding resolve complement the raw strength and resilience of the Ares MK 2. Her black suit, embedded with intricate designs, is striking against the spaceship's metallic environment, a reflection of her readiness and unwavering commitment to the mission at hand.

Her green eyes shimmer with anticipation as she confirms the readiness of the communication systems with her AI, V. The AI, always diligent, confirms the system's readiness. As the hum of the communicator grows louder, marking the establishment of a connection with New Genosha, Nina kneels. Her heart pounds in her chest, not out of fear, but out of deep respect and anticipation.

She reveres Lydia Howlett, seeing the Empress not only as a figure of inspiration but also as a mentor. And as she prepares to make her report, she is reminded once again of her mission's importance, fueling her determination and courage to ensure the safety and justice of mutantkind. The hum of the communicator fills the ship, setting the stage for her impending conversation with the Empress. The deck of the Ares MK 2, a symbol of mutant strength and ingenuity, serves as the perfect backdrop for this crucial conversation.

The glow of Lydia's hologram illuminates the deck of the Ares MK 2, casting long shadows that dance along the spaceship's gleaming surface. As her form materializes on the throne, there's a heaviness in the air, a silent testament to her authority and regality. Lydia's contemplative gaze finds Nina, who kneels with her head bowed in respect, the weight of her Empress's stern gaze pressing upon her shoulders.

Lydia, adorned in her regal attire, her throne reflecting her superior status, requests a report, her tone expectant yet laced with a hint of dissatisfaction. It's an emotion that Nina knows all too well. It's not anger, but a quiet disappointment, the kind that comes with unmet expectations. Gathering her courage, Nina begins to recount the events, leaving no detail untouched, not even her relationship with Peter.

Lydia pinches the bridge of her nose, a sign of her frustration. Her mind races through the information, piecing together a timeline of the incidents. Nina, a valuable operative assigned to maintain balance on Earth and possibly sway the Avengers in crucial events, was supposed to stay focused. But her recent actions, especially her involvement with Peter, was a curveball Lydia didn't anticipate.

The Empress releases a long sigh, her thoughts turning to the young woman before her. She cares for Nina like a sister, yet her position as the Empress necessitates her to hold everyone to the same standards, regardless of personal feelings.

The warning Lydia imparts is stern but necessary. Nina, her role shrouded in utmost secrecy, can't afford to disclose her ties to the Genoshian Empire, and most certainly not her affiliation with Lydia Howlett. Her Empress's final words resonate in the still air, a stark reminder of the consequences of recklessness - reassignment.

Nina receives her Empress's words with utmost respect, acknowledging them with a quiet, "Yes, Empress." The tension eases slightly, replaced by a palpable resolve that fills the air, testament to Nina's renewed dedication to her mission. The hologram flickers one last time before dissipating, leaving Nina in the silent embrace of the Ares MK 2

Nina stands tall, her silhouette illuminated by the faint glow of the ship's control panel. Her armor, once imbued with a myriad of colors, now morphs back to the striking shade of light red, a color that has come to symbolize Ivy, her superhero persona. It gleams under the spaceship's artificial light, lending an aura of resilience and determination to her.

Her face, usually lit with a playful smile, now bears a solemn expression. The thought of leaving Earth, the relationships she's formed, especially with Peter, is a pain she couldn't imagine bearing. Her heart feels heavy within her chest, but there is a steely determination in her green eyes, a fiery resolve that outshines the uncertainty and fear.

She reflects on her actions, and the way she handled things. Yelena's words ring in her mind, a stark reminder of the impulsive tendencies she's known for. A bitter smile graces her lips as she acknowledges the truth in Yelena's words. She tends to act first and consider the repercussions later, a trait that, while making her fearless and bold, has now become a potential hurdle in her mission.

But Nina was not one to back down from a challenge. She was resourceful, adaptable, and had a heart full of courage. She resolves to make amends, to adapt and evolve, to become more thoughtful and less impulsive in her actions.

Turning to V, her faithful AI companion, she requests assistance in this personal endeavor. The cool, calming voice of V echoes through the ship, acknowledging her request. The promise of guidance reassures Nina, instilling a newfound sense of hope.

In this moment, standing in the heart of the Ares MK 2, a ship designed by some of the most brilliant minds of the Genoshian Empire, Nina embodies the spirit of a true warrior. She's strong, resilient, willing to learn from her mistakes, and relentlessly dedicated to her mission. Her body, draped in the light red armor, appears more formidable than ever, a clear testament to the incredible journey she's been on and the path she is ready to tread on.


The holographic image of Nina fades as the communication ends, leaving Lydia alone in her throne room. The chamber, once filled with Nina's presence, now feels considerably emptier. Lydia sighs, a rare display of emotion that reveals the weight of her concerns about Nina. Just then, the chamber's door hisses open, and Erik Lehnsherr walks in. His tall figure silhouetted against the bright light outside the chamber, Erik's presence is as magnetic as his abilities.

As he strides in, Erik's calm and composed demeanor stands in stark contrast to the worried look on Lydia's face. His silver hair catches the light, highlighting the lines of age and wisdom etched onto his face. He is a man who has seen and experienced a lot, a man who has fought tirelessly for his kind, and his battle-worn features bear testament to that.

Erik and Lydia share an understanding, both being prominent figures in the world of mutants. There's a mutual respect between them, an unspoken camaraderie that comes from fighting the same battles, and advocating for the same causes.

As Erik finishes his daily report, Lydia leans back in her throne and nonchalantly reveals Nina's new relationship. Erik, caught off guard, stiffens noticeably. The image of his independent and headstrong daughter with Spider-Man brings a frown to his face. Spider-Man, of all people? Erik couldn't help but scoff at the thought. Despite understanding that Nina was an adult capable of making her own decisions, the father within him stirred, his protective instinct rising.

Erik's annoyance does not go unnoticed by Lydia, who is amused by his reaction. She chuckles, a melodious sound that breaks the silence of the chamber, her regal features softening. This light-hearted banter, this brief respite from their heavy responsibilities, was a rare and cherished moment for both of them. Lydia and Erik, in these moments, are not just the leaders of the mutant world; they're two friends sharing a laugh, a rare glimpse into the private lives of these larger-than-life figures.

Lydia leans back in her throne, a small smile playing on her lips. "Oh, Erik," she begins, her tone a mixture of amusement and sympathy. "Your face when I mentioned Spider-Man! I would have paid to see that."

Erik, regaining his composure, responds in a flat tone. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day my daughter would be seeing... Spider-Man." There's a pause, then he adds, "Spider-Man... really? Of all the people she could have chosen..."

Lydia laughs, a deep and genuine laugh that fills the chamber. "You're not the first father to be shocked at his daughter's choice of a partner, Erik. And you won't be the last," she teases. "Besides, what's wrong with Spider-Man? Isn't he a hero?"

Erik grumbles under his breath, and Lydia can barely make out the words, "bug... in a ridiculous costume..." which only causes her to laugh more heartily.

"Let's not forget you used to wear a helmet, Erik. A purple one, if I recall correctly," Lydia adds, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Now, who's to say which is more ridiculous - a spider-themed costume or a purple helmet?"

Erik narrows his eyes at Lydia, but the corner of his mouth twitches, signaling he's in on the joke. "Touché, Lydia. But remember, that helmet served a purpose."

"Ah, as does the spider suit, I'm sure," Lydia quips back, clearly enjoying their banter. "But worry not, Erik. Nina is strong and smart. I trust her judgment."

With a final sigh, Erik nods. "I suppose I'll have to do the same."