

There were lots of people in the Expo, in groups of three or five.

Some things were bizarre to him, considering that he's from a different age. He never really understood their 'tastes', though there were many moments that made him laugh.




Morrison was walking along the crowd, enjoying, just like an ordinary visitor, casually skimming the surrounding exhibits.

And using his eyes to express his feelings at each exhibit, very normal. His every movement was calculated precisely, perfectly matching an ordinary person. Nobody could ever think of him as otherwise. But he was definately abnormal and only the readers could figure it out because this one said so. He was searching for a certain somebody.

"Hey, buddy."

An arm suddenly sat on his shoulder. The powerful force instantly stopped all his actions. Something hard pressed against his back. While he couldn't move, a voice rang in his ear: "If you don't want any accidents, you better listen to me. What do you think?"

Morrison's eyes widened and a murderous light flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment it disappeared. His voice was very timid: "God, if you need money, it's in my left hand pocket."

"Great, but I hope to get more.", Said the voice behind him.

Morrison sighed, weakly agreeing.

Even in such a place, such shameless thieves are everywhere. It didn't matter, it can be solved quietly.

In such a bustling place, even if one were to disappear, it will not attract people's attention.

It was just a waste of his time. But it didn't matter, he was convinced that such a small thing will not delay his goal.

Morrison thought so, and he took the initiative to point at one direction: "There are no people there."

"I like people who know their place." The voice behind him was hurried. Probably anxious about getting caught. Maybe because the prey was weak this time and he wanted more.

When they went into the alley, before Morrison could throw him back, he was pressed against the wall. One hand pressing his head against the wall and the other searching him restlessly, finally finding a gun.

"Just a P38?"

The voice was a bit disappointed?: "So, you are not a Hydra, huh?"

At the same time as him speak, a strong force overturned him and slammed him into the wall. When Morrison fimally saw the owner of the voice, his pupils instantly shrank.

"It's you!" - It's him! His target's bodyguard! Dr. Erskine's Bodyguard!

- How did he even find me? I did not even find the doctor yet, much less meet him. So how? -

"Yes, it is me."

Arthur: "It's the first time we meet. Let me think, what was it again? Ah, _-Cut one head off and two more shall take its place-_?"

"What?..." How did he know?! The other party knew more than they thought. He had to report it immediately!

"Surely, you can't judge a person with just a pistol..."

Arthur laughed again, and quickly punched Morrison's chin.

At the same time, Morrison kicked him with his left foot.


With Arthur's enhanced reflexes, he caught the incoming leg and before the enemy could react to it, kicked his other leg, making him lose balance and kneed in his stomach, pinning him to the ground.

Morrison realised that he could not win against him and decided to kill himself. But he was stunned by a blow to his cheeks!

His teeth shot out of his mouth like pea shooters!

However, Morrison still retained some sense and tried to chomp on the suicide pill ... but he couldnt bite! Arthur had knocked out all of his teeth!

"Ha ha.", Arthur smiled and said: "I guess you are looking for your pill? The poisoned one? You are too late. "

He got a hold of his ankles and started dragging him away from the teeth and then sat on top of him.

"So, you like it now.?"

Morrison twisted his neck to look back at him mumbling in an incoherent language : "#%...&*¥ #!"

Morrison was crying. His teeth were knocked out so badly by this bastard. He couldn't even speak properly!

"Is this a new language? How do you expect me to understand what you are saying? Isn't it a bit unrealistic?"

Morrison was filled with grief and indignation, he couldn't die peacefully even if he wanted to now! - No choice then - He pulled back his neck and slammed it down.

Even if he can't die peacefully, he will never be caught! He had no regards for his own life!

However, when his head was about to make contact with the ground, he was pulled back. He was held up from his collar: "Do you really want to die that eagerly? Well how about this?"

Arthur banged his head on the wall again!

" That was a nice sound there.", But Morrison couldn't hear him, he had already lost consciousness.

Tying him up, he threw the spy in a garbage bin, covering him up.

"Well, this is much better. I hope he will still be here when I come back..."

(・・ ) ‽

How is this ¡ below the line? It's weird.

Beta_000creators' thoughts