
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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241 Chs

Chapter 98: Reed, Susan, & Johnny

Once Sara got exhausted after the usual couple hours of sex, we took a shower together, which ended up with her giving me a few blowjobs before she went to sleep; thankfully, there were two beds in this room since the other one was a complete mess from our intense fucking, I think we might've broken the springs in the mattress from how hard we were going at it.

I then returned home, went to sleep, and after that, we packed up everything and started our long drive back home now that the funeral was finished; although while leaving Smallville, the place where Dad's farm is located, Mom and I stopped at the local bank. After thirty minutes of talking and signing papers, mostly signing papers, Mom bought the farmhouse for roughly a quarter million, and there was no loan; it was all from her account.

We may not live like it, but we were rather wealthy; well, Mom was wealthy, thanks to her job working as a bio-engineer at LexCorp, which sounds familiar from my past life, but I can't quite place a finger on it, Mom's got hella money. Not to mention the fact she isn't just a common scientist but quite an important one; if I remember correctly, she's the second in charge of her group, which researches on, well, bio-engineering stuff.

Anyway, since the land has been owned or actually rented throughout the Kent family generations, the farm should've been Uncle Darnel, but since he already has his own farm, he refused, so it naturally went in my name, though since I was only fourteen, Mom was in control of it until I became of age, which gave her the right to buy the farm outright instead of renting the plot of land. It seemed a little confusing to me, but I didn't know how that stuff operated, so I just shrugged my shoulders and forgot about it.

Once all that was over, we began our long two-day journey back, which was quite annoying since I could've gotten us back home in literally two seconds, but as annoying as it was, Mom insisted we drive home normally, so we did, and currently, I was helping her unload the car.

"That's everything, Mom." Said Tut, closing the hood of the trunk of the Camry while carrying a backpack as he walked toward the house.

"Okay." Said Hana with a nod as the Camry honked while Tut closed the door behind him, setting the backpack down beside the front door.

After the funeral, both Mom and I felt much better; although she didn't explicitly say it, I could see it in the way she behaved; she wasn't filled with sorrow anymore. Of course, I wouldn't say we're anywhere close to accepting Dad's death; it'll take many more months, if not years, for us to truly get over his passing, but, as they say, one step at a time.

"Mom, do you have work tomorrow?" Asked Pharaoh as he walked into the kitchen, only to see her wearing an apron.

"Yeah, they only allowed me to take a month off, given my past record of rarely using vacation days, so tomorrow I'll be at work: besides, you've got school tomorrow, young man; can't be taking any longer off, you've been out of school longer than I've been out of work." Remarked Hana as she washed a plastic bowl of fruits and vegetables in the sink while eyeing Tut, who coughed before looking away awkwardly.

"Well, I'm going to my room; I had asked Peter to give me all the assignments I missed, though instead of a week, I've got a month of missed work to do." Stated Pharaoh lightly as he left the kitchen, grabbing his backpack from the front door and heading upstairs.

"Okay; I'll call you when supper is ready!" Yelled Hana as she glanced at Tut walking up the stairs before focusing on the food bowl.

Entering my room, I tossed my backpack on the floor and was about to start working, only to frown when I heard someone call my name; the person who called my name wasn't someone I'd met before; in fact, I had no idea who it is, but he and a few other's have been saying my name for the past month. However, clearly, I haven't exactly been in the correct headspace to answer these calls, and eventually, they stopped saying my name, except for this man, who would say my name every few days.

"Ahh, fuck it; I don't like doing school work anyways." Muttered Pharaoh with a shake of his head as he sneaked out the window before blasting off into the sky, causing a loud boom, while Hana just sighed and shook her head.



"Reed, I'm all for using our powers for the good of mankind, but that's much easier said than done; with the failure of the Marvel-1, we may have gained cool, mutant-like powers, but we've also lost nearly all of our investors." Stated a tall, well-built man wearing shorts and a white T-shirt as he leaned against the wall while looking at a tall, lanky man sitting down.

"I know, Johnny and I haven't gotten a plan or even idea for that; we first need money, mainly to figure out what happened to us. Those military fools ran numerous tests on us for roughly a month and didn't tell us a single thing." Remarked Reed with a frown as he clicked his tongue and looked at Johnny before glancing at a beautiful, lithe woman with blond hair, who seemed to resemble Johnny in some way.

"Yeah, I'd prefer not to remember those tests; it was very uncomfortable, especially when they stuck that thing." Remarked the woman with a frown, though she couldn't even finish speaking as she, Johnny, and Reed all subconsciously shivered.

"Yeah, let's change topics, and speaking of changing topics, where is big man at?" Asked Johnny with a scowl as he shook his head and entered the kitchen, grabbing a soda from the fridge.

"Johnny, you know he doesn't like that." Said the woman with a pitiful expression as she glared at Johnny, who defensively raised his hands.

"Chill, Susan; I was merely joking. Though seriously, where is Ben at? Haven't seen him since breakfast." Remarked Johnny with a sly smirk before sitting next to Reed and furrowing his brows while drinking the soda.

"Haa, you know he's had it the worst among us, Johnny, not to mention his fiancé is still in the dark about his changes; how do you expect him to react? He's still in his room." Stated Reed lightly in self-guilt as he glanced at the only door that was shut in the distance before hanging his head and sighing.

"C'mon, Reed, it's not your fault; how were you supposed to know we'd encounter a cosmic radiation storm from seemingly nowhere? We're lucky to already be alive." Said Susan softly as she leaned forward and placed her hand atop Reed's knee, easing his guilt.

"Still, it was an unauthorized flight in an un-tested spaceship; none of us could've predicted that cosmic storm, but it's still my fault, and nothing you say will change that fact, Susan." Stated Reed as he lightly grabbed Susan's hand and looked at her before shaking his head.

"But you can't keep letting it ea-" Replied Susan as she looked into Reed's eyes, only to stop when they heard a knock on the door.

"Tch, it's probably those military bastards; I'll go and get it." Said Johnny with a frown as he clicked his tongue and stood up, approaching the door while the other two watched from a distance.

"Hmm, that's weird." Muttered Johnny as he looked through the peephole, his words garnering Reed and Susan's interest.

"What is it?" Asked Reed as he stood up and approached Johhny, Susan tagging along as well.

"Nothing to worry about; it's a kid; he was just all alone, and he doesn't look like he's here to sell Boy Scout cookies." Replied Johnny lightly while dismissively shaking his head.

"So, are you three going to open the door or not?" Asked Pharaoh with a raised eyebrow as he folded his arms and eyed Johnny, Susan, and Reed, who all widened their eyes at his remark.

"How does he know there are three of us?" Asked Susan softly as she looked at Reed and Johnny, who both shrugged their arms.

"I can see and hear you, Mrs. Storm; why do you think I'm even here in the first place? You four have been saying my name for the past month. I would've answered y'all sooner, but some very important personal business happened. So can I come in or what?" Stated Pharaoh as he shifted his focus slightly to Susan, who was on the left, something Johnny noticed through the peephole.

"Um, what the hell?" Muttered Johnny as he looked at Pharaoh before glancing at Susan, though he was suddenly pushed out of the way by Reed, who quickly opened the door.

"You, your Tut!" Said Reed while looking at Pharaoh, his words causing Susan and Johnny to widen their eyes once more.

"Yeah, Tut's my nickname; my real name is Pharaoh, and it's nice to see you guys hadn't ended up dying. I don't know how you four were exposed to so much radiation without ending up dead, though props to you guys." Remarked Pharaoh with a nod as he glanced at Reed, Susan, and Johnny.

"C-Come inside; I've got a lot of things to ask." Said Reed eagerly, and without even waiting for an answer, he grabbed Pharaoh's arm and ran further into the house, though he only ended up stretching his arm multiple feet.

"You don't need to drag me around like a child, dawg; I can walk." Said Pharaoh as he gave Reed's stretched arm a weird look before walking inside and closing the door behind him.



Hana really a big baller, cashing out on nigga's like it's normal, LexCorp paying her real good it seems. She really didn't need to flex that hard.