
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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206 Chs

Chapter 196: Pyramids In Space!?

So, having decided that fighting inside this incredibly sturdy spaceship would be foolish, I intently eyed Apocalypse and didn't say anything as I walked towards the door he was standing in front of; as I approached him, he wasn't the least bit worried seeing as he merely watched me with mildly interested eyes, which did cause me to frown inwardly. I didn't know if that was simply his arrogance at play or if he genuinely wasn't threatened by me; either way, I was still going to take him seriously; after all, he's already proven that he could harm me.

Standing before Apocalypse, his large, muscular figure making me look relatively small, I gazed upwards, intently eyeing him, before glancing at the door behind, walking past him, and exiting through the room with the door opening by itself. Back in the luxurious room from before, I headed towards the door I entered from, and when I neared it, the wall opened up, revealing the exit, which I promptly flew through before landing on the ground outside the spaceship.

Turning around, I watched the hatch close itself before flushing up perfectly with the wall and patiently waited for Apocalypse to leave; yet even after a few minutes, there were no signs of him leaving, causing me to frown deeply.

'C'mon, you're not a coward; get your ass out here so I can fight you.' Thought Tut with a frown as he floated a few inches off the ground while folding his arms and intently gazing at the abysmal black spaceship.

I waited another minute, yet after seeing no sign of Aporacpylse leaving, I grunted and cursed under my breath before floating out of where I had initially come from.

"Since you don't wish to leave out of your own violation, how about I make you?" Muttered Pharaoh with a faint frown as he observed the hall he was floating down, only for him to smirk while he swiftly retraced his steps.

Once I arrived back within the throne, I swiftly flew out of the pyramid before digging into the ground with my body and flying underneath it; when I got adequately underneath it, I covered the entire pyramid with my aura and pressed against it, causing the metal pyramid, which weighed several million tons, to be slowly lifted into the air.

'Heh, this is the heaviest thing I've lifted to date, yet I hardly even feel its weight.' Mused Pharaoh in slight awe at his own strength as he lifted the pyramid off the ground while slowly flying into the air, carrying it with one hand.

Unfortunately, now wasn't exactly the time to be in awe of my own seemingly limitless strength, and I focused back on the task at hand; looking upwards, I saw through the entire pyramid and looked up at the sky as I speedily flew upwards, reaching hypersonic speeds while I began to leave the atmosphere of Earth. Once I finally arrived within outer space, tossing the pyramid in a random direction far away from Earth, I floated there, waiting for Apocalypse to get up off his lazy ass and do something, which didn't take too long once he must've realized I was planning.

'I would've preferred throwing him into the far, endless reaches of the cosmos, but, oh well, at least my gambling had paid off.' Thought Pharaoh lightly with a frown as he gazed at the pyramid, which suddenly stopped floating and returned to standing upright.

Smirking, I shook my body a little, warming myself up for when fighting Apocalypse since, unlike the three Kryptonians I fought against, I had a feeling he would be much harder to win against.

'Alright; try to knock his ass unconscious, and if that proves to be too difficult, I'll have to go for the kill. Remember, Jean's life is on the line; you lose, she dies.' Thought Pharaoh with a hardened gaze as he clenched his fists while intently eyeing the pyramid before suddenly blasting off towards it, smashing through its multiple metal-layered walls like they were paper mache.

Smashing through all the metal walls, I arrived back in the room housing the spaceship and found Apocalypse standing in the middle of the room with his arms in the air, only for him to suddenly look at me in what I determined to be slight anger. However, I obviously didn't care for how he felt about me and speedily flew right to him before placing my foot on the ground, covering the pyramid in my aura, and violently punching him in the cheek, causing him to take a step backward while holding his cheek.

'Tsk, I had used a rather considerable amount of strength in that punch, and all I managed to do was make him bleed? Are you fucking kidding me?' Thought Pharaoh in annoyance as he eyed Apocalypse, who removed his hand from his cheek before looking at it, causing his eyes to dilate swiftly.

"I must congratulate you; very few people have ever made me bleed. You should feel honored." Said Apoaclaypse as he glanced at the small drop of blood on his hand from the small wound on his cheek, which had already healed.

"Yeah, same for me; only four people have ever harmed me. So you should feel honored when I beat your ass." Stated Pharaoh as he lowered his posture slightly, getting into a boxing stance and punching Apocalypse, only for his body to momentarily freeze, followed by a large blue fist connecting against his face, forcing him to also take a step back while he looked at his hand.

'Fuck me, that was powerful; it felt like a freaking planet had just hit my cheek.' Thought Pharaoh in slight pain as he rubbed his cheek before spitting his blood onto the floor and glancing back at Apocalypse, who was gazing at his hand.

"C'mon, hoe ass nigga, I ain't finished with you." Said Pharaoh as he stepped forward and punched Apocalypse in the liver, yet, thanks to his armor, he was completely protected.

Frowning, I went to punch Apocalypse's stomach, yet the same as before, the armor he was wearing completely absorbed the force of the impact and protected him.

'His armor is just as sturdy as his ship, got it.' Mused Pharaoh with a nod as he ignored the body parts covered in armor and shifted his focus to the exposed parts of Apocalypse's body, which weren't much and only consisted of his head, feet, and hands.

Seeing as his armored body was best avoided, I grabbed his hand while punching his face, yet, just like before, using his incredibly powerful telekinesis, he stopped me dead in my tracks with my fists just mere inches away from his nose, followed by him opening his mouth, which began to morph into something inhumanely possible.

"Fucking Recoome-looking ass." Said Tut with difficulty as he gazed at Apocaylpse's mouth, which had morphed into a futuristic, sci-fi energy canon.

Watching his mouth contain a bright, dazzling light, I forcefully broke free of his telekinetic hold and brought my arms to my face, protecting me, just in time for them to be blasted with a mighty energy beam that forced me to take multiple steps back, nearly pushing me into the wall of the room behind me, though he stopped before then.

Lowering my arms, I turned them around and looked at my scorching and burning forearms, which were healing slowly, causing me to hiss in pain; though, I was more so annoyed by how much he had damaged my suit since, unlike my suit, my body will heal from it.

'Bastard, this is my only suit!' Thought Pharaoh as he shook his arms before looking back at Apocalypse, whose mouth had returned to normal.

Since two could play this game, I blasted Apocalypse with a powerful beam of heat vision, not holding back like I usually do, causing the temperature to even surpass the surface of the sun, though not by much, only by a few hundred degrees; I had tested it along with a few other of my powers with the help of Mr. Richards creating a training area for me, which I will say broke after doing simply one test.

Watching Apocalypse raise his hand, blocking my heat vision, he then raised his other hand, causing two red hot beams of plasma to emerge from his palm and head straight for me; cursing under my breath, I stopped using my heat vision and attempted to slice the beams of plasma heading for me and divert its trajectory, like from DBZ, but I should've known that wouldn't have worked and all it resulted in was me burning my hand slightly.

'I had to try it at least once.' Mused Pharaoh with a slight wince as he shook his burnt hand before powerfully launching himself back to Apocalypse, who suddenly teleported him.

'Eh, what the?' Thought Pharaoh in slight surprise as he looked at the spaceship, which was mere inches away from him, only to smash into it face first.

"God dammit, my fucking nose!" Stated Tut as he removed his face from the hull of the ship while holding his nose before glaring at Apocalypse.

'Did he just teleport me or–no, that's not it. He's also moved; he's now standing closer to the room's doorway. Hmm, perhaps he didn't teleport, but instead, he swapped our positions?' Pondered Pharaoh with a frown as he rubbed his nose while intently eyeing Apocalypse, only to suddenly be thrown to the ground by his mighty telekinesis.



It's time, the showdown between Blacksteel and Apocalypse has finally fucking arrived!!