
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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206 Chs

Chapter 145: Kryptonians Escape

As I was hit with a missile by Faora, I was engulfed in a fiery explosion while being flung backward into the bank behind me; after crashing through a few walls, I finally stopped once my back hit a vault door, causing me to huff in frustration. Being forced to ragdoll from nearly every attack was irritating, not to mention fighting two experienced veterans while trying to keep all the damage to a minimum; it wasn't exactly easy, and it was mainly because I couldn't fight the way I wished.

'Haa, this is so annoying; I could defeat these two so easily if we were just in a more deserted area. I couldn't even imagine trying to fight them in the middle of a populated city like New York; would I even be able to fight back?' Thought Pharaoh in annoyance as he pushed himself out of the vault door before looking through the building, only to spot the quinjet being torn apart by Faora while Nam-Ek came charging toward him.

"Great, now I've got to save Barton and Romanoff, or they'll end up splatting on the ground; can't they see this fight is way out of their pay grade?" Muttered Pharaoh in slight annoyance as he saw Barton and Romanoff falling to the ground before flying right at the charging Nam-Ek.

Slamming Into Nam-Ek, I grabbed his neck and punched him multiple times in the head before tossing him in the air and freezing him in ice while blowing him far away; though, while I tried to do that, Faora leaped into the air and then tossed the frozen Nam-Ek back toward the ground. Clicking my tongue, I dashed through the air, flying right for Romanoff and Barton, who were a mere foot away from hitting the ground; swiftly wrapping my arms around their waist, I covered them in my aura before darting upwards into the sky, kicking the falling quinjet towards the empty train station.

"Eh, w-we aren't dead?" Asked Barton with widened eyes as he looked down at himself before looking at Pharaoh, who he was in the arms of, only to spot Romanoff a second later.

"No, I caught you just before you were about to crash into the ground; now, mind doing me a favor and trying not to get involved? I know you're trying to help, but you're really just making this more dif-brace for impact!" Replied Pharaoh as he glanced at Barton in his right arm before looking at Romanoff in his left arm while he lowered himself, only to curse inwardly when he heard Faora lunge at him from behind.

Thankfully, the two shield agents were protected by my aura, so they were completely fine despite being flung into the distance while skidding across the ground at hundreds of miles per hour.

"We're alive again." Muttered Romanoff as she felt her own body before glancing at Barton and Pharaoh, the three of them stuck inside the back of a large truck.

"I can't fight while holding the two of you, so leave quickly." Stated Pharaoh as he glanced at the two, only to quickly push them away before bringing his arms up to his face, blocking a punch from both Nam-Ek and Faora, though he was still flung quite a distance away.

'Alright, these two are really starting to piss me off.' Thought Pharaoh with a grunt of annoyance as he removed himself from the umpteenth car he'd been flung through today before flying back towards the two.

"Duck Romanoff!" Yelled Pharaoh with bright red eyes while flying towards Faora, who was trying to fight Romanoff, though she promptly fell to the ground at his words.

Blasting Faora with my heat vision, I darted toward Nam-Ek, who was choking Barton with one arm; landing in between the two, I grabbed the wrist of Nam-El that was choking Barton and squeezed, causing him to groan in pain as he let go of Barton. Dodging his punch, I grabbed his other arm before blasting off into the sky, far higher than what Faora would be able to reach before grabbing him by the head.

"What goes up must come down." Remarked Pharaoh with a faint smirk as he released one of his hands, only to violently punch Nam-Ek in the face, no longer needing to limit himself now that he was away from civilians.

Seeing Faora down below running amuck without anyone to stop her, I held Nam-Ek, who was muddled from my last punch, by the head before flying back toward the ground while aiming for her, breaking the sound barrier, causing her to look up and notice us, though by then, it was too late. Smashing Nam-Ek into Faora and forcing them both several feet into the ground, I blew away all the dust and debris before eyeing Nam-Ek, who was still conscious, but Faora, right beneath him, was knocked out cold.

Reaching down, I grabbed Nam-Ek by the neck and lifted him before grabbing the unconscious Faora, floating out of the small crater I made. I landed on the ground only to slightly freeze when I looked around at all the damage and destruction I had caused. Every building within the town was extensively damaged, and those were the lucky ones; most buildings at this point were past the point of repair and were considered destroyed. Damaged cars and planes littered the road, and to make matters worse, I could hear people screaming out in pain, anguish, and sadness, and it only made me feel terrible since, while I knew I wasn't directly at fault, I felt so.

However, while looking around in guilt and pained expression, I suddenly looked to my left, only to be hit in the face with an energy beam straight to the face, causing me to drop Faora and Nam-Ek while I once again crashed into a building. Grunting in irritation, I grabbed the wall I was embedded into and removed myself, causing the wall behind me to collapse while the ceiling fell on top of me, though I cut it in half with my heat vision, which allowed me to see Nam-Ek carrying Faora back up the concealed ship.

However, instead of stopping them, I let them go, not because I suddenly had a change of heart or anything; I've simply done too much damage. Inwardly cursing, I watched the two disappear into their ship before it flew away; exiting the building, I landed on the ground, only to see several shield soldiers aiming their weapons at me.

"Hands where I can see them!" Yelled the man at the forefront as he and multiple other men prepared to fire, but Barton and Romanoff quickly intercepted them before they could.

"Lower your weapons; he is an ally!" Stated Barton loudly as he stood before the soldiers, causing them all to stop for a second before holstering their weapons and standing up.

Seeing the soldiers leave me alone, I sighed in relief before glancing at Barton and Romanoff, who were both approaching me.

"Thanks." Said Pharaoh with an appreciative smile as he glanced at Barton, who smirked while nodding.

"It's the least I could do; you saved our lives twice. Besides, those bullets wouldn't have done anything to you in the first place." Remarked Barton with a slight smirk as he knocked on Tut's chest, while Romanoff stood beside him.

"Listen, head to my Farmhouse; it's only a few miles away. I'll catch up with you all later." Stated Pharaoh as he patted their shoulders before walking away, heading towards the sound of civilians needing help.

"Where are you going?" Asked Romanoff with a raised eyebrow as she placed her hands on her hips while glancing at Pharaoh, who wasn't in the mood to appreciate her beauty.

"To help the people who were unfortunately caught in the crossfire of my fight; even while I tried my best, there were still some that weren't lucky enough to escape." Replied Pharaoh as he approached a car that was flipped on its side, only to easily lift it up and place it on its wheels before opening the door.

Unbuckling the unconscious woman, I picked her up and turned around, only for Barton to take her out of my hands, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"No need to look at me like that; Shield's meant to help and protect people; it's not my first time doing this; I've dealt with a few mutants in the past." Remarked Barton with a faint smirk while carrying the unconscious woman before turning around and walking away.

Glancing at Romanoff, she didn't say anything and just nodded, causing me to shake my head before grabbing her by the back of her collar and flying towards the nearest person in need of help.

Removing a collapsing wall, I helped the three people up while leaving them to Romanoff to deal with as I continued to fly around the town, helping people who were in need of help; thankfully, no one was seriously injured; several had broken bones, one even happened to be punctured by a piece of rebar, yet, thankfully, it was in the shoulder, so it wasn't life-threatening, though he was definitely going to need surgy after this.

"H-Hey, w-what's your name?" Asked a teenage girl covered in dust and dirt while holding her phone, recording Tut as she tapped him on the back.

"My name? Have you been recording everything?" Questioned Pharaoh curiously as he lifted a car, freeing a dog, before gently setting it on the ground beside him, causing the girl to look in awe before nodding.

"Y-Yeah, I-I've been recording everything from when that first person left; I-I plan to upload this to YouTube, so w-what's your name?" Asked the girl excitedly as she looked up at Tut, realizing he was not only quite handsome but also young.

"It's B-Blacksteel?" Said Pharaoh with a forced smile as he looked at the girl who just tilted her head in confusion.


"Y-Yeah, it's not my actual name, but my so-called hero name my girlfriend gave to me."

"O-Okay, w-well, thanks Blacksteel. I-I'll make sure to speak good about you!" Said the girl with a faint smile, waving her hand as she ran away, causing Pharaoh to rub his head in slight embarrassment.



Pharaoh was really maxing them niggas so badly they were required to flee; now that's a real nigga if you ask me.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 242: Butting Heads) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 124: Nightly Confession) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 212: Base Building)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 170: Confession) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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