
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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206 Chs

Chapter 144: Blacksteel Vs Faora and Nam-Ek In Smallville

Looking to my left, I spotted Nam-Ek hurtling through the air as he slammed both of his hands down at me, prompting me to raise one hand, easily blocking his attack, though while I wasn't affected, the shockwave from our clash destroyed every window while the numerous civilians grabbed their ears in pain.

'Dammit, why are there still so many people here!?' Thought Tut in slight annoyance as he grabbed Nam Ek's hand before tossing him up into the sky, only to follow up with his heat vision blasting him even higher than before.

With so many people here, I couldn't really fight; as I've said before, they may be weak compared to me, but to everyone else, they're a one-man army, and each of their attacks has more destructive power than even the strongest of missiles, excluding nukes, of course. If possible, I'd also like to keep the property damage minimal, but it isn't high on my priority list.

Hearing the spaceship leave, I glanced at it before clicking my tongue in annoyance; while I could easily chase after it, there wasn't too much point as of right now; there was no way to contain all three of them. I intend to put them back into the phantom dimension, but right now, I don't know how to, nor do I know if I even could, though hopefully, Black Zero has something that can help me with that. Until then, I can only realistically contain two of them, and I won't be able to do much of anything since I'll be busy keeping them under control.

'I'll think about that later; first things first; let's deal with these two.' Mused Pharaoh with a frown as he ignored Nam-Ek, who was still flying in the air, before glancing at Faora, who had stayed behind.

Turning toward Faora, who started running toward me, I swiftly flew toward her, catching her out of the air as I punched her in the stomach, though I suppose she wasn't a warrior for nothing since she managed to kick me in the face; having learned from my previous mistake, I went with the kick, allowing me to absorb most of the power instead letting it disperse into the air. Crashing into the ground, Faora tried to follow up with a knee to my chest, but I swiftly moved out of the way before flying to the side and kicking her in the stomach, launching her toward the sky, while Nam-Ek finally started to fall back down. Before they could return to the town, I flew into the air and maneuvered around Nam-Ek, dodging his attacks before punching him into the distance, right toward an empty trainyard; flying higher, I did the same to Faora.

'Perfect, now that they're far from anyone, I don't need to look like I'm getting beaten up.' Mused Pharaoh while floating in the air as he glanced at the town below before flying through the air, chasing after Faora and Nam-Ek.

Flying toward them, I saw Nam-Ek pick up a train car before tossing it right toward me while he used that as a shield to conceal his actions of leaping right toward me, though the sneak attack was pointless as I could see right through the metal train car. Using my heat vision, I cut the train car in half before I outstretched my hand and grabbed his punch, causing a shock wave that damaged the nearby buildings, but there wasn't anyone present, so I didn't need to hold back so much.

"This is for touching Sara, you fucking bitch!" Stated Pharaoh in fury as he reeled his arm back before powerfully punching Nam-Ek in the chest, sending him crashing through multiple train cars.

Despite having great control over my strength, fighting them without accidentally killing them is proving to be more annoying than challenging, as I'm simply using slightly more strength than they're using, but that also doesn't seem to inflict much damage on them.

'Annoying, but whatever; I'll just slowly continue to increase my strength.' Thought Pharaoh with a frown as he watched Nam-Ek stand up after a few seconds while Faora lunged at him.

Glancing at Faora, I swiftly moved out of the way before punching her back toward the ground and following up with a knee to her sternum, causing her armor to crack. She tried to push me off, but I straddled her and started whaling punches on her, with each one being stronger than the last. Nam-Ek had come to assist her by punching me, but other than causing me to glance at him, his attacks did nothing; they were simply too weak to be of any actual threat to me.

'Hmm, it seems Barton and Romanoff have arrived.' Mused Pharaoh as he looked towards his right, eyeing a small dot far off into the distance while he punched Faora.

Kryptonian armor was proving to be quite durable since, despite all of my punching, I've only managed to crack it; this is definitely one of the strongest metals I've come across.

'I think only the metal covering Mr Howlett's skeleton and the vibranium Wakanda has is superior to this.' Thought Pharaoh as he glanced down at Faora's cracked armor with a raised eyebrow.

While punching Faora, Nam-Ek suddenly stopped attacking and instead turned, leaping back in the direction of the town, causing me to frown as I stopped and eyed him.

'Don't tell me he's heading back toward the town?' Thought Pharaoh with a frown, only to sport an ugly expression when Nam-Ek landed in the center of the town.

Cursing under my breath, I shot off toward Nam-Ek, flying through a building as I quickly grabbed a random civilian, covering him in my aura the instant I touched him as I flew him out of the way, just before Nam-Ek punched him to death.

"Get out of here!" Said Tut as he set the man down a safe distance away before flying back toward Nam-Ek, punching him back toward the train station, only for Faora to grab him out of the air and throw him back.

Evading Nam-Ek, I grabbed his leg before throwing him back out, but once again, Faora caught him before I could and tossed him right back at me as I was sent crashing through a building only to emerge from the other side.

"Tch, dammit!" Muttered Pharaoh in anger as he lightly punched the ground before flying through the building and grabbing Nam-Ek by the shoulder, ready to punch him, yet Faora came from his left, kicking him away.

Skidding across the ground, I stopped myself as I looked up at the two; as annoying as it was, the two must've realized they couldn't win, so they came back here to town, where the civilians were, forcing me to limit myself.

'Great, I'll never get them back into a deserted area again.' Thought Pharaoh in annoyance as he looked at the two before suddenly frowning.

Hearing several fighter jets heading right for us, I inwardly cursed before once more lunging toward Faora and Nam-Ek; they wouldn't be able to harm us and would just instead get in the way. Kicking Nam-Ek away, I weaved a few attacks from Faora before punching her twice in the stomach; just as I was about to knee her into the sky, Nam-Ek came charging back, forcing me to move out of the way while Faora took advantage of that to grab my cape and slam me into the ground.

'Now I know why Edna said no capes.' Mused Pharaoh with a grunt of annoyance as he removed himself from the crater just in time to evade Nam-Ek's knee, which shook the nearby buildings.

Blasting Faora away with my heat vision, I turned to deal with Nam-Ek, who had just exited the crater, but before I could, I saw the quinjet fly overhead while raining bullets atop of us indiscriminately, causing me to eye Barton, who was flying the plane since his little drive by had done next to nothing.

However, my lack of focus caused Faora to hit me from the side, flinging me through several buildings, just in time for the several fighter jets to arrive on the scene and lay waste upon the town.

"God freaking dammit!" Remarked Pharaoh in frustration as he saw Faora and Nam-Ek leap into the air toward the fighter-jets, causing him to fly out of the building swiftly.

Heading toward them, I blasted Nam-Ek, who was just about to kill one of the pilots, with my heat vision pushing him away, though that allowed Faora to strike the thruster of another plane, causing it to lose altitude rapidly.

Flying toward the plane, I quickly ripped the cockpit hatch off, surprising the man inside, though I didn't have time to say anything as I ripped him and the seat out of the plane since his eject lever wasn't working. Quickly setting the man on the ground, I flew toward another plane that was about to drop on a building where several people were taking shelter; catching the plane out of the sky, I covered it in my aura before hitting Nam-Ek with it, flinging him right into the side of a plane.

Sighing to myself, I safely dropped the plane in my hands before flying towards the other plane while blasting Nam-Ek through it with my heat vision; holding the damaged plane, I set it on the ground and ripped the hatch open before turning around, only to see Faora throwing a missile at me.

"Fucking hell." Said Pharaoh with an annoyed expression as he kicked the plane safely away while he was engulfed in a fiery explosion




– Edna