
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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206 Chs

Chapter 123: Iron Man?

Waking up from a wonderful sleep, I sat upright, and the first thing I did was grab my phone before scrolling through pictures of Sara, leaving in a heightened aroused state for several minutes before I eventually managed to turn my phone off, though it took a great amount of will-power if I will add. Sighing to myself in pity, I exited my bed and opened up the wardrobe beside my bed, only to grab some overalls and a T-shirt; taking my clothes off, I looked at my underwear, and thankfully, despite all those lewd dreams, I didn't end up cumming in my sleep.

Putting my farming clothes on, I exited my room and walked downstairs; when I arrived at the first floor, I saw Mom in the kitchen looking through the fridge.

"Yo, what are you looking for, Mom?" Asked Pharaoh curiously as he entered the kitchen, approaching Hana before leaning against the counter.

"I was looking for onions. Did you not get any?" Replied Hana with a slight frown as she scoured through the fridge, opening every compartment, before glancing at Pharaoh.

"Tch, dammit, I thought I was forgetting something." Muttered Pharaoh lightly, his words causing Hana to shake her head while giving him a disapproving look.

"Out of all things, you forget onions? Don't you know onions are used in nearly everything? How do you forget onions but remember black garlic? I hardly ever use black garlic." Questioned Hana, looking at Pharaoh in confusion while he defensively raised his arms up.

"I don't know, Mom, the hum-Alien brain works in mysterious ways; what can I say." Replied Pharaoh with his arms up while looking away, causing Hana to roll her eyes before using every ounce of her strength to push him out of the kitchen.

"Well then, do me a favor and go to the store; my cooking options are limited without any onions." Said Hana with a red face as she pushed Pharaoh to the door.

"Alright, Mom, you don't need to push me all the way to the store; I got it myself." Remarked Pharaoh as he grabbed the keys off the wall and opened the door, exiting the house while Hana leaned against the railing to the stairs, panting in exhaustion.

"J-Just remember, you've s-still got y-your punishment from y-yesterday; d-don't think I was j-joking, Pharaoh!" Yelled Hana from inside the house, gasping for air while Pharaoh sighed off in the distance.

Grumbling under my breath, I unlocked the door, hopped inside the car, and started the engine, which, to my surprise, worked today as I felt the engine vibrate the entire car.

"2 for 2, must be the farming clothes I'm wearing or something." Muttered Pharaoh with a smirk as he waved at the farmhouse before reversing and driving down the dirt trail that leads to the street.

Turning onto the street after a car passed, I stayed on this street for a few minutes before taking a left at a four-way intersection, and, like any person with half a brain, the cars stopped at the other stop signs knew how to drive, count, and wait their turn.

"Haa, driving down here is so much better than in New York; it's actually peaceful and even a little fun." Muttered Pharao with a faint smile as he took the left once it was his turn, only to stay on this road for several more minutes.

Taking a right at yet another four-way intersection, I drove on this street for a little bit before taking another right, driving right into the store's parking lot. Parking the car, I was somewhat tempted to keep it running; I wouldn't need to worry about this thing getting stolen; it's fifty years old, but I didn't; this thing has terrible fuel efficiency, and I wasn't trying to waste gas if I could save.

"I really should drive the car Mom bought for me, but why did she get that kind of car? Its fuel efficacy isn't that much better than the car I'm driving; also, I don't even really fit inside that thing; it's too small. Whatever, I can give it to Pete or something; Mom probably wouldn't mind too much, and he's much smaller; I just got to wait for him to get his driver's license." Remarked Pharaoh lightly as he hopped out of the car and started walking down towards the store, passing a few people who greeted each other with a friendly smile.

Although I was down in Smallville, Kansas, I hadn't met a single racist person yet, which, if I'm being honest, surprised me a little as Smallville was a farming city, so I expected some of the people to be decently racist, but nope. I may be the only black person here, but they all treated me just like any normal person, which was cool, better than New York, which was filled with mutant supremacists and the occasional KKK member.

'Well, you know what they, don't judge a book by its cover.' Mused Pharaoh with a slight smile while greeting an older woman, enjoying the friendly interactions with everyone.

"Damn, she's a MILF!" Muttered Pharaoh as he passed the older woman, only to look back at her plump ass while she walked away.

"Hehe, damn straight she is, Boy, but she's already taken." Stated a decently large man with a country accent as he patted Pharaoh's shoulder while smiling.

"Well, aren't you one lucky motherfucker; you got enough length down there for all that?" Remarked Pharaoh as he looked at the older man wearing overalls similar to him, who just laughed while nodding.

"Enough and then some, son; even at this old age, I will be hitting it good, too." Said the older man with a knowing smile as he looked at Pharaoh, who instantly dabbed him up, slightly confusing him in the process.

"Alright, I see you; make sure to hit it extra good for me tonight." Said Pharaoh with a smirk as he finished dabbing the older man, who had just gone with the flow, before laughing once more.

"You know I will, Boy. Have a nice day, young man, and next time you're checking out women, make sure they don't have a husband." Remarked the older man with a friendly smile as he patted Pharaoh's shoulder before turning around and walking away.

"Haha, you too, man!" Stated Pharaoh with a smirk as he waved at the older man before turning around and continuing toward the store.

Nearing the store after that slightly weird but nonetheless friendly interaction, I spotted a newspaper stand right beside the entrance door, though what caught my interest was obviously the newspaper itself.

On the front page was a picture of Tony Stark, CEO or whatever of Stark Industries, which had just stopped selling weapons of mass destruction, though that's not what I was concerned with; well, I was indeed slightly concerned with that, since, over the past two years I've come across far more stark manufactured weapons than I'd like, so knowing he'd stop selling weapons was a relief. I know it wouldn't do much since some other company would just fill the gap, but it should at least make it slightly harder for people to acquire weapons.

Anyway, I digress; the front cover of the newspaper was an article about Tony Stark coming out as Iron Man a few months after he was rescued from his kidnappers, or more like escaped on his own; I should know; I happened to see him escape, and I will say, it was kind of badass, though I only saw the end of it.

It was only recently, about a month or so ago, that he revealed himself as Iron Man to the world, and while that did interest me since he slightly reminded me of a superhero, I was more concerned with the one who published the article about him.

"Heh, Sara Grey." Muttered Pharaoh with a large smile as he ignored the entire article and merely looked for the author's name.

This newspaper was a little late, though Smallville is a somewhat isolated place; not many people come here, nor do many people live here, several thousand at most. I already had a cutout of this newspaper in an album in my room, the same as every other article Sara has written and published.

"Hmm, I wonder if I'll one day get to properly meet him." Muttered Pharaoh lightly as he looked at the image of Tony standing on a pedestal before placing the newspaper back down and entering the store.



Blowing the rest of the dust out of the barn with a powerful gust of wind, I took a second to look around me, only to smile in satisfaction as I observed the now-cleaned barn.

"Now, this is a barn, and it didn't take me that long either; granted, I did start rather late, so it's nighttime, but eh, it's fine." Remarked Pharaoh with a smile as he looked at the ground, which was spotless after he pressure-washed it with his heat vision.

Everything was about as clean as it would get; hell, I had even taken the liberty to organize the barn, which took a little bit longer, but in the end, I didn't exceed three hours, which was probably much faster than what Mom had expected.

Looking at the pile of hay bales covering my spaceship, I smirked before turning the light off and closing the barn doors; once they were locked shut, I started walking back home, only to stop as I listened to Sara's words.

"Come on, Tut, Please? You know I'm good at it; I'll give you the best blowjob ever, so please! If I manage to get some good pictures of the spaceship, I'll definitely get a raise!" Stated Sara quietly while resting in her tent in the Arctic as she spoke to Pharaoh, though he heard her perfectly clear despite the thousands of miles between them.



Tut-" Best blowjob ever?"😈

That's all that nigga needed to hear, he about to be next to her in a jiffy.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 236: Seduction Begins) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 118: A Date?) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 201: Trenza, The Dark Horse)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 148: Appearance Of The World Engine) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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