
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Movies
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241 Chs

Chapter 100: Life Returns Back To Normal

"Yeah, though that's easier said than done; I'm sure those fucker's probably kept all the information on a confidential database or server." Remarked Johnny with a frown as he clicked his tongue and shook his head, though Reed, Susan, Ben, and Pharaoh smirked.

"So long as it's in digital form, we can steal it, and much easier as well; all we need to do is hack into the server and download the files." Said Reed, while Johnny finally nodded in revelation.

"Haha, let's also fuck around with their server; that'll be funny." Said Johnny with a grin, only for Susan to slap his head and shake hers.

"No, stupid; if we do this, we'll do it silently, only copying our information before leaving." Remarked Susan while Johnny rubbed the back of his head, grumbling under his breath.

"We don't have any of the required tools, though; a normal computer won't be enough to hack into the military's confidential servers." Added Ben in his deep voice as he looked at Reed, who was sporting a thoughtful expression.

"That's fine; we may have lost most of our investors, but not all of them; besides, if we need more money, I've already come up with an idea." Said Reed with furrowed brows while staring into space while his brain was firing on all cylinders.

"Well, it better not be an illegal one 'cause I'll come to detain you four; anyways, what's your power, Mrs. Storm? You did get one, right?" Remarked Pharaoh as he raised his eyebrow while looking at Reed before glancing at Susan, who was arguing with Johnny like a pair of siblings, which they were.

"Hmm, yes; I can turn myself invisible." Replied Susan as she elbowed Johnny in the gut before turning herself invisible, along with her clothes.

Once Susan turned 'invisible', she stood up from the couch and carefully walked behind me before leaning into my ear.

"Boo!" Yelled Susan as she suddenly turned invisible, waiting for Pharaoh to react, but he never did.

"I'll give you a C for the attempt, but did you forget I can hear you, Mrs. Storm, and I don't just mean your voice; I can hear your footsteps, heartbeat, and the circulation of your blood as if it were a raging river. Also, even when supposedly invisible, I could still see you." Remarked Pharaoh blandly as he turned and looked at Susan, who was standing behind him, causing Johnny to laugh.

"Haha, loser!" Said Johnny with a smirk, causing Susan to glare at him before glancing at Pharaoh.

"Well, I'm not that surprised you can hear me, but I wasn't expecting you to see me." Said Susan with a slight frown as she looked at Pharaoh curiously before returning to her seat between Reed and Johnny.

"I can see the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum; there aren't many things invisible from my eyes." Said Pharaoh lightly, his words causing Reed to snap out from his pondering daze and look at him.

"Speaking of that, how did we get down from space? The radiation cloud didn't cause much damage to the shuttle itself, but it damaged most of the navigation instruments; when I awoke, I thought we had crash landed, but we were sitting in a forest in the middle of Utah." Asked Reed curiously as he and everyone else looked at Pharaoh, who suddenly looked to his right before answering.

"Well, while I was flying through space, I happened to spot a space shuttle and then a radiation cloud; after that, I carried the shuttle back down to Earth. If I didn't, the only one who might've survived would've been Mr. Grimm." Replied Pharaoh lightly as he stood up and stretched a little, his words causing the four to give him a surprised look, though only one of them frowned.

"Hey, I've noticed you've been called everyone respectfully, except for me; why?" Asked Johnny with a frown as he looked at Pharaoh, who was slightly taken aback.

"Well, the nice response would be, you seem to be the coolest one to hang out with among the group." Stated Pharaoh, causing Johnny to smirk as he looked at everyone, though only Susan was bothered by it.

"My actual reasoning is you seem to be the most childish and stupidest one in the group." Added Pharaoh, his words causing Johnny to freeze with Susan laughing while Reed and Ben chuckled.

"Tsk, fucker." Muttered Johnny with a scowl as he folded his arms and looked to his left, only to see Susan laughing, which angered him even more.

"You just proved his point, Johnny." Said Ben in a deep yet amused voice, though Johnny simply ignored him.

"Anyways, it was cool talking with y'all, but you guys picked a slightly bad time; my Mom just finished supper, so I'll be seeing y'all later." Remarked Pharaoh as he approached the front door while everyone stood and followed him.

"Supper? It's a little early for supper; it's only 4:44." Said Reed as he looked at the clock on the wall before glancing at Pharaoh, who was putting on his shoes.

"Yeah, in California, it's 4:44, but in Queens, it's 7:44, so not that late." Replied Pharaoh lightly as he opened the door and exited the house, stepping out onto the front porch.

"Queens? Queens, New York? What does that have to do with supper?" Questioned Johnny with a look of confusion, though he was only one out of the loop as everyone else understood what Pharaoh was getting at.

"Damn, one got the looks and the brain, while the other just got the looks." Remarked Pharaoh as he glanced between Susan and Johnny before floating into the air.

"If you need me, just say my name; I can hear about everything happening in America." Added Pharaoh with a slight smirk before suddenly shooting off into the sky, with a loud boom accompanying him.

"Oh yeah, he did say he was flying through outer space." Muttered Johnny as he watched Tut while Susan covered her face and sighed.



It was the next day, and I was unfortunately about to go to school after staying up all night finishing the stupid assignments I'd missed. Grabbing my backpack, I approached Mom's room and softly opened the door before entering, making sure I was quiet even though I knew Mom was partially awake and just resting.

"Bye, love you, Mom." Whispered Pharaoh as he kissed Hana on the cheek, causing her to smile while he turned around and left the room.

It wasn't until I exited the house that she finally responded, causing me to roll my eyes as I walked toward the bus stop, and while doing so, Sara left the house just in time.

"Tut, wait for me." Said Sara with a slight smile as he jogged toward Tut before stopping beside him, only to kiss him on the cheek while he did the same.

While walking beside each other, the two of us just talked about random things while waiting for the bus to come, which it did after a few minutes, and we walked toward the back while I got a few surprised looks from the other kids. Sitting down, in the very back, like the horny slut she is, Sara unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick, and started stroking it while her backpack sat on her lap, concealing that she was giving me a handjob.

"Use your mouth." Muttered Pharaoh softly, prompting Sara to lean down and suck on his dick without any hesitation.



"Mhm, your cum is always delicious, Tut." Muttered Sara lustfully as he removed her mouth from Tut's dick after licking him clean.

Smirking, I fixed my pants and kissed Sara on the cheek as we stood up and walked down the bus before approaching the school.

"You're a senior, so we won't have much time, but just know, we must have sex in school at least once." Said Pharaoh with a grin as he gripped Sara's ass through her skinny jeans.

"Heh, great minds think alike, don't they Tut? Anyways, I'll call you whenever I end up alone; see you later." Replied Sara lustfully as she reluctantly headed toward the high school side of the school, leaving Pharaoh all alone.

Watching Sara walk away while her ass jiggles with every step is one of the sexiest things I've seen; shaking my head, I entered the school building and headed toward my first period, though while doing so, I went to visit the one and only Mrs. Rand. She may not be my teacher anymore, and I may also have a girlfriend now, but I did have a crush on her; actually, I still do; my situation has just changed, that's all.

"Yo, Mrs. Rand, long time no see." Said Pharaoh as he knocked on the door and approached Mrs. Rand, who was sitting at her desk with an indifferent expression, which turned into a light smile when she noticed Pharaoh.

Now, over the two years, I've managed to break the cold exterior of Mrs. Rand, but I didn't expect her to suddenly hug me when I neared her; I mean, I damn sure wasn't complaining, her breasts were huge, and her body had a little bit of fat in all the right places.

"I heard about what happened. I'm sorry for your loss, Pharaoh; I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to." Said Mrs. Rand softly as she tightly hugged Pharaoh, causing all the boys to give him envious looks.

"Thank you, Mrs. Rand." Replied Pharaoh lightly as he hugged Mrs. Rand back before the two eventually separated.

Unfortunately, I couldn't catch up with Mrs. Rand much as we both had a class to attend, but luckily our lunches were the same, so I said I was going to visit her, and damn sure I was. Leaving the classroom, I headed towards mine, entering it just before the bell rang, and saw Peter and Harry sitting in their usual spots.

"Yo, I heard from Pete; sorry for your loss, Tut. I know what it's like to lose a loved one; it's not an easy thing to accept." Said Harry with a wave as he looked at Tut, who sat right before him.

"Thanks, Harry; also, not trying to be rude, but didn't your Mom pass away only a few months ago? I don't think you've gotten over it just yet." Remarked Tut with a slight smile as he flipped his head and looked behind him at Harry.

"Touché." Said Harry, causing Peter, Tut, and him to chuckle softly before descending into silence when the bell rang.



This is the last chapter of this volume, so what do you all think? I'd like to know.