
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

Character Templates

"Help me out, Rocket," Aiden murmured under his breath. Beneath the team template, an adorable icon of Rocket Raccoon was lending a hand—or rather, a rocket launcher—to Aiden and all the superheroes, battling fiercely against the enemies. The small creature's frantic hopping and firing of rockets were endearing in the chaos.

This brings us to various templates beyond the character skills.

First, the organization template. It could be activated only if a character was the leader or deputy of an organization. Magneto's Brotherhood, Professor X's School for Gifted Youngsters, the infamous HYDRA, and even the somewhat tarnished S.H.I.E.L.D. all fell under this category.

Next, the team template, which required the character to be a team leader. It allowed players to view squad loyalty at a glance, a data-driven feature that was user-friendly. Although the Scarlet Witch was playing the role of a formidable villain, Rocket's loyalty to her was surprisingly high. This was because Aiden had won Rocket from a loot box.

Yes, this leads to the mention of the loot box store, which was more of a "light orb recycling center," as it exclusively traded in light orbs for chances at the solitary chest. This was hardly a "store" by any standard.

The likeness of Rocket Raccoon from "Guardians of the Galaxy" had been a lucky draw from these chests. This little fellow seemed like a carbon copy of "Rocket" from the movie franchise, minus the sharp tongue and distinctive personality. More of a pet, he preferred all fours, could speak human language but rarely conversed with Aiden, and often begged for treats with growls and squeaks.

Despite his cute appearance, Rocket possessed formidable firepower, wielding a high-tech energy gun that seemed more like a cannon in Aiden's eyes. Agile and apparently not very defensive, Rocket had yet to take a hit in the raging Battle of New York, though his panting and dusty, furry visage were amusing to behold.

Aiden had also fished out a "Resurrection Token" from a loot box, which had startled him. Could it truly bring someone back to life? While not unheard of in the Marvel universe, the token seemed almost too good to be true.

With skepticism, Aiden used the token amidst the chaos on a well-known character from the X-Men, Lee Qianhuan, who could release fireworks. To his amazement, it worked—Lee was revived on the spot, joining the fray against Aiden once more, only to meet his end yet again.

The last draw, the most disappointing one, yielded a pair of pants—huge, tattered pants belonging to none other than the Hulk. Aiden discarded them without a second thought.

Back to the story. Aiden and his furry companion were tearing through the Big Apple, enjoying the thrill, though something seemed amiss.

"Hmm?" Aiden furrowed his brow as his world abruptly turned a pristine white, everything else vanishing, and before him stood Professor X, bald and solemn.

"My child," the Professor said, his wrinkled face marked with sadness, eyes still glinting with wisdom.

"This is just too realistic," Aiden whispered, his hands momentarily stilling on the controller, awed by the detailed portrayal of such a high-caliber character.

"What are you thinking, Wanda?" Behind him, a captivating voice spoke, tinged with sadness, yet filled with deep-seated anger.

Turning his head, and with the VR headset on, Aiden's in-game persona, the Scarlet Witch, also looked back. There stood Jean Grey, beautiful and charismatic.

"So the heavy hitters of the X-Men's school have finally joined the battle," Aiden said softly, eyes widening as the emotions in Jean's eyes shifted from sadness and anger to excitement and longing. Then, as if breaking free from a cage, a towering phoenix totem blazed into existence behind her in the immaculate white world.

"Ding!" The shrill sound of an electronic alert rang in Aiden's ears. He shook his head sharply, and suddenly...

Aiden saw the bright glass of his apartment window. The building was rundown, the room sparse, but the view outside was stunning. Dry branches swayed in the wind, and golden leaves carpeted the street, creating a fairy-tale scene. Yet Aiden was not moved by this tranquil beauty, as the ear-piercing electronic sound persisted. He hastily dropped the controller, removed the headset, and the VR glasses lay silently on the floor.

Regretting the reflex that caused his VR headset to fall, Aiden marveled at how immersive the virtual reality experience was, feeling almost reborn.

He rushed to retrieve the headset, not bothering with the earphones, put the VR glasses back on, and sat back on the cushion, fumbling for the controller he had tossed aside.

But as he searched, his movements froze. In the view of the VR glasses, within Scarlet Witch's perspective, the world had turned gray. Scarlet Witch herself lay motionless in a pool of blood.

The war had shifted focus. The X-Men were now battling an uncontrollable Jean Grey amidst the ravaged city.

The gray world darkened, the view blurred, and through Scarlet Witch's eyes, Aiden saw the resolute faces of heroes, the tears of suffering civilians, and hateful glares directed at her own lifeless body.