
Marvel’s Wizard

VJTHOMAS567100 · Movies
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37 Chs





Why should the "refreshing" function be turned on before the battle?


That's because, after many experiments, Jerry found that this "refreshing" function is actually meant to stimulate the potential of his brain in a short period of time and put his brain in a highly active state.


And since this state can be used to speed up the learning of magic knowledge, of course it can also be used in battle.


When used in learning, it can greatly improve one's comprehension, memory, and analytical abilities, while when used in combat, it can use a highly strengthened brain to open the shackles of the body and liberate the body.


This state of using the brain to liberate the body is what Jerry calls "superhuman form!"


In his previous life, he had seen a movie called "Super Body," in which the heroine was developed beyond the limit because of a drug that affected her body and brain.



In the end, he became an omniscient being, like a god.


Jerry's superhuman state is, of course, not that exaggerated, but it can also allow his body to be liberated nearly 100% under the control of his brain.


We all know that it is difficult for an ordinary person without training to coordinate his muscles and maximise the strength of his body.


But those martial artists who have been trained for a long time can use the subtle control of the muscles to explode the same body into a more powerful force.


Jerry's current superhuman state is like turning from an amateur martial arts enthusiast into a master-level martial artist in an instant.


The body is still this same body, but at this time, in his superhuman state, his strength and speed are much stronger than normal.


Coupled with a pair of high-profile brains, his five senses have also been improved. With cooperation, his combat power can even soar by several levels.


However, this state is not without side effects, and the longer it is turned on, the greater the side effects.


The first is the brain. After stopping the function of "enhancing brain awakening," his brain will become very dull due to the overdraft potential, and he especially wants to sleep.


If it is used for too long, the overdraft will be serious, and it will even go directly into a deep sleep state, just like the last time he read a book for four hours in a row.


And if the body uses the enhanced brain to liberate the superhuman state after the "enhancement and refreshment" function is turned on and performs beyond the normal range of motion, the muscles will become abnormally sore afterwards, and it will take a period of rest to relieve them.


After excessive use, he guessed that there may be a large area of muscle strain after the event.


Therefore, the purpose of opening this superhuman form is either to make a quick decision as soon as possible or to make sure that you are in a completely safe environment when it ends.


Otherwise, it is dangerous.




"Smoke around!"


Raising the wand in his hand and pointing at the four people who were counting money, a magic light shot out, and the centre of the entire warehouse was suddenly enveloped in a burst of smoke.


"Smoke bombs? "No, the police are chasing after them!"


When he found that smoke suddenly rose around him, the robber leader's first reaction was to be found by the police.


So he hurriedly asked his subordinates to pick up the rifles that were placed beside him and started shooting in the direction of the warehouse door and window, while retreating towards the interior of the warehouse.


At this time, Jerry also kicked his legs and ran toward the four robbers shrouded in smoke like a cheetah.


In his superhuman state, Jerry's speed is very fast, comparable to that of world-class sprinters. In less than three seconds, he crossed a distance of nearly 20 metres and came to the first gangster in the smoke screen.


This gangster is none other than the brawny guy who was going to kick his *** when he got off the school bus.


"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and for a villain to take revenge from morning till night!"


Obviously, Jerry is not a gentleman.


Jumping up, the dagger in his hand slashed the strong man's neck fiercely.




Blood spurted out, and the strong man subconsciously covered his neck, wanting to exhale, but found that his originally strong body had now become weak due to blood loss.


Perhaps sensing the situation behind them, the other three robbers turned around, holding guns, at the same time.


"Soften up fast!"


Raising his wand in his left hand, Jerry threw a softening spell on the rifle of the robber furthest from him.


Actually, it's better to throw a shape-shifting spell at this time, but with his current magic level, it's okay to deform a small dagger, and changing the entire rifle is unlikely to succeed.


The softening spell only softens the barrel of the rifle so that it cannot fire normally.


"go you"


While throwing the softening spell, his right hand was not idle, and he threw the dagger in his hand directly in the direction of the other bandit closest to him.


Because he was in a superhuman state, the dagger he threw out was fast and accurate, comparable to those masters of hidden weapons in the movie.




With a scream, the dagger was precisely inserted into the robber's right eye frame and penetrated into his brain.


At this time, Jerry's sixth sense also began to warn him frantically.


Because the robber leader, who was not far from him, had already raised his rifle and aimed it at his head.


The legs instantly exerted force, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com slid back, relying on the advantage of his short body, when he successfully fired the first bullet in the head of the robber. He then retreated dangerously and dangerously to the first strong man who was killed by him and hadn't fallen to the ground behind.


"Repel at full speed!"


Jerry aimed the wand in his left hand at the back of the first strong man. He had many years of experience playing "Angry Birds" in his previous life, and the calibration of his super brain at this time burst out all the magic power and cast a repelling spell.


The light of magic shot down the back of the first strong man along the wand, and with a string of blood gushing from his neck, the first strong man immediately turned into a large red bird, smashing **** the leader of the robbers.


It was the first time Smith experienced what it was like to be smashed into the air by a strong man weighing nearly 200 pounds. The result was that he was directly smashed to the ground, knocked his head on the ground, was seriously injured, and fainted.


Putting away his wand, Jerry charged at full speed towards the robber furthest away from him without saying a word.


The repelling spell just now almost used up all of his few magic powers, and the last robber could only get close to him.


At this time, the last robber was still in a state of confusion.


What's the situation?


First, there were smoke bombs. After a burst of fire, the police were not found, but the brother behind him was wiped on the neck by a small man.


Just as he was about to shoot at the blurred figure in the smoke, his rifle actually softened like noodles—it was hell!


When he came back to his senses, another brother was stabbed in the eye by a dagger, the boss was smashed to the ground, and the little man in the smoke screen rushed straight towards him.


When I got closer, I could see clearly that it was the little brown-haired boy who was taken off the school bus by them!

