
Marvel’s Wizard: Start from Hogwarts

This is the mtl synopsis and I don't feel like correcting it. Traveling through the Marvel universe, Jerry gets a bizarre panel that rewards Little Red Star for doing good deeds. Consuming Little Red Star can go to other magical worlds to learn magic, Consuming Little Red Star can also refresh your mind and speed up the efficiency of learning magic. In order to protect himself and his family, Jerry reluctantly embarked on the path of constantly doing good deeds to earn a little red star, and working hard to study and learn magic. The protagonist’s three views are upright, not a virgin, no brainless, no system, the panel is only responsible for traversal and refreshing, all magic is acquired by the protagonist through learning, and powerful through research. There are some other bits but not important. Notes: I am an editor for the most part the translation is almost entirely mtl. So I obviously dont own any of this. I haven't even read it yet just chose something with high ratings (5 stars) to start with. Although I don't own it, I do put time and effort into making it easily readable so I would appreciate the tip, also I'll be taking recommendations if you're interested. Later notes: not 5-star novel, maybe just not my cup of tea? anyway, I'll post the whole story but won't edit it much so I'll leave some info. guardian god is patronus, shield curse is protego, Shenfeng Wuying is sectumsempra, alo hole is alohamora, i haven't read much of the book so these are the ones I've checked or glanced at patreon.com/user?u=98213065

Epic_Gaming_7548 · Movies
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905 Chs

Chapter 782 Mister Miracle

"What did you promise him?"

At the base of the CIA Science and Technology Department Building, Jerry asked Charles curiously.

Charles smiled:

"A peaceful life. After the solution is resolved, I plan to transform the castle at home into a school and only accept mutant students. Mr. Howlett can become the school's teacher, teaching children how to fight and protect themselves."

"pretty good idea."

Jerry nodded.

It seems that the establishment of the mutant school had already been planned in Charles' mind at this time.

I have to say that Charles is quite accurate in seeing people. Ron looks fierce on the surface, but in fact he has his own bottom line in his heart, and he will not easily hurt innocent people.

So he was already tired of war and killing, and hoped to live a peaceful life.

"He left early this morning and said he was going to find his brother. I don't know if he can succeed."

There was a little expectation in Charles' eyes.

Logan's brother and Logan have similar abilities, if they can be recruited, then they will be more confident in dealing with Shang.

But Jerry shook his head when he heard the words:

"I advise you not to be too happy."

Logan's elder brother, nicknamed Saber-toothed Tiger, is a bit stronger than Logan who has not been infused with Adamantium alloy, but he has a violent and murderous personality. Apart from his love for his younger brother, he has almost no bottom line in life.

Such a person is obviously not suitable for Charles' team.

As soon as Jerry finished speaking, Logan, who was wearing a leather jacket and smoking an inferior cigar, walked towards them from the gate.

"How about it?"

Charles stepped forward and asked.

Logan shook his head:

"He didn't want to leave the army, and he didn't want to live a peaceful life. We had a big fight. Forget it. I'll visit him later when I'm free."

"It's okay, maybe when your brother gets bored in the future, he will choose a peaceful life like you."

Charles was slightly disappointed in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed over:

"Charles, found a clue about Shang, he is now in the Soviet Union."

The person who came was the beautiful agent of the CIA, Mora Mactag.

Charles turned his head to look at Jerry, who was about to speak, but was interrupted in advance by Jerry, who had already seen through his mind.

"Sorry, I have something to go to New York these two days, so I can't be with you."

"All right!"

Seeing that Jerry refused so simply, Charles had no choice but to take Logan and Mora to find Eric.

For Jerry, Charles now wants to be able to pull him with him for any task. On the one hand, some information they don't know can always come out of Jerry's mouth, and on the other hand, Jerry's strength.

Although Jerry has never shown his strength so far, the smart Charles has already noticed Jerry's extraordinary strength from various details.

First of all, since Jerry can block his telepathic ability, it means that Jerry will not be much weaker than him in terms of telepathic ability at least.

Secondly, from the last time Jerry said that he was consuming a lot of money, but easily modified the genes of Hank and Raven to change their appearance, it can be seen that Jerry also has a kind of mutant gene. Powerful ability to influence.

Secondly, Jerry's body is also unusual. In the process of searching for mutants, he has never seen Jerry sweat, even though sometimes they walked a long way, he and Eric were already out of breath, Jerry acted like nothing had happened.

And Jerry once revealed that he seems to have lived a long time, and may not be younger than Logan.

The last point is also a very detailed point, that is, he found that every time Jerry took out things, such as money, paper, food, and drink, they seemed to be conjured out of thin air.

Maybe other people didn't notice it, thinking that Jerry took it out of his pocket or somewhere else while they were not paying attention, but he, who is mentally strong, knew that it was Jerry who conjured it out of thin air.

So he guessed that Jerry may have a space ability, either a space storage ability or a space transfer ability.

"Here you are, having fun!"

When Charles and others went to meet with CIA Director Mike En to discuss the next arrest plan, Jerry strolled to the secret agent recreation area behind the building.

At this moment, Mike, Raven, and the newly recruited mutants were having a carnival, showing off their respective abilities. Even the bronze statue of Washington in the courtyard was cut in half.

"Jerry, let's dance together, we gave you a new nickname, Mister Miracle, because you brought miracles to me and Hank!"

Seeing Jerry appearing, Raven stopped dancing with Hank and ran out to invite Jerry.

"I think you'd better restrain yourself. It's not good for Charles and the others to come and see you like this."

Jerry didn't go forward to dance with Raven, but snapped his fingers.

Then, the whole scene began to go backwards. The destroyed bronze statue of Washington, the burning lawn, the broken glass wall and the messy lounge all seemed to go back in time, and all returned to their original appearance.

"Oh my God, this really feels like a miracle, so cool!"

Looking at the changes around them, several newly joined mutants couldn't help but let out a gasp of surprise.

Even Hank and Raven's eyes widened, and they had never seen Jerry use this ability before.

"It seems that you all have nicknames for each of you?"

After everything returned to normal, Jerry opened the glass door and walked into the lounge.

Regarding the carnival of several people, he didn't think there was any problem. They were all in their twenties, and they tried to hide themselves as much as possible every day.

Now it's rare that you don't have to hide anymore, and you can get together with your kind, and it's actually nothing to celebrate.

"Yes, my name is Mystique, Hank is Beast, Salvador is Angel, Sean is Siren, Oman is Darwin, Alex is Ravager, and we decided to call Professor Charles X, Eric Wan Magneto!"

Raven, who was in a normal mood, sat on the sofa and introduced the nicknames they had just thought of to Jerry one by one.

"It's quite vivid, oh, Charles and the others are here, you have something to do right away!"

Jerry nodded, then seemed to have noticed something, and smiled at everyone.

Not long after his words fell, Charles, Eric, Logan, and Mora appeared outside the glass door, and they seemed to be arguing about something.

"These kids are not ready, they need to learn and train!"

"Learn and train in actual combat, the effect will be better, and they are not ordinary people."

The quarrel mainly came from Charles and Eric. Charles felt that the mutants recruited were not mature enough and needed to be trained slowly to perform the task.

But Eric, who was born as a killer, disagreed. He felt that actual combat was the best way to grow.