
Marvel’s Wizard: Start from Hogwarts

This is the mtl synopsis and I don't feel like correcting it. Traveling through the Marvel universe, Jerry gets a bizarre panel that rewards Little Red Star for doing good deeds. Consuming Little Red Star can go to other magical worlds to learn magic, Consuming Little Red Star can also refresh your mind and speed up the efficiency of learning magic. In order to protect himself and his family, Jerry reluctantly embarked on the path of constantly doing good deeds to earn a little red star, and working hard to study and learn magic. The protagonist’s three views are upright, not a virgin, no brainless, no system, the panel is only responsible for traversal and refreshing, all magic is acquired by the protagonist through learning, and powerful through research. There are some other bits but not important. Notes: I am an editor for the most part the translation is almost entirely mtl. So I obviously dont own any of this. I haven't even read it yet just chose something with high ratings (5 stars) to start with. Although I don't own it, I do put time and effort into making it easily readable so I would appreciate the tip, also I'll be taking recommendations if you're interested. Later notes: not 5-star novel, maybe just not my cup of tea? anyway, I'll post the whole story but won't edit it much so I'll leave some info. guardian god is patronus, shield curse is protego, Shenfeng Wuying is sectumsempra, alo hole is alohamora, i haven't read much of the book so these are the ones I've checked or glanced at patreon.com/user?u=98213065

Epic_Gaming_7548 · Movies
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905 Chs

Chapter 543: Frozen Sealing Formation

"Ahem, I think he's showing mercy, otherwise no one would be alive now."

Steve crawled out of the pit with difficulty, then coughed out a mouthful of blood in his throat, and replied weakly to Tony.

Obviously, when Jerry attacked them, although he was ruthless enough, he also took some effort, otherwise they would not have seriously injured each of them, but none of them died.

In other words, Jerry is more powerful than they imagined.

"Now, let Aisha finish it!"

Tony shook his head and smiled, sitting down on the ground.

In fact, Jerry didn't say anything, but they generally understood that this show was for the Avengers to no longer be checked and balanced in the future, but in fact it was for Aisha who had already joined the Avengers.

If Elsa hadn't joined the Avengers, Jerry wouldn't necessarily be willing to bother with these things.

It is precisely because of this that although Jerry is powerful and terrifying, Tony and Steve have never regarded him as a threat.

One is because of Jerry's previous actions, and the other is that they feel that a person who is full of love for his family cannot be so evil in his heart.

"I didn't expect that mere human beings still have powerhouses like you, but they are still a little short of defeating me!"

Jerry in sheep's clothing spit out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at Aisha who was still in the air:

"Now, only you are left!"

At this time, Aisha, who was a little frightened, saw Jerry who vomited a mouthful of blood, and his eyes lit up.

She just thought that the joint attack of everyone did not cause harm to the demon lord, and she was still a little desperate, but it was obviously not the case now.

The demon lord on the opposite side has already vomited blood, which means that everyone's attack just now still has an effect. Maybe the other party is also seriously injured now. As long as she works harder, she may win.

And everyone who watched the live broadcast obviously realized this and cheered for Aisha one after another.

"Little Qinglong, little white tiger, little Xuanwu, little Suzaku, is there any more powerful magic that can defeat the demon lord on the opposite side?"

Aisha hurriedly asked the four holy beasts guarding her.

And the four holy beasts looked at each other, knowing that it was time to say the lines that the master explained.

"Yes, the great magician of Carmen has a very powerful magic that can be released as a kind of ruthless ice that freezes everything. If you can release it, even the demon lord on the opposite side can definitely freeze it."

"There is such a powerful magic!"

When Aisha heard this, she immediately became excited.

I didn't expect the Four Holy Beasts to have such powerful magic, and they didn't teach her.

"This is the strongest magic of the great magician Carmen. With your current strength, it is extremely difficult to release it, and the possibility of success is less than one percent."

Xiao Qinglong said in a solemn tone.

After hearing this, Aisha felt a chill in her heart.

There is only a 1% success rate, which is too low, and there is no time for her to try and make mistakes. Seeing that if she doesn't make a move, everyone will be killed by the demon lord.

"However, it is not impossible to improve the success rate."

At this time, the little white tiger opened his mouth and said.

Aisha's heart once again ignited hope:

"How to increase the success rate?"

"First of all, it is belief. You must have a strong enough belief, and then there is a spell. There is no specific spell for this magic. You can use the words you feel most familiar with as the spell, which can greatly increase the success rate."

Little Xuanwu patiently explained.

"The most familiar spell!"

Aisha muttered a few words, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

If you want to talk about the most familiar magic spell, it is not the spell when she used all kinds of magic mahjong in the past two years, but the magic spell that she ended her brother every time when her brother accompanied her in a magic battle when she was a child.

She had recited that mantra countless times since she was a child, and she couldn't be more familiar with it.

And at that time, as long as she used this spell, the demon lord played by her brother would be defeated by her, which made her always think that the spell really existed when she was a child.

"Go, Aisha, read it aloud, as long as you believe it is possible, you will be able to do it."

Little Suzaku looked at Aisha and encouraged her loudly.

"Hahaha, my demon lord will not lose, die!"

Jerry laughed and jumped up, and killed Aisha in mid-air.

At this time, Aisha looked at the demon lord below, and for some reason, she thought of her brother. He also rushed towards her in the same way when he was a child.

But now is not the time to think wildly.

She slowly closed her eyes, pointed the wand in her hand at the demon lord who was rushing over, and chanted a familiar spell:

"The Ice and Snow Demon God dormant in a faraway place of extreme cold, come here at my call, black blizzard that freezes everything! Turn everything into white snow! ——Frozen Formation!"

As Aisha's spell fell, one hundred and eight magic mahjong pieces flew out of her body instantly, and then turned into meteors and fell around Jerry.

The four holy beasts also flew over Jerry's head, occupying four directions: east, west, north, south.

In an instant, a huge gossip array took shape, enveloping it as a whole.

"Ah, what is this, what's going on, why can't I move!"

Just like when he was a child, Jerry screamed in panic, as if he was really bound by a powerful energy.

"In the name of my Ice Queen Aisha, seal it, you demon lord from the abyss!"

As soon as Aisha opened her eyes, solid ice began to appear under Jerry's feet in the gossip formation, and the solid ice quickly froze up along his feet.

"I didn't expect you humans to have such a powerful existence. I lost today, but there will definitely be my compatriots in the future, and then they will come out of hell and complete my unfinished plan."

At the last second when he was frozen in ice, Jerry said the last line, and then an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Aisha, it's the last time I played this game with you. From today on, you can be considered a real grown-up. As an Avenger in the future, let's work hard!"

Looking at the smile on the mouth of the completely frozen demon lord, Elsa was inexplicably startled, and then murmured in a low voice:

"That smile, that smile.look.look, so ugly!"

There is no way, although Jerry's inner smile is warm at this time, but Daliola has a devil's face, even though the smile is warm, but the appearance looks the same, it is still ugly.


The frozen demon lord fell from the air to the ground, turned into countless ice crystals, and dissipated in the air.

The dark magic circle that had been in midair also disappeared the moment the demon lord shattered.

The sky once again returned to its original blue appearance.

"Avengers, victory!"

At this time, all the people watching the live broadcast cheered loudly when they saw the demon lord being killed.

The Avengers have saved the world again.