
Marvel’s Wizard: Start from Hogwarts

This is the mtl synopsis and I don't feel like correcting it. Traveling through the Marvel universe, Jerry gets a bizarre panel that rewards Little Red Star for doing good deeds. Consuming Little Red Star can go to other magical worlds to learn magic, Consuming Little Red Star can also refresh your mind and speed up the efficiency of learning magic. In order to protect himself and his family, Jerry reluctantly embarked on the path of constantly doing good deeds to earn a little red star, and working hard to study and learn magic. The protagonist’s three views are upright, not a virgin, no brainless, no system, the panel is only responsible for traversal and refreshing, all magic is acquired by the protagonist through learning, and powerful through research. There are some other bits but not important. Notes: I am an editor for the most part the translation is almost entirely mtl. So I obviously dont own any of this. I haven't even read it yet just chose something with high ratings (5 stars) to start with. Although I don't own it, I do put time and effort into making it easily readable so I would appreciate the tip, also I'll be taking recommendations if you're interested. Later notes: not 5-star novel, maybe just not my cup of tea? anyway, I'll post the whole story but won't edit it much so I'll leave some info. guardian god is patronus, shield curse is protego, Shenfeng Wuying is sectumsempra, alo hole is alohamora, i haven't read much of the book so these are the ones I've checked or glanced at patreon.com/user?u=98213065

Epic_Gaming_7548 · Movies
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905 Chs

Chapter 142: Back to School

After packing up everything, Jerry was just about to enter the box space and start his daily meditation practice when he was suddenly interrupted by a whining meow.

"No, why did you forget it!"

Turning his head and looking towards the window, Crookshanks is holding a dead mouse in his mouth, his eyes are full of "killing intent"!

"Crookshanks, listen to me explain, in fact, I

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

Watching Crookshanks put the dead mouse on the floor, and then meowing at him, although he couldn't understand the meow language, he could guess that Crookshanks must be scolding him at this time.

In fact, this is really a surprise.

Because time stood still when he returned before, so he didn't take Crookshanks away at that time.

Unexpectedly, this time the panel was upgraded and the second small world was opened, which caused him to disappear in the Leaky Cauldron for a week, and Crookshanks was also left alone in the Leaky Cauldron for a week.

Although Crookshanks has a super predatory ability, there is no need to worry about its food, but disappearing for a week will inevitably make Crookshanks feel that he has been abandoned.

In particular, when buying Crookshanks, the clerk said that Crookshanks would often be returned because of his appearance.

Feeling that Crookshanks scolded too fiercely, Jerry quickly picked it up and jumped into the box space, and then placed it next to a large pool.

"Crookshanks, here's a Christmas present for you, albeit a week late!"

The big pond was dug out by Jerry using the magic of "digging three feet into the ground" when he was in the Marvel world. There was nothing else in it, except for hundreds of big fish.

In the future, Crookshanks will no longer have to look at the fish outside Slater's dormitory and drool, and there will be no need to stage the show of the big pie face hitting the magic shield every once in a while, and the real freedom to eat fish can be realized.

Seeing the fish in the pond, Crookshanks seemed to feel Jerry's sincerity, and finally stopped cursing, ran to the side of the pond and started to pick up the fish.

Crookshanks is indeed a cat with the blood of a cat and raccoon, and his ability to catch fish is also extraordinary.

Its eyes just stared at the pool quietly for less than five seconds, its claws stretched out like lightning, and a big fish much bigger than its body was hooked by its cheeks and pulled out of the water .

Then, Jerry saw Crook holding the fish mouth in his mouth, dragged it under his body, and walked back towards Jerry with figure-of-eight steps. "Thank you, you can eat, I don't need it!"

Shaking his head and rejecting Crookshanks' invitation to share and eat, Jerry walked to the center of Merlin's ring and sat down, starting the practice of meditation.

At this time, in the room on the second floor of the villa, Sun Long was standing by the window with a cup of tea, looking at Jerry who was sitting cross-legged on the Merlin Dharma ring and practicing meditation, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Jerry is the most talented magician he has ever seen. Basically, if he mentions a little bit of magic, it won't take long for the other party to understand it.

The point is, this little guy is not only amazingly talented, but also works very hard. Although meditation can replace sleep, few magicians really do it, because the process is really not that comfortable.

But since he was imprisoned in this space similar to the mirror world, he can basically see the other party practicing meditation all night here every day.

If this continues, he feels that it may take less than ten years for the opponent's magician level to completely surpass his own.

Originally, he was still thinking about seeing if there was a chance to escape from this space. Although he lost his wrist armor and couldn't cast magic, as long as he escaped from this space and made another pair of wrist armor, it was actually not a problem for him. It's not a particularly difficult thing.

But, gradually, he gave up the idea.

Because on the one hand, the other party has cast magic at all the entrances and exits of the entire villa, unless the other party enters the box space, he cannot leave the villa.

Moreover, the more he got along with the other party, the more he could feel the other party's terror. He was worried that even if he could escape this space, he might not be able to escape the other party's pursuit.

It's better to just stay in this villa honestly, and after ten years, you can regain your freedom.

For him who has obtained eternal life, ten years is really nothing, not to mention that there is everything in the villa, and the other party has never treated him badly, and his attitude can be regarded as respecting him.

three days later.

Jerry pulled a suitcase that didn't have much luggage, held Crookshanks and Hermione and met at the gate of King's Cross Station. When they were separated on vacation, the two had made an appointment to meet at King's Cross Station and take the Hogwarts Express back to school the day before school started.

"Get along well!"

At the gate of the station, the Grangers waved to Hermione and Jerry who walked into the station and said loudly.

His daughter had never had many friends, but she unexpectedly made good friends in a school for magicians. The Grangers were quite relieved.

In particular, they didn't hear their daughter mention her best friend Jerry during the holidays.

"How was your vacation?

Crossing platform nine and three-quarters and finding a seat on the train, Jerry and Hermione chatted.

"It's not bad, but there are always some relatives who come to visit and ask me which school I study in, and I can't tell them!

Hermione curled her lips in distress.

It turns out that not only Chinese people have the saying of visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, the British also have family gatherings at Christmas, and most relatives will gather together at that time.

And Hermione, as the only wizard in the whole family, cannot tell her identity to anyone except her parents, which makes it difficult for her to answer when relatives ask about the school at family gatherings.

"However, during this period of time, I have read all the books for the second half of the semester. I even learned some books in the first half of the second grade in advance!"

Seeing Hermione's expression of complimenting me quickly, Jerry smiled and raised his hand to give her a thumbs up:

"you are awesome!"

Speaking of which, Jerry has basically memorized all the textbooks for the current seventh grade. Except for a few of the most difficult spells, most of the spells in it can be released successfully.

However, it took him more than three months before and after, and he was still under the dual assistance of "Refreshing" and Merlin's ring.

And Hermione only used the two weeks of the Christmas holiday, which shows that her learning talent is really powerful.

So Jerry's compliment of "You are awesome" is indeed from the heart.

In this way, the train went all the way through the farmland villages of ordinary people, entered the dense forest hills far away from the Muggle world, and finally stopped at the somewhat dilapidated Hogsmeade platform before the afterglow of the sun disappeared completely.