
Marvel’s Doctor Who I’m gonna rework it someday soon probably

*notice I’m gonna rework this shiite because I didn’t like the beginning

RezPanther · Movies
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The Beginning of my end

2024 Wednesday, June 12th


Life is always unexpected somedays it's exciting somedays it's boring as hell like right now currently in my car door dashing for some money which half is likely to be put in my car for some gas money. I'm driving down from rapid city to the Rez in pine ridge because some one ordered some lints bro's pizza well I'm getting a good tip anyway with 22 dollars just to drive down there. Going down the back roads are scary as hell because you never know when a deer decides to hop across the road. *ring… ring* my phone is getting called right now. I pick it up and it my sister calling for where I'm at? I tell her I'm coming up on red shirt and then suddenly a big ass deer in the center of the road caught me off guard and I swirve to the right and fly off into the ditch but I see the bridge side rails for cars go by and I panicked for a brief moment know I'm about to drive into the river. As the car plunged into the water my windsheild breaks and water flows in. I try to unbuckle my seat belt before I drown but because I'm so shaky I can't get my seat belt unbuckled so I drown…

For what seem like only a few seconds after everything goes dark I'm inside a foggy and grey place, the ground is flooded till my shins and a being standing a few ten feet away sitting a mediative position with glowing and flashing white eyes staring at me and a body that looks to be filled with galaxies and stars and black holes with their bright orange event horizons. I approach the being and greet with a wave "hello there". The being closes it eyes for a few seconds and stares back at me and then tells me in being reincarnated or transmigrate if I do choose. "If i reincarnated will I keep my memories". It says no as that option is to be reincarnated back and earth but transmigration is to be of their choosing. "Who's choosing" I ask. The being answers with "Ours" and behind here are the conceptual being from the marvel comics with infinity, death, eternity, master order, chaos lord, living tribunal, and oblivion. I ask "why me out of everyone that has died why me" as currently I already guess why I more than likely died is because of them for some entertainment and I pretty pissed right now. "Yes it is for entertainment mortal" the mocking voice of death reached my ears as she probably read my mind. Infinity and eternity put their hands up to silence both me and speak to me "you have yes been chosen for entertainment and will likely guess where your going but don't worry you'll have the ability to choose some characters you know to use as your abilities from what they have but only if we agree and the character." Infinity tells me and eternity moves to speak "yes but you must remember that who you choose as your first pick will change history in the universe your going to and it will help intergrate a background for you" I think about this and just to make thing more chaotic for them I choose the first character and my next ones. "I choose doctor who, Harry Potter, Anakin skywalker and finally Paul atreides." Infinity and eternity look to each other seeming to agree and look back to me. "Yes we will allow this but know that those from the doctor who universe will also inhabit the universe your in as well have to deal the consequences of having three chosen ones inhabit your soul and your being means that you always have the fate of the universe connected to you and those around you." Infinity and eternity say at the same time and the bodies of all abstract being glow so brightly I have to close my eyes. And when I open them I am seeing probably one of the most beautiful thing I'll ever see the home world of the doctor Gallifrey. The world looked to be mostly desert but the way the sun rays bounce of the the globe of the city and the reflection of the buildings make it seem to glow golden.

I walk for some time to my destination the city of Gallifrey I walk and walk even when the sun came down I walk to make it to the city. After walking for miles I notice my body seems stronger than originally and know this my body back then wasn't a athlete I was fairly thin with some fat parts from little exercise and fast food. But know those fat bits are gone but I'm still kinda skinny. But my stamina is more than what my body looks to be and I've been walking for miles without drenching myself in sweat. I make it to the wall of the city and some gaurds let me in.

(A few time skips because I don't want to make the start very long)

20 years later I am learning a lot of languages right now as I want to be able to speak every language in the universe.

30 years later I finished almost all of the languages in universe just a couple thousand to go. I'm also starting to slow down in the aging department as I still look like I'm in my 30s. As well my body has finally intergrated my timelord body from the doctor. But I'm also expierencing some very vivid dream which I'm guessing is the future sight dreams from skywalker and atreides.

50 years later I'm still learning and I still look young and I'm currently working on mechanics or the universal version on mechanics class with a good fellow name davros names sound kinda familiar also I notice I'm learning much faster than the other timelords as I found out that I'm gaining memories from the doctor when he was my age and my future dream are also helping in the experiment or hands on learning showing me different ways to do things to achieve success.

70 years later and my mind is a very hard worker I got through a type 10 class civilization in physics and biology. And now I'm working on learn environmental science with learning about all the different planets animals and biographies and bio worlds. Basically I'm tryna learn about every animal and species. My good friend davros seem to be competitive in the learning department we've had some good times together we explored many different plants and many different time with the renting a couple tardis's over the decade but unfortunately we have to return them but we are really good friends at this point.

120 years later and I've almost gone through all the books about the universe and learned many of the type 10 class civilization sciences and practices. And a lot of stuff about time and space with the many different dimensions around us. But everything not going really well with davros as he just lost his family to the government about some secret their hiding and davros has become more antagonistic towards everyone even me.

150 years later and it's my 168th birthday and I've finally done learning everything the timelords have to offer. But davros has gone missing and my dream are becoming a frequent thing their about stealing a tardis. So I guess it my time to go. I get my shit into my expanded space trunk and my many trinkets like a 2-dis and many more you know what I'm gonna show the fourth wall a list

- the 2-dis a dimension changing device

- teleport bracelet

- anti dreaming device

- bio damper that masks bio signatures

- curioscanner detects exo planetary energy

-dinosaur stun gun

- invisible watch me and davros created when we were high

- a sonic screwdriver

- electric lighting simulator for pranks and scaring medieval people away

- etheric beam locator to locate etheric energy and ion charge emissions

- a compactable food machine for puncakes

- Hand-held electronic 'eraser' device basically a fancy erasure

- intelligent gloves meant to transfer weight to resist gravity

- a invisible watch that grant the ability to be invisible something useful I also gave it the same name as another watch that won't confuse anyone later on

- laser scapel

- laser stick

- laser screw driver

- laser spanner or a laser scanner

- a machine that goes ding when near zygons and those with shapeshifter abilities also it downloads comics from the future and can be used to microwave frozen dinners like hot pockets

- a magic box that can change the size and shape of anything in the vicinity and produce a heat ray

- magician's stick that I found in davros's room

- a magnetic grape to pull other grapes to my magnetic grape

- a Mu-field generator that powers thing in the vicinity it doesn't need thing to be plugged into it

- a nano recorder that records thoughts and speech and emotions and stuff

- personal reality warp me and davros also created because we were paranoid, at the time we were high as a kyte

- a quantum stabilizer

- a randomizer that gives me random shit

- robot detector

- shaving machine

- snorkel

- species matcher

- suspended animation device from when me and davros tried stronger stuff… we got banned from a planet for life

- telepathic helmet for telepathy

- telepathic transmitter to transmit thoughts I don't want to wear a helmet

- A temporal interocitor allows me to communicate across space and time with another one of these thingy's

- a time distortion equalizer thingy I don't know when I built this it was in my room for months and me and davros don't remember making this

- time ring to travel in time

- time sensor to detect time travelers

- timey-whimey detector to detect time distortions

- tissue compression eliminator that make anyone who is shot by this turn smaller like a plastic green army figure

- universal adaptor had to his this one from davros when he came looking for it after we built it

- Vibrio cutter its like a high frequency scissors

- vision distruptor to make someone blind

- a writers block it gives anyone near it writers block

I fit most of this stuff in my pockets as their expanded to fit a bunch of shit In them also if you must know I'm wearing something snazzy as I borrow a tardis for a extended time wish to see

Any ways I have to mission impossible my way to where they keep tardis's and by mission impossible I mean using my sonic screwdriver to unlock all the door on the way their and use it to disable the many different security systems. I make it to the room filled with different tardis's and I see a young woman that looks like Jenna Coleman. "Hello there" She looks at me with a nostalgic smile "hear that a lot, but doctor you must go into that one over there!" I look to where she's pointing and it's a type 40 it looks a little old but I'm lnot complaining maybe the other newer model are locked out or something. "Thank you deary but I must ask what is your name" I look back to see she's gone I will just shrug it off. I get into the tardis start it up but quickly everything turns to shit as the tardis start driving itself everything shaking and then I remembered she called me the doctor and now I know I'm in some shit now guess she must mean that I'm the doctor for her and she's Clara Oswald. I look upward at the ceiling and decide to start it off with a whopper. "Geronimo!!" And we pane out to the tardis in the time vortex spinning off to an adventure

(AN if you must know that I'm only showing stories I want to tell when ever in between chapter uploads the doctor is off adventuring I will only show different adventures with similarities or episode that I like in the show but with the marvel universe added to it)