
Marvel’s Doctor Who I’m gonna rework it someday soon probably

*notice I’m gonna rework this shiite because I didn’t like the beginning

RezPanther · Movies
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4 Chs

first semi-adventure

(Only a few minutes after the tardis started on its own)

"Oh come on girl I know I'm a new driver but work with me" as I'm scampering around tryna take control of the ship. I look at the screen where it tells me of where we're going. "Come on pretty lady at least tell me where we are going" I get a picture on the screen that shows me where I'm goin. And after some time tryna figure out the place it seems to be old Brooklyn as in 1920's old. I can guess what I'm here for and also not tell what the hell im here for as well. As the tardis stops shaking and it make a chime telling me we're here I walk towards the doors of the tardis. I take a deep breath *breath in* and *breath out* I open the doors to find my self and the tardis parked in and alley way I press a button on my keys and disguise the tardis as a phone booth a American one not the familiar blue police box because why would I change it to that when I'm in America.

(July 4th, 1929- New York, Brooklyn)

"Hmm it seem I'm a little bit before the Great Depression as that will start in august I believe." Some people look at me like I'm some crazy person talking to myself. I look around and decide to walk around Brooklyn out of curiosity. "I've never been to Brooklyn I've been to manhattan for a 8th grade graduation trip but never went here." I walk around for a bit try some foods that I never paid for and just used my psychic paper because I'm broke because gallifrey uses a different kind of currency. I look to my left and see a park. Deciding to breath some air around trees because the air in the city is just nasty. I walk to the park and see a little blond kid his face looks like he's nearing his teens but his body is small and he looks like he could use a sandwich. So I grab a sandwich from a picnic when a couple wasn't looking and walk over to him where he's sitting on a bench look down right glum. I sit next to him he looks at me with curiosity "well hello there you look like you need a good meal." I give him the sandwich and he looked so confused I start giggling like a dumbass. "Oh look your face is making a weird expression. Maybe you could go back to the other face you might get suck like that." I say with some concern he looks so confused but asks me my name. "Um hello can I get your name sir?" Oh how that puts a smile on my face thinking about the doctors companion's. "My name is the doctor" he looks confused and asks another question. "Doctor who, or is it just the doctor?" Now that puts a smile on my face. "Well I'm not the doctor but thee doctor and from where I'm sitting you have a very peculiar condition" he seem alert now and asks me "what conditions" I give him my answer "loneliness your face says it all it shows that your lonely and I'd like to ask why?" He seem to get and even sadder face than before. "My friend, his name is Bucky he's playing sports at another school and I couldn't play because I'm too small." And I get his point because its been a few decade since I've seen my friend too so I get his loneliness feeling. "Well I'm sorry you feel that way. Hey you know what how about I show you something that might get you out of that mood" his face seem to light up a bit with some curiosity. "What is it your gonna show me." After he said that I notice I kinda sounded like a predator but I'll ignore that feeling of cringe inside of me and get up and motion him to follow me. He gets up and follow as I lead him for a few minute walk to my tardis outside of an alley way. "Hear we are welcome to my tardis!" I give him a showman performance with my hands showing a phone booth with a smile on my face. He looks at me weirdly and asks me "what's a tardis and why are you showing me a phone booth." And that make me a little down because of his question and then I remember that my tardis is in its camouflage so I pull out my keys and change it to that famous blue police box. And he looks astonished and confounded and I open the door to show him the inside and he walk in with a face full of wonder. He say "what is this place?!" I walk in behind him and tell him what it is. "This! What your seeing is a technological marvel any time, any place, whatever happens and what ever was. This can go there." He looks at the inside and go out to see that the blue box is smaller than the inside and question me "its bigger on the inside! How can it do that." And give a smirk and walk to the console and he follows me and I start pressing button to go somewhere and give him my answer. "This is the tardis and tardis stands for 'time and relative dimensions in space' or you know shortly 'tardis' and its bigger on the inside just because it wants to." He looks at me with astonishment and I ask him "so any time, any place where do you want to go?" He looks at me and thinks for a moment. "Can this truly take us anywhere? Then if so I want to see the earth when dinosaur still roamed." I look at him with a little disappointment because of his choice. "You can go anywhere but you want to go see some big lizards" he looks at me like I'm crazy "what don't you want to see dinosaurs a lot of people would like to see Dinosaurs." I don't even what to talk to him how boring seeing bigger versions of a Komodo dragon and just set the destination. The tardis shakes a bit but later gives me a chime telling me we're here. "Come on then let's see some lizards then" me and him walk out of the tardis in to the plains.

(Some billion or million years before 1929 in South Dakota the lower left region of the state)

"So here we are in the era of the Dino's and look at that view the sun on a different point in the sky and look over there a triceratops group." The boy ignores my monologue and moves towards the triceratops and I follow him. We get to we're a small triceratops is eating some grass. "Well would you look at that a child triceratop aw and look he's eating some munchy greenies look" the boy looks at me with a annoyed face and tells me "if your so uninterested why don't you go do something else why don cha" I move form where he is and go to a very small Dino. "Aw you actually look cute kinda looks like a small velociraptor but your obvio…" I hear some growling and slowly look up to see the mother. "Um hello there sorry but I'm not here to harm your baby." She slowly moves towards me and I slowly and carefully move back and call out to the boy. "Hey I think we should get back to the tardis kid." And the boy looks from afar and see the Dino and fearfully start to run to the tardis. "Oh please tell me he didn't run" as I said that another velociraptor pops out of the tree line and makes its way to the boy. I start running away from the mother of the small Dino and run towards the boy and dig into my pockets looking for my dinosaur stun gun. And the boy gets to my tardis but its looked and the velociraptor that was moving towards him leaps to get him. I pulled out my stun gun for dinosaurs and accurately shot the Dino to stun it and run with my keys and unlock the tardis. "Go go get in" he and I both get In just as the one chasing me slams into the door. "Ok let's get you back to your time I think that should cure your loneliness." I said that and press buttons and Steve tiredly gets up and moves around to follow me circling the tardis console. "That was very exciting too bad the velociraptor had to ruin it." I look at him and ask "so kid I almost forgot but do tell me what was your name." As I've had some time to figure out who he his and who he's gonna be. "My name is Steve Rogers"

~end of a short chapter~

(AN hello I just now had the time to write the second chapter even though its a small one. Its currently for me 5:40 am and I'm tired but I'm gonna say the chapters I write will probably span maybe 2 or 4 chapters a week when ever I'm not using the writers block the doctor has but you know. Also I'm new to writing a story on WebNovel and usually I have a google doc I write on that I don't publish stuff for fanfic sites and just read them or have my friends or family read them for feedback but this is my first story and I want something new I got this idea when I was messing around on the Facebook messenger Ai and somehow got to doctor who and marvel crossovers. Wow 1500 words in a hour not bad for me that is everyone else could probably go 3000 in a hour. Also can some one give me some ideas for the fits on the regeneration outfits make them maybe for modern suits and don't give me some sci-fi iron man suit but a doctor who one and I will say no to a Willy wonka suit.)