
Marvel’s Doctor Who I’m gonna rework it someday soon probably

*notice I’m gonna rework this shiite because I didn’t like the beginning

RezPanther · Movies
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4 Chs

First Companion

(Few minutes after dropping Steve off at the park) (3rdPov)

*Doors Closing* *Click*

The doctor sit down on a seat near the tardis consol thinking "Well that was fun wasn't it? I mean having to worry over a companion's life is a hard thing but its fun." After mulling over his word and thinking about how the doctor usually has companions to keep him in check and keep him from being lonely. "Well maybe I should do these adventures or maybe not? Every time the doctor has companions they eventually leave because they should or because he has to leave them." He thinks about all the companions after 9. "Rose Tyler she had to be left behind, Donna Noble had to forget the doctor and leave, Amelia Pond left the doctor to be with Rory they atleast got to live their life, Clara died then lived again but the doctor had to forget her, Bill literally got killed by a Cyberman but 14's excuse is that her conscience still lived on. I don't think I'll be able to put my companions through the same thing." The doctor walks to the console and presses button to change the interior of 12's. He stands there looking at the interior he liked the most. "Cybermen, Zygons, Daleks, the silence, skrulls, Angels, the many different empires in the marvel universe with hostile intentions." After walking around the doctor tries to think about the companions and enemy's and possible allies. "I have to do this the doctor's many original enemies are just as or even more dangerous than the one in the marvel universe I have to keep them at bay or else there will be pandemonium." The doctor looks up and decided he must take the role he chose more seriously. Because after Steve a pivotal person in the world being in danger because of him got him to think. "Ok we should get this show on the road. What the first place we're goin to girl, come on where are you going to take me" the tardis console lights up and start. On the outside the blue box slowly vanish out of thin air and nobody notices.

(1951 Cenadou Restaurant, North Salem, Westchester County, New York)

As the doctor walk out of the tardis and explores the scenery and finds that everything is mostly just trees he looks to see a restaurant and think about getting something to eat. "Hello I'd like to make a reservation for one please and thank you" the waitress smiles and goes to make his reservation the doctor looks around the restaurant and see a girl in her teens with blonde hair and brown eyes and thinks to himeself 'is that Jennifer Lawrence?!' He walks over to her table sits in front of her while she is reading the newspaper. The waitress comes over to take his order. "Um I'll have a sunny side up egg sandwich with ham and a lot of bacon with hash browns and a glass of juice" the waitress takes his order and the blonde puts down her newspaper and stares at the doctor. "Out of all the tables in here you pick mine why?" I look at her with a smile and pull out a machine and set it on the table. "What's that?" She looked confused as she's never seen something so marvelous (she actually thinks it looks like something cobbled up from garbage) "well you see this is a machine that goes ding." Just after he said that it goes ding the machine goes ding. "You see I use this to find zygons and others with shapeshifter powers and it also cooks microwaveables up to 20 feet and downloads comics from the future." She looks like she doesn't believe him so the doctor decides to demonstrate it and moves it to point at the others in the restaurant and it doesn't go ding untill he pointed it back at the blondie. "As you see everyone here isn't a shapeshifter unlike you so I'd like to ask what are you? Are you a zygon, skrull or are you a blue slime that reincarnated?" She seemed overwhelmed with word spouting out of the doctor's mouth. "Skrull? Zygon? A Slime? Why would I be any of those things I'm just a harmless human." I look at her and point with a giggle. "Ah ha see no human is harmless even babies." She looks alert and the doctor starts trying to talk to her but suddenly you can hear multiple wheezing noises coming from around them and multiple tardis's appear at every entrance and exits to block off any escape. men walk out of the tardis's with guard armor with weapons point at the doctor and the blonde. "Sorry but before whatever this is gets started what is your name?" She looks at him with a worried expression. "My name is Raven Darkholme and what is happening?!" He looks at her then at them. "Um we're probably gonna get arrested!" She looks at the gaurds. "Why the hell am I getting arrested along with you I don't even know you." The doctor looks over at her with a reassuring smile. "Well me I'm the doctor" she looks over at him like he's a dumbass. "Doctor Who" the doctor smiles and their both taken off into a tardis and transported to a jury room. There they see multiple gaurds and five people wearing red ceremonial robes and the one in the middle wearing a more military robe. "Well I'd like to say what did I do? but seeing my tardis over there in the corner tells me" the judges or mostly the one in the middle look at him like he's a stupid man. The one wearing the military clothes says. "This is the trial of the man who calls himself the doctor." The doctor looks at him with a impassive face. "The doctor is charged with stealing a tardis, messing with a pivotal part of history with the planet Terra." The doctor interrupts him with a pointed finger. "Um I was just borrowing it and I didn't really mess up the Captain's timeline maybe I showed him something fantastic but didn't really put him in danger or anything." The judge looks at the doctor like he doesn't believe him. "And how? Does taking a tardis from a secured room not stealing a tardis, as well as taking Steve Rogers to a very dangerous time for humans?" The doctor looks at him with a sheepish face. "Well maybe you should add more security to that room. And Steve needed a vacation, plus he was with me so he wasn't in any real danger." The judge doesn't seem to buy his excuse so he turns to the other judges and whispers to them about his sentencing. The doctor leans down to whisper to raven. "I believe we should make a run for it you and me. See my tardis over there just snap your fingers near it and it'll open I'll be right behind you." The doctor look to see that all the judges look at him and he motions raven to start moving when he pulls something out of his pockets. "Hey do anyone know what happens when you point two sonics at each other?!" Raven starts running to the tardis and he moves both sonics together above his head. And the judges look at him with confusion. "You don't either? well neither do I, so let's do it!" The sonics start making a high pitch schreeching noise and starts disrupting everyone's electrical devices. The doctor runs while everyone is stunned to the tardis. Both raven and the doctor get in and lock the door and the doctor presses buttons on the tardis console to get the out of there. "DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?! MY EARS!" The doctor start mumbling about how normies are always whining about something. "Well first off we need to take out their tracking thingy on galifrey before we go back to earth" Raven follows him to see what he's doing and asks "what is galifrey?" The doctor looks at her. "Well it's my home world but not my home really but we won't get into that." The tardis stops onto a street we can see a bright yellow sky and a glass dome surrounding the ceiling. "Why is every thing so orange?" The doctor looks at her "well it's because of stuff from the solar rays hitting my planet and the metallic building reflect that light everywhere so it looks orange i think." The doctor motions to her to move quickly into a building where the tracker locator thingy is. "It's best to keep your head down blondie we don't want to get caught because of your blonde hair." Raven looks at him with a crossed expression. "Why is it my hair always the hair you focus on?" The doctor looks at her like she dumb. "Well it's probably cause you blond and that currently is you best feature." They continue to walk towards the console. "Well let's do something drastic and shut down my world economy by changing a one to a zero." Just as he did that many time lords across galifrey freak out because their currency does not work anymore. "Ok that should give me some free time against time lords trying to follow me and now let's turn off the thingy ." A powered down noise follows as he disables the locator thing and raven and the doctor run off to the tardis. "Ok after we get to the tardis let's get you home." Raven and the doctor take off in the tardis as the doctor transported the tardis to her home. "That was soo exciting can we do that again?!" Raven says to the doctor. "We surely can." The doctor walks Raven to the Xavier mansion and asks "how long are you going to adventure with me again?" Raven looks at him with a smile "forever"

(AN we'll this took me a long time to finish had little free time this week sorry also a bit of a time skip after this chapter as I want to move things along. Also I don't know if I can do Amelia pond because nebula and Amy pond have the same actres)