
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 200: Mo Luo

"It's you, the little devil who ruined our plans!"

Qiu Qianmo looked at the young man who suddenly appeared, his face suddenly changed and he screamed.

Lin Yuan ignored Qiu Qianmo and the others. He reached out his hand, helped Ji Che up, smiled gently, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here, you'll be fine."

When Ji Che heard this, he felt a little warmer in his heart, but he still warned: "Be careful, there are two Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm strongmen on the opposite side."

"Are you the little brat who ruined my good deeds last time?"

Ji Wu looked at Lin Yuan coldly, with murderous intent in his heart.

Last time, Ji Che should have been in the dunes, but he didn't expect to be rescued by the little ghost in front of him, so he suffered heavy losses and had to choose to lie dormant again, quietly waiting for the next opportunity.

Now that the enemies have met, how could Ji Wu let the other party go? He gave Qiu Qianmo a look, signaling him to take action.

However, Qiu Qianmo was not stupid. He had already experienced the opponent's strength. He knew that he was no match for him at all. If he just rushed forward, it would be tantamount to committing suicide.

So, Qiu Qianmo stood there, without moving, and was unmoved by Ji Wu's gesture.

"This damn thing!"

Ji Wu cursed inwardly, being very annoyed at Qiu Qianmo's cowardly behavior, but there was nothing he could do.

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at Qiu Qianmo's face, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He probably had never seen this person before, but he sensed a very familiar aura from him.

"He hid his face?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan gently waved his sleeves and a strong wind suddenly blew up.

Before the three could react, the strong wind blew them away from the hall.

"Your Majesty, this brat is much stronger than the above ones. We are no match for him."

There was a flash of shock in Qiu Qianmo's eyes, then he stood up with difficulty and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Ji Wu's face looked particularly ugly.

Although he was arrogant, he was not stupid. What Lin Yuan had just shown was far beyond what he could do.

This shows that the opponent's strength has surpassed the Nirvana realm and reached the Shengxuan realm.

"Your Majesty, now that things have come to this, we can only let Lord Moro deal with him."

Qiu Qianmo knew very well that the gap between the Shengxuan Realm and the Nirvana Realm was like a chasm that he could never cross, so he wisely put forward his own ideas.

Ji Wu thought for a while and nodded indifferently.

An army of 300,000 might seem powerful, but in front of a Shengxuan realm powerhouse, they are nothing more than a group of ants. With a faint smile, they can be turned into ashes.

Just as the two were talking, Lin Yuan appeared in front of the three people in an instant, with a piercing chill in his eyes.

"Who will go first?"

Ji Wu had a cold face and a sneer on his lips. He said, "Little devil, do you think I can't kill you now?"


So you have another trump card?"

Lin Yuan chuckled and looked at Ji Wu sarcastically, with a flash of contempt in his eyes.

"You two help me hold him back. Give me some time."

After saying that, Ji Wu retreated several miles away, and then took out a crystal clear blood-red jade token.

Without hesitation, Ji Wu bit his fingertips and dripped a drop of blood into the jade token, which then emitted a bloody light.

"I'm not stupid enough to give you a chance."

After saying that, Lin Yuan turned his fingers into swords and swung at each of the two people in front of him.

There was a flash of sword light, and the two men didn't even have time to react before they were pierced through instantly and died in shock.

The next moment, Lin Yuan attacked quickly, and before Ji Wu could crush the jade token, his fingers gently stroked the latter's neck.


Reluctantly, Ji Wu collapsed to the ground, his vitality rapidly draining away, and he eventually died as the light in his eyes disappeared.

"Next, as long as we destroy those 300,000 troops, everything will be over, right?"

After easily dealing with the three people, Lin Yuan looked towards the densely packed crowd in the distance, his eyes like swords.

"Ten thousand swords fired at once."

Lin Yuan stretched out a finger, and black sword energy floated upward from his fingertips.

After a while, a large amount of sword energy poured into the clouds, dyeing them black.

The black clouds covered the entire Kyoto, plunging the entire city into darkness.

The sudden darkness caused panic among the people in Kyoto and also stopped the beast-like rebels in their tracks, and they all looked up at the sky.

"it's over."

With a low hum, countless sword blades fell from the black clouds. They seemed to have spirituality and only attacked the rebels who were shaped like wild beasts.

Accompanied by heart-wrenching screams, the rebels fell one after another, and their bodies were devoured by the dark rain of swords.

"This..." Looking at such a horrifying scene before their eyes, the living people looked at each other in bewilderment. Not only did they not feel any joy in their hearts, but they were filled with fear instead.

After a while, the black clouds dissipated and the warm sunshine once again illuminated the entire earth.

"It's...it's over. We won?"

Someone said this, breaking the eerie silence, and followed by a burst of joy that resounded through the sky.

The faces of the living people were filled with post-war joy and excitement. They cheered and were grateful that they were still alive.

"That disgusting smell hasn't disappeared yet and is getting stronger and stronger..." Unlike the joy of others, Lin Yuan's face was full of solemnity.

Even though he dealt with all the rebels, the disgusting atmosphere still permeated the air and became stronger and stronger.


At some point, Ji Che walked out of the hall and heard cheers outside the palace, and asked in confusion.

"No, not yet. The real enemy has not appeared yet."

Lin Yuan shook his head decisively and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, I have a bad feeling."

As if to confirm Lin Yuan's words, the sky above Kyoto suddenly became distorted, and a dark mass of air appeared in front of everyone.

"Hehehe..." The next moment, the black gas let out a very eerie laugh, which spread to every corner of Kyoto.

The people who were originally excited that everything was over suddenly became panicked. They looked up into the sky with despair in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yuan flew into the air, facing the black gas, his eyes full of confusion.

No matter how he looked, he couldn't figure out what this black gas was, and he couldn't even sense the slightest fluctuation of its vital energy.

You know, he has already reached the top level in this world and is a strong man in the early stage of the Samsara Mirror.

Unless the opponent is stronger than oneself, it is impossible not to detect a slight fluctuation of vital energy even if one uses some special means.

"You are Lin Yuan, right?

We finally met."

The sinister voice coming from the black air mass made Lin Yuan even more confused.

"you know me?"

"Hehehe... Of course I know him."

"Not only do I know you, but I am also very familiar with you. In this world, I may be the person who knows you best."

The black gas circled around Lin Yuan, and the words he said made Lin Yuan feel a chill.