
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 199: Lin Yuan Returns

The capital city of Luoyi is in ruins.

The 300,000 troops under Ji Wu's command were like bloodthirsty beasts, wreaking havoc everywhere and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were slaughtered.

For a moment, the sound of wailing resounded through the sky.

Inside the palace, Ji Che was trapped in the main hall, with nowhere to retreat. He was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and could only be slaughtered.

"My good nephew, as long as you sign the edict of abdication, I will spare your life for the sake of our family ties, and also allow you to be rich and powerful. How do you think?"

Ji Wu licked his dry lips, his eyes flashing with bloodthirsty red light, and he smiled evilly.

Ji Che ignored Ji Wu. His eyes were always on the man standing on the left behind Ji Wu, with a gloomy face.

The man standing on Ji Wu's left was majestic and powerful, with eyes like an eagle's, extremely sharp.

The man's name was Sun Ling. He was a traitor who was entrusted with an important task by Ji Che, but ended up betraying him.

"Hey hey..., what?

Don't you recognize him?

He is the person you trust the most."

Ji Wu noticed Ji Che's gaze, sneered, and said sarcastically with disdain in his eyes.


I trust you so much and have handed over the three camps to you, why do you want to betray me?"

Ji Che had a gloomy face, his face was covered with frost, he gritted his teeth and asked hatefully.

Hearing Ji Che's almost hateful voice, Sun Ling remained expressionless, as if he had no intention of answering at all.

"It's useless. No matter what you say, it's meaningless."

Ji Wu looked at Ji Che mockingly, and then said coldly: "Ji Che, you have no way to escape, listen to my words, otherwise you will die today!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Ji Che rejected Ji Wu's conditions without even thinking about it.

"Ji Wu, you are a member of the royal family of the Great Zhou, but now you dare to do such a treasonous thing. Aren't you afraid of being spurned by the world?"

"This throne originally belonged to me. If that old man hadn't favored you and insisted on passing the throne to you, how could a useless person like you have become the emperor today?"

Ji Wu showed a hateful look, stared at Ji Che viciously, and shouted angrily: "Everything I did today was forced by that old man. If he had passed the throne to me, so many things would not have happened, and the Great Zhou would have reached its peak under my leadership!"

"Hmph, Ji Wu, you are stubborn and arrogant. What qualifications do you have to blame the late emperor? What qualifications do you have to ascend the throne?"

Ji Che snorted coldly, his words filled with disdain and ridicule.

"Back then, you massacred all the people in the county, causing widespread public outrage. If it weren't for the late emperor, how could you have survived to this day?"

"Now, not only have you refused to repent, but you have even gone even further. I have never seen someone as shameless as you. You are not worthy of being a member of the Great Zhou royal family!"

"Shut up!

! ! "

Ji Che's words completely angered Ji Wu. He stared with bloodshot eyes, exuding a strong murderous intent, and shouted angrily: "This Southern Region belongs to my Ji family. Those lowly people do not respect my orders and dare to go against me. It is not a pity that they die."

"That old man, just for those lowly people, abolished my throne and drove me out of Kyoto..." "He deserves to die, he deserves to die!"

Hearing this, Ji Che said no more. He never expected that the late emperor's momentary weakness not only failed to make Ji Wu reform, but instead made him resentful and even rebel.

Thinking of this, Ji Che not only felt sorry for the late emperor, but even felt a little sad.

"At this point, there is no point in saying this. You can kill me or chop me up as you wish, but no matter what, don't even think about the abdication edict."

Ji Che showed a determined look and looked calm.

When Ji Wu heard Ji Che's words, his face turned very ugly. He wished he could go forward and chop him into pieces.

But he also understood that if he could not get the edict of abdication, the officials would never submit to him, and those generals who held heavy troops would not submit to him either. Even the five major sects would not recognize him.

"Your Highness, there is no need to waste time talking to him. As long as we capture him, Lord Moro will make him willingly give up the throne."

On Ji Wu's right, Qiu Qianmo smiled eeriely and spoke sinisterly.


Ji Che frowned slightly, countless thoughts flashing through his mind, but he still couldn't remember who this person was.


Hearing Qiu Qianmo's words reminded Ji Wu of the mysterious old man, and an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, as long as he catches you, he will definitely find a way to make you voluntarily give up the throne."

"Don't even think about it!"

Ji Che said with a cold face, "Even if I die, I will not let you succeed!"

"That's not up to you."

Ji Wu shouted loudly, and the aura of the Ninth Yuan Nirvana Realm was released, instantly covering the entire hall.

Zheng Bichang felt this terrifying pressure, cold sweat broke out on his forehead and a trace of solemnity flashed across his eyes.

Ji Che was unable to withstand this pressure and slowly fell down, almost kneeling on the ground.

Although Ji Che didn't want to kneel down in his heart, he tried hard to control his body, but it was of no use. He could only watch his knees kneel down.

"You can't kneel. You absolutely can't kneel!"

Ji Che kept roaring in his heart. He used up almost all his strength to resist, but in the face of reality, it was still useless.

"You didn't expect that?

This king has endured humiliation and hidden his strength all these years, all for today."

Ji Wu looked at Ji Che's painful expression and felt an unprecedented pleasure in his heart. He laughed almost crazily with a crazy look in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to the moment when Ji Che kneeled down.

"His Majesty!"

Zheng Bichang looked at Ji Che who was struggling hard, and suddenly felt a little sad.

"Even if I die, I will never let you succeed!"

The next moment, Zheng Bichang showed a resolute expression, suppressed his inner fear, jumped up, and his body suddenly swelled, ready to die with him.

"call out!"

At this moment, Qiu Qianmo suddenly made a move, and a short blade quickly slashed across Zheng Bichang's body. The latter's eyes suddenly lost their color, and finally he fell to the ground, motionless.

"You are overestimating your own abilities."

Qiu Qianmo sneered and looked at the dead Zheng Bichang sarcastically, feeling a sense of pleasure in his heart.

He just likes to see other people in despair, and he enjoys this feeling very much.

"Zheng Qing!"

Ji Che roared in grief and anger, with endless rage and despair surging in his heart.

At this moment, Ji Che felt powerless for the first time, and felt his own weakness for the first time.

He blamed himself and he regretted it.

Involuntarily, the image of Lin Yuan appeared in his mind.

"If I could have his talent, perhaps this wouldn't have happened."

With the last bit of hope, Ji Che was completely desperate, with his knees just a finger's distance from the ground.

At this moment, a green light flew in from the gate and landed on Ji Che, and the invisible pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Are you OK?"

A voice with a hint of concern came into his ears, which gave Ji Che, who was originally in despair, a glimmer of hope.

He raised his head slowly, a smile appearing on his lips.

"Lin Yuan, you're finally here!"