
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Let’s study

To say that in Douluo Dalu, the most effective physical exercise is those Immortal Herbs.

Especially in the Eye of Ice and Fire lake, the top ice-fire immortal herbs, the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and the Infernal Delicate Apricot are real immortal herbs with powerful body training effects. In the original book, after Tang San ate the ice-fire immortal herbs, his soul power level did not increase, but the effect is fully reflected in the enhancement of Tang San's physical body.

It was also after that time that Tang San had possessed the physical strength to cross several major levels.

Then it took them half a year to continuously increase from level 34 to level 38 by 4 consecutive levels, because it is easier to upgrade with the improvement of physical strength.

Among the many immortal grasses in the Eye of Ice and Fire lake , besides the Ice and Fire Immortal Herb, there is also a herb that also has a strong body training effect.

That is the Singular Velvet Sky chrysanthemum that Dai Mubai ate. Although it can't really make people have a vajra indestructible body, it is also much better than other immortal herbs in terms of body training.

Of course, although the body training effects of other immortal herbs are not as strong, they are still very powerful.

In Muge's view, the strongest cheats in Douluo Continent are those Immortal herbs.

If the Seven Shrek Monsters hadn't improved their talents because of getting those Immortal herbs, none of them could become gods except for Oscar and Tang San.

   "At this time, I don't know if Dugu Bo has discovered the Eye of Ice and Fire lake!"

   "If not, then I can easily obtain those Immortal herbs. If they have already been discovered, it will be more troublesome!"

"Fortunately, it's okay even if Dugu Bo finds out. Compared to Su Yuntao, who is known as the Blind Douluo, Dugu Bo can be regarded as a Blind Titled Douluo. He doesn't know he had treasures and in the end it's all for the betterment of others. He and his granddaughter can't get a single Immortal herb!"

   "So even if Dugu Bo has discovered the Eye of Ice and Fire lake, I still have plenty of time!"

After figuring this out, Muge is not in a hurry to find the Eye of Ice and Fire lake for the time being.

It's mainly because Mu Ge felt that Dugu Bo at this time should have already discovered the Eye of Ice and Fire lake.

Because it seems to be mentioned in the original book that Dugu Bo was able to promote to the level of Titled Douluo as he a nearby herb when he was highly poisonous.

As far as Mu Ge knows, Dugu Bo at this time is already a titled Douluo, so Dugu Bo at this time has already taken the Eye of Ice and Fire lake as his own.

But, The Eye of Ice and Fire lake already has an owner, especially he is a Titled Douluo, Mu Ge doesn't want to die, it's better not to think about those Immortal grasses for the time being.

Unless Muge is willing to share the Immortal herbs with others and find Bibi Dong or Spirit Hall to cooperate, naturally there is no need to care about that Poison Douluo.

It's a pity that Muge doesn't want to share it with others.

Anyway, there are still more than ten years before Tang San appears, and before Tang San picks those Immortal herbs, he can act!

Besides, it is not certain whether Tang San will appear or not!

   "Let's leave aside the matter of immortal herbs, the out-of-control problem in the Death God domain must be solved first!"

   "In the original book, Tang San suppressed his killing intent by studying music and aristocratic etiquette, and finally took a year to slowly control the domain of the Death God!"

   "I'm not interested in learning music, but I can focus on learning martial soul knowledge and let myself be silent in the ocean of knowledge, and the effect is the same!"

After putting aside the matter of the immortal herbs, Muge also has his own plan for controlling the Death God domain.

Mastering the domain of Death God and learning martial soul knowledge are both correct.

So as the days passed by, Muge began to train and study regularly.

Exercise the body once a day, and then take a medicated bath.

Perform a life simulation every day and try to develop a physical training method.

Other self-created soul skills are not needed to Muge for the time being, the soul skills he has mastered are enough for now.

Then he will go to the library of Spirit Hall to learn about Martial souls.

After a few days, Muge could clearly feel that the Death God Domain, which might have been out of control, gradually stabilised.

Lets study!


In the library of Spirit Hall, in a quiet corner, Mu Ge is surrounded by a pile of books, and Mu Ge is sitting in the middle holding a book and looking it up.

   "The absorption of the first soul ring has a limit!"

   "So far, the quality of the first soul ring absorbed has reached the highest level, which is 423 years. Other soul masters who absorbed the first soul ring of more than this quality will explode and die!"

   "Tsk tsk, Yu Xiaogang's research on the age of the soul ring is indeed stolen from the Spirit Hall!"

Flipping through the information recorded in his hand, the corners of Mu Ge's mouth raised, forming a sneer of disdain.

Whether reading novels or watching anime, Mu Ge felt that Yu Xiaogang's status in Douluo Dalu was exalted too highly.

The most important thing is that the name is not worthy of the name.

Yu Xiaogang's top ten core competencies and theories are all simple things, which can be said to be common sense in the world of soul masters.

However, Yu Xiaogang grandly summarized them, added a few conjectures of his own, and made it his own.

In the past, Muge thought that the knowledge Yu Xiaogang knew was stolen from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Spirit Hall. Now seeing the things recorded in the Spirit Hall, it can be regarded as a verification of Muge's idea.

Muge admits that Yu Xiaogang still has some wisdom. He can summarise and put forward many constructive ideas, which is very powerful.

But it would be a bit shameless for Yu Xiaogang to claim that knowledge as his own, saying that he researched it by himself.

   "However, he dared to publish that knowledge, which is something really bold."

   "Originally, some things were only in the hands of the top level forces, but he turned out to be lucky and said everything!"

   "Whether he is pursuing fame or really popularising knowledge, what he has done is considered great!"

   "It's no wonder that he was expelled from the sect by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. If he is not expelled from the sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect can't explain it. Yu Xiaogang offended many people at once!"

   "And the methods of the various sects are also very clever, and in the end, what Yu Xiaogang made is called an unrealistic theory!"

   "However, those who are stupid will be misled if they think about it. The smart ones must know that there is a lot of useful knowledge in the ten core competitiveness released by Yu Xiaogang!"

While flipping through the books in his hands, Muge was thinking about Yu Xiaogang.

On the point of popularising knowledge, Muge admitted that what he did was great.

But Mu Ge also thinks that Yu Xiaogang is a hypocrite who chases fame and fortune, a villain.

Many things in the original work can be seen here.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
