
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Effect of Soul rings

Qian Daoliu saw that there was something wrong with Bibi Dong's state at this time.

It wasn't the hatred and disguise hidden in her heart that was discovered, but Bibi Dong's mental state at this time.

Qian Daoliu discovered that Bibi Dong's mental state was in a state where her killing intent would get out of control at any time.

"What's wrong with mom?"

"Is something wrong with mom, grandfather?"

Qian Renxue, who was holding Bibi Dong, heard Qian Daoliu's words, quickly turned her head to look at Qian Daoliu, and asked worriedly.

After questioning, she turned back and looked up at Bibi Dong worriedly, the hands holding Bibi Dong's legs were still tightly hugging.

Bibi Dong touched Qian Renxue's head, then looked at Qian Daoliu and said:

"Well, it's the Death God domain. The Death God domain obtained from the Slaughter City is very special. In addition, I have experienced two years in a place like the Slaughter City, so I can't control my killing intent!"

"But it shouldn't be a big problem. I will retreat for a period of time to completely master the Death God domain!"

Seeing that Qian Daoliu could see through her own condition, Bibi Dong was not surprised, after all, this person in front of her is one of the strongest Limit Douluo in the world, Bibi Dong immediately answered.

On the way back, both she and Mu Ge noticed the problem in the Death God domain.

After they came out, when they met other people, they would always burst out with uncontrollable killing intent.

Bibi Dong chose to solve this problem through retreat.

Just in time, she will use this to avoid contact with Qian Xunji and Qian Renxue again.

As for Muge, the current Muge is not strong enough, and he can't help her. She doesn't plan to let Muge do anything. Muge just needs to practice with all his strength to become stronger.

She is responsible for providing all the resources needed for cultivation.

"It turned out to be the Death God domain, so you really need to learn to control it quickly. Spend a few days with Xueer before retreating!"

When Qian Daoliu heard Bibi Dong's words, he suddenly realized that he still knew little about the Death God Domain.

"Well, I will, Grand Priest!"

Although she was reluctant, Bibi Dong still smiled and agreed.


"Holy Maiden Token, good stuff!"

"With this, I don't have to worry about the resources needed for future cultivation. I can also freely enter and exit the library of Spirit Hall!"

"As expected of Bibi Dong, she knows my hard work in the past two years, so she rewarded me!"

Muge held a token in his hand at this time, full of praise.

If Bibi Dong knew what Mu Ge was muttering at this time, she would definitely go berserk, never want to use the other party again, and kill Muge directly.

Hard work? Who wants you, a beast, to pay!

Of course, Mu Ge knew that Bibi Dong was not there, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to say that.

"Retreat, besides avoiding me, you are also avoiding Qian Xunji and Qian Renxue, right?"

As for Bibi Dong's thoughts of choosing to retreat, Mu Ge also guessed.

But Muge doesn't care, as long as he has achieved his goal of entering the Spirit Hall, everything is secondary.

With the Holy Maiden Token given to him by Bibi Dong, he can obtain all the resources needed for cultivation to the maximum extent.

The cultivation of a soul master is not only the cultivation of soul power, but also the cultivation of the physical body.

The soul masters in Douluo World don't practice physical exercises, and some of them use some crude ways of exercising their bodies.

For example, in the original book, the weight-bearing running with stones on the back made by Yu Xiaogang, etc., are some basic methods of exercising.

Even when it came to the Sea God island test, one of the content of the test was to tie them to the sinking silver pillar in the tidal sea to withstand the impact of the sea tide, so as to achieve the effect of cultivating the physical body.

This is the way the soul masters of the Douluo World to exercise and improve their physical bodies. They all use external force and there is no direct way of cultivation.

There is also the use of drugs for medicated bath training. This method is faster, but it also needs to be combined with basic exercise methods, so that the body is in a state of extreme fatigue to achieve the maximum absorption effect of the medicated bath.

Of course, this is also the most costly and resource-intensive!

"Unfortunately, I haven't been able to create a direct body training method yet, otherwise it would be much easier!"

Thinking of the way of body training in this world, Muge sighed helplessly. Even though he disliked it very much, he had to use this way of body training.

Only when the physical fitness keeps up, can the cultivation of soul power be faster.

And if the physical fitness does not meet the requirements, the soul power will stagnate!

This is what Mu Ge only knew after coming to this world, and the cultivation of soul power is not easy.

And this truth is not known to all soul masters, it is only mastered by some top sect forces.

Most soul masters only know to passively improve their physical fitness by absorbing soul rings.

"Simulator, for life simulation, focusing on the development of physical training methods!"

Thinking of this, Mu Ge simply summoned his martial soul, and then performed life simulation again.

After coming out of the Slaughter City, he hasn't done a life simulation yet!

"I don't know how different life simulation is in the outside world!"

Under Muge's curious eyes, the simulator emerged from his hands.

At the same time, there are five soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black. The configuration of Muge's soul ring is the best configuration.

This is also the first time that Mu Ge saw his own soul rings.


The familiar sound of the simulator turning was heard again. What was different from the past was that this time, in addition to the turning of the simulator, the soul ring condensed around the simulator also turned as the simulator turned.

The three soul rings rotate clockwise, and the two soul rings rotate counterclockwise, interlacing each other.

[On the first day, you started to try to develop exercises that can achieve the effect of body training, but you got nothing! ]

[On the second day, you continue to try to develop, but still get nothing! ]

[Day 3...]

[On the 234th day, you kept trying, but it turned out to be crazy! ]


After finding out that he was going crazy in the life simulation, Mu Ge skillfully stopped the life simulation.

Failing again, Muge didn't take it seriously. He also failed countless times in order to develop the soul power cultivation method before.

"It turns out that this is the effect of my soul ring. When simulating life, the consumption of soul power is only one-fifth of the original, and it can be simulated five times longer!"

At the same time, Mu Ge also knew the effect of his soul ring.

Before awakening the memory of the previous life, Mu Ge only knew that the effect of his soul ring and soul skills was to increase the success rate of the simulation, but he didn't know how it manifested, nor did he try to understand it.

The current Muge is different. The current Muge hopes to master everything, so he will naturally try to understand it clearly.

"The consumption is reduced by five times, and the success rate is increased by five times, but even so, I feel that I still can't develop physical training skills in a short time!"

"Temporarily speaking, the best way is to exercise and add medicinal baths!"

"Actually, there is a more effective way, and that is to find the Eye of Ice and Fire!"

Knowing that he couldn't develop a body training method in a short period of time, Mu Ge thought of the Eye of Ice and Fire lake!


Read 10+ advance chapters here
