
Martial Peak Ascending the Martial Dao

mc looks like Sesshomaru I will not be following the storyline, for those who want yang kai to appear he will but in the future, and for the Harem it's not yet decided.

j_k_l · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

chqpter 2

At the outermost region of the Ice Sect, 300 kilometers from the sect, near the harbor, four figures could be seen standing by the dock. One was clearly Sesshomaru, and alongside him stood his Martial Aunt Quan Yue, as well as two other disciples: his senior sister Lin Xue, a 6th Stage Immortal Ascension master, and Mei Ling, a 5th Stage cultivator. Quan Yue looked at Sesshomaru with a gentle smile and said, "I heard that Master Qian Hao visited you yesterday?"

Sesshomaru nodded in response to her question. "Ah, yes, he did," he replied.

"May I ask Martial Aunt why both you and senior sisters came to see me?"

"It was the Sect Master's orders," Quan Yue replied. "She said I should assign two disciples to aid you on your journey, after all she can't have you dying out there after investing so much resources in you."

Sesshomaru bowed his head in gratitude. "Then I'll have to thank both honored Master and Martial Aunt for the trouble."

He then turned his gaze towards his senior sisters. "I'll have to trouble both senior sisters to accompany me," he said.

Lin Xue and Mei Ling exchanged a glance before responding in unison, "Young Master is being too polite; it is our duty to ensure your safety."

Quan Yue interrupted them and with a chuckle she remarked. "Like how everything here is settled, you can head off now."

Sesshomaru and his senior sisters bowed before he spoke up once more. "Then this disciple will be taking his leave."

As soon as they finished speaking, a ship came to a stop near the harbor, and with a nod from his Martial Aunt Quan Yue, Sesshomaru head out his senior sisters following behind.


Time skip.

Four months later, the outskirts of the Golden Tiger Territory, four figures dashed through the forest, one clearly injured.


"Damn... who would've thought those bastards would be so devious, ambushing us when we clearly didn't have any past enmity between us," one of them said, gasping for breath.

"You bitch aren't you tired of running? You'll eventually bleed out if you don't treat your wounds," another figure taunted, drawing closer.

"Just you wait... if I ever survive today, I'll make sure you bastard receives your death anniversary soon," the injured girl retorted, gritting her teeth.

"Big words for someone at the end of their rope," a third figure sneered, drawing a dagger.

Junior Brother Chen, a young lady among the group chasing the girl, spoke up. "Let me deal with her."

As she pulled out two daggers and threw them at the girl in quick succession, piercing her through both shoulders. She missed a branch and fell straight towards the ground with a loud piercing scream escaping her lips.

*tap tap*

"I see so you finally decided to stop... not only that, you even decided to gravel before me," Chen said with a sarcastic tone, looking down at the bloody girl.

He then knelt down in front of her, holding her chin upwards.

"You're quite the beauty, aren't you... why don't leave Yihua Palace and come to serve me in Iron Mountain Sect... my father's an elder there, it won't be a problem, and I'll be sure to treat you well," he said, licking his lips. The two female companions behind him smirked with blushes.

"Senior Brother is right... you're quite the beauty; we don't mind having you as a senior sister," one of them said, biting her fingers.


The injured young lady spat at Chen's face, causing his expression to freeze in shock.

"You cunt! How dare you spit on Junior Brother Chen's face!" both his female companions exclaimed with fury.

With a raise of his hand, Chen silenced them. "I see so this is your choice..."

The injured girl then spoke up: "Even if I have to die today... I won't be a disgrace to Yihua Palace."

"Okay, if that's your choice... you can die," Chen said, his voice laced with venom.

Chen looked away from her and gestured to his female companion to finish her off. One of his female companions drew her sword and launched herself at her.

Closing her eyes, she thought to herself, "I see so this is how I die."

As the sword was about to make contact with her, everything seemed to slow down and quiet, as if she was in a desolate city or a wasteland. A tear fell from her eye as she wished that someone from anywhere could help her.


The sound of blades colliding with each other echoed through the air. The injured girl then opened her eyes, hoping and wishing it was someone from Yihua Palace who had come for her, but as her vision cleared to see who the person was, all she saw was a white, long-silhouetted dress passing out due to blood loss.


A few hours earlier. Sesshomaru was sitting inside a carriage, sat cross-legged. It had been two months since he left the Water Spirit Temple, where he met with the master of the temple, Shui Yun. Their first meeting wasn't anything special, but after Sesshomaru saw and high-ranking disciple practicing his sword ki, which engulfed the sword in a layer of ki to increase sharpness and power, Sesshomaru activated his Sharingan eyes and copied the person's skills. Later, he practiced in private, where no one was watching or so he thought. As right at that moment, the temple master was passing by and saw Sesshomaru performing the skill, which caused him to gasp in shock. What shook him wasn't the fact that Sesshomaru had acquired one of their temple skills, but the fact that a mere tempered body 9th-stage cultivation brat could pull it off. After all, he at least needed to be at the Qi Transformation Realm to be able to release yuan Qi outside his body. Although Sesshomaru wasn't proficient in using his yuan Qi, it was quite a feat as no one could achieve that at his stage. Even if he was able to generate Qi, he could at least use it for enhancing himself beyond mortal abilities. This child was truly a terrifying genius among geniuses.

After that incident, Shui Yun approached him the following morning, demanding Sesshomaru to accept his daughter Shui Ling's hand in marriage, surprising both Sesshomaru and his senior sisters. But instead of accepting on the spot at such an opportunity anyone would die for Sesshomaru turned him down, saying he wasn't ready to get so serious with someone yet. Besides, he didn't think his master would like him to stray away from his main task for personal benefits. But Shui Yun didn't give up after that; instead, he proposed that he wouldn't try to pressure Sesshomaru into marrying his daughter, but as Sesshomaru was about to feel relief, the old man looked at him saying "instead you'll be engaged with her until you finish your task…and I'll give you some spirit-grade top rank and saint-grade middle-rank cultivation material for a gesture of good fortune". Yet again Sesshomaru was about to refuse the offer but before could even say anything, two hands rested on his shoulders: "Young Master, as you can see the temple master is being kind…wouldn't it be impolite to refuse?" With a tone saying if you refuse such a generous offer you'll be in a world of pain . And with a quiet nod Sesshomaru accepted the temple master's gift.

After that incident, every day for the past month, the young lady of the Water Temple would approach him every day, bothering him to curt her. Even if he hid, she would still find him. This continued for a month. Sesshomaru then came up with the idea to enter seclusion for a month to avoid her. During seclusion, Sesshomaru had advanced to the 1st stage of initial Element. Both the temple master and his senior sisters even a couple elders could tell from the aura he had that he is well capable of fighting above his cultivation realm but isn't quite sure to what stage.

A while after Sesshomaru and both his senior sisters bid farewell to everyone at the water spirit temple, while leaving the temple master told Sesshomaru to ensure he makes good use of those resources with a tone stating he better not forget about his daughter; causing Sesshomaru to sweat drop a bit while both his senior sisters snickered behind him.

Present time:

"Young Master Sesshomaru, we'll be arriving at Golden Tiger City soon."

Lin Xue said, looking at Sesshomaru in front of her,

cross-legged. It hadn't been too long since the young Master had broken through

to the Initial Element Realm, and his aura had grown exponentially since then,

as if he would advance through four more stages. His Yuan ki reserve was that

of an Initial Element 5th Stage, but he was still at the 1st

stage – it was truly terrifying. If one day he managed to reach the same realm

as me, I wouldn't mind giving it to him, Lin Xue thought to herself. Suddenly,

Sesshomaru opened his eyes and looked towards a certain direction.

"Martial aunt, do you smell that… it's as if someone's hurt.

I could smell the blood from all the way here," Sesshomaru said.

"Now that you mention it, I smell it too," Lin Xue said,

turning towards Sesshomaru and asking, "Does Young Master want to inquire about

the situation? If so, senior sister wouldn't mind…"

Before even letting her finish, Sesshomaru raised his hands,

quieting her.

"I understand senior sister's concerns… but as you know,

senior sister Mei Ling is at a crucial state in her cultivation and can't

afford any disturbance. So you need to be here until she advances to the next

level in her cultivation… besides, I can sense that they're just Initial stage

Element cultivators over there. So senior sister need not worry. I'll be fine

on my own."

"If that's Young Master's wish… just be careful… I'll stay

here and watch over Mei Ling's situation… and head over as soon as possible,"

Lin Xue said.

"Sister need not worry as long as there are no 7th

Stage Initial Element cultivators over there. I'm confident in my abilities to

escape… besides, I've been needing some exercise since I advanced to my new

realm. I need to know my limits… and I'll only be investigating the situation

over there. So it should all be fine."

"If Young Master is confident in his abilities, then there

need be any further discussion," Lin Xue said as she nodded.

Sesshomaru then stood up, grabbing his sword and exiting the

carriage and starting towards the direction where he smelled the blood coming


A few minutes later…

A female clad in red dashed towards an injured girl on the

ground, dressed in a bloody white dress, with her blade outstretched, preparing

to slice off the girl's neck. As the blade was seconds away from striking…


Sesshomaru's sword clashed with the female sword, protecting

the girl on the ground. Both the injured girl and her attacker were shocked by

Sesshomaru's sudden appearance.

Sesshomaru quickly moved his blade to the side, causing the

girl to lose her balance and using his seated sword to hit her in the stomach,

knocking her out.

Meanwhile, Chen and his female companion, who were

onlookers, were shocked by this guy who was just an Initial Element 1st

stage knocking out a 3rd Stage cultivator. Chen looked towards

Sesshomaru and asked:

"May I know which sect junior brother hails from?"

Not even bothering to answer, Sesshomaru turned his back

towards him and looked at the injured girl passed out on the ground. He guessed

it was because of all the blood loss. Chen became angry at the fact that a mere

1st stage Initial Element cultivator dared to turn his back on him

while in someone else's territory…

Without even looking at Chen, Sesshomaru replied:

"Is there any need to be polite to guys who gang up on a

weaker female? It's even worse if that same person has to depend on the power

of a lady to barely take down a 3rd Stage Initial Element


"How dare a mere Initial Element 1st stage ant

speak to senior brother like that!" The female companion of Chen retorted.

"Huh? Did I just hear something? I can't seem to understand

the words of a female dog barking in heat," Sesshomaru said, tilting his head back

 glancing at the female.

Not a moment after those words left Sesshomaru's mouth, the

female lunged towards him with poison daggers in each arm. Sesshomaru didn't

move from his spot as he saw her approaching him; he could only stare at her in

pity, hoping his senior sister didn't beat him after what he was about to do.


The entire forest went silent except for the sound of birds


"How… how…"

That was the only word that escaped her lips as Sesshomaru's

blade glinted through her chest…

"Sighs… you caused this upon your.. …"

Before Sesshomaru could even finish speaking…

Chen appeared out of nowhere with an axe heading straight

towards Sesshomaru's head…

Sesshomaru quickly pulled his sword back just enough to

block the strike…

"Damn close…" Sesshomaru said as he looked down at his hand;

his blade was still shivering from the after-effect of that strike…

"How dare you kill my woman… no matter which force is

backing you… you won't be leaving here alive!"

After saying those words, Chen dashed towards Sesshomaru in

a blur…

Sesshomaru swung his sword through the air using Chen's

attack force against him…

Chen stumbled off balance…

Sesshomaru swung his blade down towards Chen's neck trying

to decapitate him…

But to his surprise it was block by a shield…

"Hmm, a Spirit-Grade defensive artifact… and I thought

things were getting a bit boring," Sesshomaru said defeated.


Chen thought about how he almost lost his life to a mere

Initial Element 1st stage while he was at the 4th stage…

If it wasn't for the defensive artifact he received from his

father he would have died…

He then turned towards Sesshomaru's direction…

"You dare try to decapitate me… Chen Tao… TODAY WILL BE YOUR


After saying those words…

Chen dashed towards Sesshomaru once again…

As he neared Sesshomaru…

He swung his axe down infusing a lot of Qi into it…

To his shock…

Sesshomaru didn't even move as he swung his blade up to


The sword in Sesshomaru's hand shook as he had to use both

hands to hold back the sword…

"How is this possible? A 4th stage Initial

Element cultivator is barely able to stand under my strike while strengthening

their body with Qi… while I'm going all out… So how is it that you, a mere 1st

stage Ant, is able to stand it?" Chen said with venom.

Shrugging amusingly…

Sesshomaru replied in a soft cold tone: "Maybe I'm just

built different…"

After those words…

Sesshomaru's black Qi engulfed his blade as he shoved Chen's

axe back with brute strength causing him to stumble off balance…

In that moment of vulnerability…

Sesshomaru uttered a few words to Chen: "You think your

armor is enough to protect you from me?" in a cold tone causing a shiver down

Chen's spine.


Those were the last words Chen heard before his head fell towards the ground.

Author note:

Updates for this what if won't be as fast as other due, if you guys enjoy reading please leave a comment and don't be afraid to hint out were I could improve, and if you guys have any decent amount of lines I could use in the dialogs please don't be afraid to comment. Comment on whether you enjoy the dialogs I've created, I had to went into my martial peak mind state to pull those off 😊, also if you guys have any idea as how the story should proceed up to the part the cannon mc A.K.A the goat yang kai should appear, don't be afraid to comment.