
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs

chapter 312

Seong Ji-han's actions upon arriving in the United States attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, the broadcasters who had come to the Battle.net Center in New York in advance to broadcast the Space League match against World Tree Elf.

In the broadcast before the start of the Space League game.

A live broadcast showed the U.S. national team players receiving treatment in the center's medical room.

=Oh… … The national team players are coming out after receiving treatment from the medical staff!

=According to the coaching staff, he will be competing in the Space League right away!

= Following Seong Ji-han from Korea, it is said that all American players were also released.

=I'm really glad. Time was breathtaking!

=It's not because I'm American, it's because the U.S. national team has a significant presence in the Space League team! We are about to play against Elf 200, the world's No. 1 player in the league, and the timing was right!

World Tree Elf 200, ranked first in the Space League.

Humanity's power to fight them was greatly shaken by Gilgamesh.

Although Seong Ji-han solved this just before.

"ah… … "I don't know if I can properly play a Space League game."

"My physical condition has recovered, but my mental fatigue has not gone away."

American players pretended to be okay until they entered the Space League.

As soon as he re-entered the game and entered the human team's dressing room, he looked exhausted.

The Korean national team players were still able to rest for two days.

The American players started playing immediately after being released.


"eww… … "The patronage of the king of the beginning has been cut off, and all ability bonuses have disappeared."

"Do you want to get that thing? "At that time, only the neck remained and it was still a trauman."

"No, it's just that… … ."

"The bonus is disappointing. "The effect was significant."

The constellation bonus given by the king of the beginning.

Among the many constellations known so far, it is famous for having the highest benefits.

Athletes who lost support from the Constellation were disappointed.


"Sungjihan player. Could you please let me know... … ."

"I accepted it because the King of the Beginning said it was such a good constellation, but I was surprised when I saw the finals."

"I like the bonus, but I don't want to be brainwashed."

Among athletes from other countries, excluding Korean and American athletes, those who receive support from Gilgamesh.

He was astonished after watching the final match and approached Seong Ji-han, who had a solution.

The number is 25 people in total.

"All right. "Is there anyone else besides these people?"

"… … ."

Let's take a look at the other players, excluding Seong Ji-han's 25 players.

Some avoided his eyes.

Then, Sophia, who was watching this from behind, came to Seong Ji-han's side.

"Uh, Jihan. Weird. Hey, Martinez clearly boasted about it on social media, right? Later, he condemned Jihan and said that he must follow the king's orders."

"okay? "Please come out."

"eww. Ugh. Me, I'm fine! "I will continue to serve the King!"

Martinez then tries to run away from Seong Ji-han.

Perhaps they had served the king of the beginning of the constellation for a long time, and their loyalty to the king seemed to have already been deeply imprinted on them.

'This isn't going to work.'

Martinez isn't the only one hiding like that.

We will use this opportunity to eradicate the remnants of Gilgamesh hiding among the Space League national team players.

"Everyone, please excuse me for a moment."

Seong Ji-han then begins writing the control code.

First, write a letter to each of the 25 people gathered in front of you, then erase it when Gilgamesh retreats.

"Chu, loyalty… … ! ah. "Thank you for releasing me."

"ah. West, Constellation. has disappeared!"

"Your abilities have been drastically reduced… … ."

After solving 25 people, I went to each of the remaining players and wrote and erased their domination codes.

"ah. "Am I okay?!"

"eww. Ugh… … ! please. don't do it! "Let them be loyal to the king!"

Although most of the players here did not serve the King of the Beginning as a constellation.

Seong Ji-han paid no heed to this and uprooted the royal officials from the beginning.

"… … Uncle, isn't that difficult?"

Yoon Se-ah wrote the domination code for every player individually and asked Seong Ji-han with a worried face.

"are you okay."

Seong Ji-han finished all the work for the players in the waiting room without getting tired at all.

The amount of life energy used to write the code was enormous.

The power of the stat 'Eternal' covered all of this.

'It's a stat that really deserves the name Eternity.'

Although the maximum amount of power that could be received was only equivalent to stat 2.

As long as I tied Eternity to Heavenly Arms Gangshin, these things kept coming.

If the eternal stat rises to 3.

The life energy equivalent to 3 can be used indefinitely within the body.

'Still, it's not possible to put the life energy that came from eternity back in and develop it.'

The power that came from eternity could only be consumed.

It was not possible to store this again in eternity and develop the shape of the world tree.

If that were the case, the Eternal stats would have continued to improve on their own.

'Is it an incomplete stat because that doesn't work?'

With that thought in mind, Seong Ji-han unchained the Heavenly Beast Gangshin from within his body.

"Are you finished with your work?"

"Yes, it's over."

"Thank goodness. "The power may have been weakened, but it won't be much of a difference in front of the World Tree Elves."

Coach Davis approached Seong Ji-han and looked around at the players.

"I need to tell you something."

"The word is... … ."

"As a result of the coaching staff meeting, Mankind will not be banned or selected at this time. and… … ."

* * *

The Space League match has begun.

On the broadcast screen watched by all of humanity.

The representative of World Tree Elf 200, who has the same appearance as the previous World Tree Elf 71.

The Elven High Priest declared war first.

"Your number one. "I will definitely execute you today."

Public opinion boils over the elf's death sentence.

-Ha, what are they doing again? … .

-Still, if you take out the ban card, you can't change the game options, right?

-You didn't select. I think I'll be playing around with the map at the end.

-No, this damn game has a random map ㅡㅡ

However, I couldn't help but feel worried when the opponent was undefeated and ranked first in the league.

-Looking at the ban card, it seems like the strategy is to definitely take 1 or 2 games.

-If Seong Ji-han gets banned, the chances of us winning are slim.

-So, they lose games 1 and 2, then lose games 3 and 4, and then they pull out another weird map in game 5?

-If the game options still don't change, how do you get the death penalty?

-You never know. There might be something like an instant death map... … .

-I'm afraid there might be something like that;

Like the 'smush' map we saw in the Champions League final not long ago.

Viewers were afraid that another strange map would pop up.


"I won't take it lightly."

Director Davis smiled as if he had already expected this.

He did not take out the van or select card given to him.

The elf priest twitched his eyebrows at that sight.

"You're not taking out your card."

"We can't fall for your strategy again. "It looks like I'm going to summon a specific map, but I'm going to do the same thing here as well, conserving cards."

=Oh! Director Davis. You look confident!

=What is the meaning of saving cards like this?

=Ah… … I think I'm planning to collect select cards like my opponent and designate maps for 5 matches! In this case, since both teams have designated maps, one of them will be selected at random!

=Ah! Then, there is a 50% chance that it will be decided whether humanity's map or the World Tree Elf's map will be selected!

=This is good. This is a great countermeasure!

Director Davis' counterattack prepared in preparation for the war against the World Tree Elves.

This was one of the scenarios that humanity had thought of in advance.

'If the World Tree Elves hadn't banned the player, they would have won the game smoothly.'

The World Tree Elf who showed a strong performance in the last game.

But Seong Ji-han was a monster that went beyond this.

If the World Tree Elf kills 20% of the players like last time and doesn't use ban cards or select cards.

All humanity had to do was use Seongjihan as the vanguard and destroy the World Tree Elves.


'They weren't fools either, so they would have thought that a smart player wouldn't win. Then the card to be taken out is the number 1 ranked ban. Here the options are different again.'

Are you going to tie up Seong Ji-han and do your best to win the game?

Or are you going to play around with the select card again?

The Space League national team staff planned a strategy with both possibilities in mind.

If they use both the ban and select cards, this one goes the same way.

If you feel like playing around with Select.

'We are also saving, so we reduce the probability of special map selection by 50%.'

Anyway, what map do you choose with the select card? Humanity cannot defeat the World Tree Elves without Seong Ji-han.

So, the strategic analysis room of the human national team agreed to block their special map selection.

Meanwhile, Seong Ji-han watched the scene on the screen and thought.

'It came to this conclusion in my last life as well.'

The races that suffered the death penalty of the World Tree Elves.

From the next game onwards, they fought back like this without using any cards.

In fact, this was not a strategy that completely blocked the World Tree Elf's strategy, so in the end, there was a 50% chance of being executed.

Still, it was better than 100 percent.

However, there was a problem here too.

'With the cards sealed, the elf could never win.'

Still a powerful World Tree Elf.

With strategically important bans and select cards sealed against them, there was a 0% chance of winning the battle.


=The game begins!

This was the same for modern humans.

=It's a single bridge map. The Sword King stands at the forefront and blocks the enemy... … .

=Ah… … Elf High Priest! As you stretch your hand to the sky, a large number of meteors fall!

=But somehow, I'm holding on by putting up a protective shield... … .

Two races colliding on one bridge.

The power of the World Tree Elves was overwhelming.

Although humanity has improved a lot since the first Space League game.

-ah. Pushed, pushed... … .

-The elves are really strong ㅡㅡ

-Oh, that arm was cut off again, and look at it growing back quickly;

-Why are you matched with this crazy race? balance is real

-Ugh, the barrier is broken... … The shooting star is striking straight down;

-Wow, but look how the leg is still fine even after Meteor falls. How did they get rid of the leg last time?

-That's dragon breath haha.

-Ah, the sword king's head was blown off by a wooden sword… … .

-It's over.

Game 1 exploded quickly.

Afterwards, the director's office appears on the screen.

"Are you not going to keep using the card? Then it would be like one game."

The elf high priest raised the corners of his mouth and said that.

"It's the same even if you use it. "Humanity cannot yet defeat a race of monsters like you."

"Heh… … "You know the topic."

Coach Davis did not waver.

Anyway, there was no way that banning a few of those monster elves would change the outcome of the game.

'Still, I held on a little longer than before.'

Coach Davis regarded it as a harvest and saved cards in the second game as well.

Then, the elf takes out the No. 1 ban card again.

=We lose 2 games... … !

=The World Tree Elf Wall is too high.

=I think Coach Davis' judgment was right. These are not opponents that can be defeated by being banned!

=That's right!

A Space League match with World Tree Elf leading 2:0.

Entering the third game, the Elf High Priest took the sacred ban card and smiled.

"Tell that monster to come out now."

"It looks like you're planning on losing from now on."


The elf high priest smiled at Director Davis.

She deliberately released Seong Ji-han and seemed determined to go to the fifth game.

Seeing that, Davis also smiled.

"Let's see where we go."

Then the 3rd game started.

=Uh… … The lineup is a little strange.

=Obviously, the ban has been lifted for a famous player.

=You will not participate?

=The main players are not there, and they are all second-tier players... … .

The commentators were surprised to see the athletes representing humanity.

The players who appeared this time are at the lower level among the national team players.

They were not the type of players who could possibly be selected as starters.

The lineup alone was a surprising situation, but this was only an understatement.


After the players who participated took out a red dagger from their inventory.

"… … let's go!"



They all stabbed themselves in the chest.


Then, one by one, the players logged out.

=Oh, no… … !

=Athletes of the human national team… … Now, I'm committing suicide!!

Commentators who saw this screamed.

'You really did it.'

Seong Ji-han, who was unable to play in three games, looked at this and remembered the coach's words a moment ago.