
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


=Vladimir… … .

=This, is this the constellation that has descended?

=Yes. Looking at the Russian video, it certainly seems like that! Vladimir exploded all of his country's players, and not only that, he even absorbed the blood of surrounding monsters!

The Russian national team was wiped out, except for Vladimir.

Around him, the bodies of countless monsters who had fallen and were bleeding were piled up.

I guess it's because I absorbed more blood compared to when I faced Seong Ji-han on the Valhalla map.

Although Vladimir's momentum was definitely stronger than then.

'Is that enough to win?'

Compared to back then, Seong Ji-han also became stronger.

"There are a lot of eyes watching."

Let Vladimir raise his hand.


Blood bursting into the air.

=Ah… … also. The screen is covered in blood again!

=It turned out to be a constellation anyway, so why are you blocking the screen again, Vladimir?

=At such an important moment... … !

The broadcast screen was colored blood red.

Just like last time, he blocked out the outside gaze and stared at Seong Ji-han.

"Seongjihan… … You've grown quite a bit in that short period of time. When I heard the master's order to kill you, I couldn't understand it. "Seeing you in person makes me understand a little more."

"Because I saw you in person too. "It seems easier to deal with than I thought."


Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

Blood blooms all over Vladimir's body.

The blood soon turned into armor and covered his entire body.

And soon, a huge blood cross sword appeared in his hands.

"that word. Prove it!"


In the blink of an eye, Vladimir is rushing towards Seong Ji-han.

That movement.

Compared to the last time I faced him, it was much faster.


'Not as good as Go Elf.'

Compared to the battle with the Constellation-level Go-Elf, his movements this time seemed clear.


The blood cross sword struck Seong Jihan hard.

Jijijik… … !

The Phoenix flag, stained with red lightning, easily blocked the attack.

Go further than that.

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

Thunder bee fire

Red thunder gun

I thought the lightning in the window would stop for a moment.

Immediately from the tip of the spear, a powerful red thunderbolt came out.

A red bomb that fires immediately without any warning.

Then, Vladimir's blood cross sword was instantly stained with red lightning, and his momentum was noticeably diminished.

"hmm… … !"

Vladimir swallowed his sleep and tried to make the blood cross sword bigger again.

Jijijijik… … !

The red bombs did not stop once, but rained down multiple times, striking Vladimir's entire body.

At first, the blood-red armor deflected the red lightning attack several times.

It's shaky… … !

Unable to withstand the continued attacks, a crack appeared on one side of the armor.

And then, once there was a gap.


The red lightning seeped into him, instantly burning Vladimir's body from the inside.

Then the blood armor disappeared in an instant.

The blood cross sword shrunk rapidly and then disappeared.

'this… … 'Is it too bland?'

Red lightning and melting.

Seong Ji-han's power, which gained two stats and even used his own skills, was on a completely different level than before.

'The stats haven't even been combined yet, but this is it. It'll be worth looking forward to more later.'

Seong Ji-han decided to invest all of his remaining stats into Yongyeom.

As a result of calculating the stat points, Yongyeom's value was 197.

The gap with the red mine is only 3.

Actually, with numbers like this, it would be okay to try fusion once.

Since the difference of 3 might lead to failure, Seong Ji-han planned to attempt fusion when both were at 200.

But even if we don't combine it, it's probably because we invested in dragon flame anyway.

The power of fire contained in red lightning was much stronger than before.

Vladimir, who had collected much more blood than before, was engulfed in flames and disappeared.

"It's much stronger than I expected."

at that time.

Vladimir suddenly appeared from a puddle of blood on the ground far away.

"one. "It starts now."


The blood scattered on the bloody earth is absorbed again by Vladimir.

He grew slightly larger than his original body.

A blood knight wearing blood-red armor and holding the blood cross sword again.

He was in that state.


Instead of coming towards Seong Ji-han, he rushed towards the monster behind him.

pop! pop!

A horde of monsters explodes in an instant.

Monsters, including giant monsters and flying species, all gathered together and sucked blood every time the Blood Knight approached.


Seong Ji-han watched the scene quietly with his arms crossed.

Vladimir gains strength by absorbing the blood of monsters.

If it had been a real battle, I would have tried my best to keep it in check to prevent it.

'Longinus in his current avatar form is no match for me. We need to become as strong as possible here, so that we can be prepared later when the Constellation Longinus actually descends.'

Rather, in-game, there is no big penalty if you lose.

Rather than simply blowing up like before, it was better to let it build up its strength in defiance.

Only then will you be able to fight against the stronger Vladimir and obtain useful information when you actually clash with Longinus.


"This is enough. This is the limit of this avatar... … ."

Vladimir, who was twice as big as before, muttered this.

"okay? "Then let's go."


Seong Ji-han uncrossed his arms and went straight to him.

"Blood transfusion!"

Vladimir, who had become much stronger than before, reached out to Seong Ji-han and tried to draw his blood like he did to the monsters.

His blood spirit could not penetrate Seong Ji-han's martial spirit at all.

"Is this the end?"


The eclipse grew in an instant and tore through Vladimir's body.

Creeping… … .

The blood from Vladimir's body reconnected his torn body.

Compared to when he was hit by a red lightning a little while ago, Vladimir was able to easily recover from damage.

He looked at Eclipse, the dark sword that cut him, and asked Seong Ji-han.

"… … Are you not going to use the red thunderbolt from earlier? "With a blow like this, regeneration is possible."

"uh. "It's so easy to use that."

"under. You're being arrogant... … !"

Vladimir got angry and extended his sword to Seong Ji-han.

Kang! Kang!

I wondered how many times the two swords exchanged sword strikes.

"hmm… … !"

Cheeeeeek… … !

Not long after, the blood cross sword split apart.

Tuk. Tuk… …

Even his neck fell to the floor and rolled around.

"Look at this. "It's easy."


Seong Ji-han put away his sword and looked at the fallen head.

"is not it?"

"Right. "By descending into the Avatar, no matter how much power I can muster, there is no limit."

Vladimir opens his mouth with his neck dropped.

His attitude was calm, as if he had expected this defeat.

"I will admit it. "I can't deal with you as an avatar."

"you… … "Why did you call me?"


"If you were going to kill me according to the orders of the God of War, wouldn't it be a matter of the Constellation directly descending to Earth and stabbing me? "Why do you have to fight me in-game, through an avatar?"

Longinus said that it was a luxury to use the Spear of Godslaughter against Seong Ji-han, so if he appeared in this game, he would get rid of him by hanging him on a cross.

However, he was being pushed back overwhelmingly without even being able to touch Seong Ji-han.

"It's the reason… … ."

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

In response to Seong Ji-han's question, Vladimir's face turns into blood and disappears.

The head was regenerated from Vladimir's body that had flown away.

"You remodeled my business in your own way."

"Are you talking about the Iron and Blood Cross? It did."


Seong Ji-han drew a cross with his two index fingers.


Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

annihilation decision

Iron Blood Cross

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... … !

A cross of pure white light appeared in front of Seong Ji-han as if protecting him.

In the past, the Iron Blood Cross was only revealed by crossing the cross with a weapon.

Now, it can be easily manifested with just two fingers.

"… … "You can implement it with your fingers."

"People need to develop."


Vladimir's expression crumpled when he heard those words.

Seong Ji-han completely destroys the established method of 'karma' and remodels it in his own way.

Every time I saw that image, it was difficult to control the discomfort that rose instinctively.


"… … So, is that the end?"

He tried to calm his emotions and asked Seong Ji-han.


"I remodeled my business. "I asked if that was the end."

"Well, that's it? "I don't use it much these days."

"is it."

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

The blood cross disappeared from Vladimir's hand.

"Then, from now on, try reforming my karma."

Instead, blood clots began to slowly form.

"If you don't, you will end up dead to me."

A spear of divine death that can only be used with permission from the god of war.

It was placed in Vladimir's hands.

* * *

Blood Spear of Longinus.

Seong Ji-han also knew its destructive power well.

'In the end, it was the Spear of Longinus that broke the Thunder God's protective wall.'

When that mighty warrior was blocked by a wall, the blood spear he pulled out as a weapon.

Although there was a big difference between the power of the blood spear used by Musin and that used by Avatar Vladimir.

In any case, the Spear of Shinsal boasted a strong presence just by appearing.

"Didn't I tell you to tell Vladimir? That window. "Are you saying it's extravagant for me?"

Seong Ji-han watches Hyeolchang's appearance closely and says something.

"I'm not going to stab you now."

Pop. Pop… … .

Longinus, who was bleeding all over his body and on the ground, said this.

After summoning the Spear of Godslaughter.

Vladimir's body rapidly losing its shape.

However, he did not care about his own physical condition.

"Just aim."

The tip of the spear was pointed at Seong Ji-han.



Seong Ji-han's body became stiff.

'… … This.'

This is the phenomenon I felt when I was hit directly by Godslaughter's spear.

Not only does the control of the body disappear.

Vladimir's body, which was rapidly collapsing, stopped in the air with drops of blood.

I stayed still.

'Is time stopped…? … I felt it last time too. 'I have almost no control over my body.'

Compared to before, Seongjihan was much stronger.

When Shinsal's spear targeted him, his body did not move at all.

The only thing that tries to move inside is the power of soullessness and void.

The newly acquired red lightning and dragon flame did not move at all.

In a situation where everything stopped like that.

Fishish… … .

Only the blood spear wriggled, and blood-red smoke rose from the tip of the spear.

And faintly floating above it, purple letters.

[Target condition, partial match] [Extinction code expression]It was the same text that I had seen before when I was stabbed by Longinus' spear.

For now, he's just aiming quietly.

If the spear were to strike, that 'annihilation code' would instantly destroy Seong Ji-han.

Actually, since he died in-game, there was no great loss to Seong Ji-han.

'… … If you can't move like this even with the Godslaughter Spear created by the Avatar, you will never be able to respond to the Spear of Constellation Longinus.'

The time stop of the Godslaughter Spear.

If I couldn't overcome this, death was almost certain.

'It's not that the energy doesn't move at all, but... … .'

The martial spirit and void, which had become stronger than before, were somehow able to move and try to overcome this situation.

Seong Ji-han's body did not move at all.

'It can't go on like this.'

When Seong Ji-han, who had been so relaxed until now, focused all his attention on the current situation.

"west. Seong Ji-han… … ! "I will help!"

Suddenly, the shape of the blood clot disappears.

It is different from the previous constellation Longinus.

Vladimir, the player who provided the avatar, quickly spoke up.

"this guy… … ! "What are you doing!"

"No matter how much you are a constellation… … "I can't let you kill Seong Ji-han!"

"This bastard… … !"

A mixture of the constellation and player Vladimir.

An avatar where two beings communicate with one mouth.

Seong Ji-han looked at that and sighed.

It's not like I'm really dying.

Why did it pop out at this important moment?

"Vladimir. it's okay."

"but… … !"

"Please rest. "This is my opportunity."

"ah. If I work... … Did you ruin it?"

"I think it will happen if you keep staying."

"yes… … ."

Player Vladimir, who was eagerly trying to help Seong Ji-han, disappeared with a sullen look on his face.

Longinus, who had regained control of his body, made a bewildered expression.

"… … under. Taking advantage of the opportunity to launch the Spear of Godslaughter, the avatar rebels. "It's ridiculous."

"hey. Is it possible again?"

"… … "It is possible."

"Then wait a minute."

Seong Ji-han opened the status window.

Void and soulless.

Just the two of us couldn't overcome the time stoppage.

'Drop flame and red lightning… … 'I guess we'll have to fuse.'

Does the new ability that comes from mixing two unique stats work?

It was time to experiment.