
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


High elf.

They were an insurmountable wall for humanity.

In his last life, the Sword King, humanity's strongest warrior, was defeated unilaterally after being struck with a wooden sword.

Afterwards, Seong Ji-han, who emerged as the strongest warrior, also had a hard time when he met the high elves.


'Was it this slow?'


Not one, but three are rushing in.

As if they had already come together several times, the high elves who surrounded Seong Ji-han in an instant slashed with their sharp swords to cut off his limbs.

In my last life, I would have had to rush to follow with my eyes.

However, for Seong Ji-han, who was fighting to the death with Dongbangsak, the attack seemed too slow.

"This… … ."

As soon as they entered the territory of Holy Land, the high elves slowed down.

As their eyes widened, the dark sword wavered.


"… … !"

Tuk. Tuk.

The three high elves' heads were cut off and they were lying on the ground.

In one clash, three warriors disappeared.

-When I watched the Zhuge Heon channel earlier, I saw that the People's Association warriors fell like that... … .

-Here, Seong Ji-han cuts off his head in one go.

-I caught a dragon, but he was like a high elf haha.

-Still, I didn't know that I would fall from one blow;

-The constellation comes out! Everyone attack!

Viewers admired Seong Ji-han for repaying what had been wronged, and thought the high elf was dead.

In fact, he did not stop attacking.

"As expected, just the neck isn't enough."


Three high elves moving without a problem even though their heads were blown off.

The tree that fell to the ground continued to glare at Seong Ji-han.

On the cut neck, the flesh was writhing and something was trying to pop out.

-No, really crazy elves hahaha

-Isn't this worse than the undead?

-Will humanity become like that when its vitality reaches its maximum?

-Ah, living like that is a bit... … .

-Isn't the brain newly regenerated like that not 'mine' after all? If I lived like that, wouldn't my existence eventually disappear? The head of the high elf rolling around down there, its ego has probably already disappeared... … .

-What kind of bitter words are you talking about ㅡㅡ

When people were astonished by the grotesque rebirth of elves, who were the embodiment of beauty.

Seong Ji-han's sword, which had already anticipated this, scattered the darkness.



The high elf's entire body was torn apart, and only the three wooden swords remained and fell to the ground.

Seong Ji-han was completely destroyed, leaving no sign of rebirth.

'I should have this as a trophy.'

If you take a wooden sword made from a branch of the World Tree and study it, you might come up with something useful.

Seong Ji-han thought so and pulled three wooden swords with his martial soul's space control.

[There was a reason why it was so rude. Lower species.]At the same time as the voice of the old elf was heard from the sky.

[Become the root of Yggdrasil and bind him.]Drurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

The wooden sword stuck on the ground split and turned into a long chain.

And even the blood and flesh of the high elves that remained on the ground were mixed in there.

The chain took on an ominous blood color and flew towards Seong Ji-han.

'this… … 'Is it related to the Heavenly Beast God?'

The last of the Destruction Resolve, the martial arts Heavenly Beast of the Wood attribute.

When the energy of life was given to the golem during the golem duel, the chain that appeared was very similar to what it looks like now.

In the first place, one of the powers of the God of Heavenly Arms was a regenerative power similar to that of an elf.

Even the attribute was neck, so it seemed like it might be related to the World Tree elves... … .

'I'll have to give it a try.'

Seong Ji-han opened the soulless space with curious eyes and stretched out his arms.

Next, of the three chains, let's seal the movement of the other two and leave only one alone.


The blood-red chain immediately wrapped around Seong Ji-han's arm.

And it was digging into his flesh, trying to absorb everything he had.

Not just flesh, blood, and bones.

Even all the power he contains.


'I can tolerate at least one.'

The chain only wrapped around Seong Ji-han's arm, but couldn't take anything away.

Even when he protected his arm with martial soul power, the chain attacked it fiercely.

As the energy of void was added, the power of the chain was noticeably weakened.

'Let's reel it in further.'

When Seong Ji-han saw that the chain around his arm was no longer able to use its strength, he also released the other chain that had previously blocked his movements.


Then, a chain took control of Seong Ji-han's right arm.

Once tied to two chains, the chains began to suppress Seong Jihan much more powerfully than when there was only one chain.

'It's easy to block access, but once you block it, the difference in power is huge.'

However, when Seong Ji-han began to use the power of void in earnest, the chain began to shrink again.

'I think I know something... … .'

Seong Ji-han looked at the chains that bound both arms, and then untied the other one.


Then, the final chain wrapped around the body.

The three chains tightly bound Seong Ji-han and tried to swallow him whole.


Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

Let's use the power of the void and even the self-made attack that amplifies it.

The color of the blood-red chain began to turn purple from the point where Seongjihan was wrapped.


'After dyeing the chain with the void, I can now analyze it a bit.'

After being wrapped in the third chain and enduring increased pressure.

Seong Ji-han was able to understand to some extent the structure of the chain.

"Is this how you do it?"

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

annihilation decision

Heavenly Tree God


As if to counter the arms and torso that were wrapped in chains, new purple chains sprang up.

[no… … !]The chain of the Heavenly Armed God created by Seong Ji-han swallowed up everything that appeared from the wooden sword.

As the golem disappeared, it tried to spread to the ends of heaven and earth.

However, Seong Ji-han did not proceed further and withdrew his strength.

'It consumes too much life energy.'

The chain that appears only when the life energy is completely destroyed from within.

I figured out the composition principle by putting it all together.

Because I didn't fully understand it yet, I couldn't use the power effectively.

If you stretch the chain all the way to heaven and earth.

All of Seong Ji-han's life energy is depleted, and he goes further than that.

It seemed like all the power he had would be used as fuel and disappear.

'You can't commit suicide just to use the God of Heaven's Arms.'

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

The purple chain comes back towards Seong Ji-han's body.

[Acquired 4921 Planet Points.] [Acquired 5644 Planet Points.] [Acquired 6821 Planet Points.]It was only then that the high elf was pronounced dead and planet points were received.

A high elf who is not declared dead unless all of his blood and flesh disappears.

Although elves also had good regenerative abilities, they could not be compared to him.

'But considering the strength of the high elves, this is an unfortunate point.'

Although each point was given an average of over 5,000, it was a disappointing point compared to the power that the high elf had.

'Still, I got a big hint about the Heavenly Beast from an unexpected place. 'It won't be long before we defeat Gilgamesh.'

Seong Ji-han had no idea how to activate Cheonsu Kangshin, no matter how much he practiced.

By carefully exploring the 'Root of Yggdrasil', I finally discovered the beginning of the martial arts technique.

Right now, the life energy consumption is so severe that it cannot be considered complete.

Now that I had found the starting point, I was confident that I could complete it as long as I had time.

at that time.

[It's not enough to endure the roots of Yggdrasil… … Are you imitating me? And that also contains emptiness? this guy. He was more dangerous than I thought.]Go-elf spoke in a serious tone in the sky.

"Then just stop raising your voice and come down."

[I'll be there soon, just wait.]OK.

Kurrrrrr… … !

I started to feel a big shaking in the huge tree in the distance.

Then, the size of the tree suddenly decreased.

[Elf 99. Stop the experiment and build the Altar of Advent.]Seong Ji-han thought while listening to the old elf's command.

'It is the altar of advent. That's the building that was there when you pulled up the defense tech tree... … .'

In order to descend directly, did you completely change the base camp development tech tree that you posted so far?

It seemed quite shocking to him that Seong Ji-han imitated the 'Root of Yggdrasil' with Cheonsu Kangshin.

-Altar of Advent? The name is ominous ㅡㅡ ㄹㅇ Is the constellation coming down?

-Do I really need to wait? For some reason, the other person is unusual... … .

-I know. Can't I just log out and run away?

-no. What about increasing vitality??

-Is that important now? If we lose this sacred place, humanity will end.

-If you think about it that way, if you die in the game, you'll be logged out, so why worry? You should increase your vitality!

-They kill them in a strange way and don't let them log out. What if I keep steeping it in it?

- If you are Seong Ji-han, you will be able to resist well!

Since an unusual enemy is said to be building an altar of advent, there is an opinion that it would be better to just retreat.

It was a game anyway, so there were unusually conflicting opinions about whether vitality should be improved.

In the past, more than 90% would have just said to take it out.

This time, people saw the benefits of improving vitality too much.

And Seong Ji-han analyzed the words spoken by Go-elf.

'In the end, there won't be any Go Elves until the Altar of Advent is built, right?'

I used this incident as an opportunity.

"It seems like the elves are trying to overturn the tech tree to make the constellation descend… … "I'm going to do everything I can to disrupt it."


Perhaps because he knew that there were no Go Elves, Seong Ji-han headed south at a much faster pace than before.

Disaster has struck the elves.

* * *

=Dear viewers. hello! As of today, it is day 8 of planetary exploration.

=Christoph. Are you enjoying the vitality enhancing effect?

=Actually, I was always healthy and didn't have any illnesses, but… … While doing weight training, I felt like my muscles were strengthening better than usual. Muscle recovery is also faster. I had no idea that the effects of improving vitality were so endless.

=That's right. Today, we are of unprecedented interest as to what resources our dwarves will bring. Last time, it was called a unique resource, and the effect of increasing the probability of gift appearance was applied to humanity!

=That's right. It's a shame that this only lasts for two weeks!

League competition As 'planetary exploration' and the resources it brings become a concern for all of humanity.

The 24-hour planet exploration broadcast on channel 0 was also hitting its highest viewer ratings every day.

Of these, the thing that received the most attention was the effect of the resources that humanity gained.

The battle between Seong Ji-han and the World Tree Elves also received quite a lot of attention.

=Ah. Holy player. The World Tree Elf is cut down again!

=Where has the giant tree that was so magnificent at first gone? Everyone went into hiding!

=No one can stop him! Player last name. It certainly seems like a suitable candidate for the Constellation of Humanity!

=The guerrillas of the scattered elves are a bit tricky... … However, unless you are a high elf, other players are also fighting well!

From Go-elf's remarks, Seong Ji-han realized that he had not yet arrived and rushed forward.

He was currently posting a remarkable record.

The difference was so overwhelming that even the three high elves had their heads blown off at once.

On the first day of the expedition, he went to the enemy base, burned the giant tree, and randomly wiped out the elf players.

At this point, the main camp was completely destroyed, so it was almost like destruction.

'These guys are really persistent.'

The elves were not destroyed as easily as the join people.

The giant tree may not have been the base camp, so even if it was burned down, the race would not be destroyed.

The surviving elves who escaped Seongjihan's attack were waging a guerrilla war in the outskirts and bothering humanity.

'And then they destroyed all other races... … .'

A league competition involving five races.

While humanity was destroying the Joiners and unilaterally pushing the World Tree Elves.

The remaining two races did not increase their power in the outskirts, but were destroyed by the separate forces of the World Tree Elves.

It's already been 8 days since the planet colonization war began, and humanity and the World Tree Elves - 99.

There are only two left.

'If we keep going like this, the Go Elves might come down.'

What was the reason for the destruction of the two races while being unilaterally defeated by Seong Ji-han?

I guess they're trying to earn points somehow and build an altar of advent.

'I think we can fight back even if we fight. If I don't get into the Hall of Fame because of a clash with him, it will be my loss.'

Rather than clashing with the Go-Elves, it is more profitable to block Advent and steadily enter the Hall of Fame to strengthen Martial Spirit.

When Seong Ji-han thought that way, he tried to find the remnants of the elves.

-go. sir. They say Raijin creates a space for you to come in as an avatar, just like in the game! So please just meet him once!

A new proposal has arrived from Artmu