
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs



A huge explosion sweeps past.

Valhalla, which was built on a huge mountain peak, was completely destroyed.

Even the mountain that supported the building was destroyed in half.


"Nothing much."

Seong Ji-han, who was swept up in the explosion, reappeared unharmed.

And behind him, Yoon Se-jin, who was completely injured, was barely able to stand.

During the first Dragon Flare, the Sword King was already in a dying state.

The reason we were able to successfully block the second attack was largely thanks to Seong Ji-han absorbing the explosion in front of us.

"… … Thank you for stopping me, but next time I will try to resist. "I can't help you, but I shouldn't be a burden."

"All right."

When Yoon Se-jin spoke with a bitter smile, Seong Ji-han nodded.

[Withstanding the dragon flare with the strength of an insignificant species... … It's stronger than I imagined.]"You are also quite strong compared to other dragons."

Dragon Flare, which instantly creates a huge explosion.

The power of this was even stronger than the attacks made by the dragons in the game played in the Space 4 area.

'I think the dragons of Space 4 are stronger than the dragons that have just been promoted, that's interesting.'

Space 4 is a place where only the most powerful players in space are included.

If a dragon was strong enough to participate in this, it would have to be stronger than the Bronze League dragons.

The red dragon Altkaizen was larger than the dragons I met at the time and had a stronger body.

[Another dragon? Where else did you see a dragon?]"I saw a lot of them in the space league."

[I guess it was just a dragon. I am the heir to the blood of the Dragon Lord. It is not comparable to them.]"You said it was collateral?"

[Even if it is a collateral branch, the level is different.]Grrrr!

From the red dragon's huge body, four heads of the fire dragon that had been absorbed a moment ago emerged.

Each fire dragon's face takes on the appearance of a different race.

They twisted their faces as if they were in pain.


I entered Altkaizen's body again.

[Because ordinary dragons cannot use the power to assimilate eggs like this.]"The Dragon Lord's power was to eat his own eggs? "It's so trash."

[…] … I don't understand. Don't you know how great a blessing it is to be able to unite with me, Altkaizen?]"uh. "I don't know?"

[Well, take a look.]Saaagh!

Let the red dragon spread his wings wide.

Flames erupted everywhere, and dozens of letters were drawn in the air at once.

[Kill each other, kill each other.]At the dragon's command.

Yoon Se-jin, who was behind Seong Ji-han, distorted his expression.

"nice. Ugh… … ! Avoid it!"


Then, Yoon Se-jin swings his dual swords at Seong Ji-han.

Although the sword was half melted, Yoon Se-jin's physical condition was not normal, and the sword strike was not sharp.

In any case, Yoon Se-jin was being controlled by the dragon's orders.

"My body doesn't listen…" … Brother-in-law. Subdue me!"

"All right."

Hearing those words, Seong Ji-han took away the dual swords without hesitation.

"Take a break."

He threw Yoon Se-jin down the mountain peak and far away.

Even if he is his brother-in-law, Seong Ji-han is merciless in situations where he is being manipulated.

Still, I didn't kill him according to Altkaizen's orders.

[I can't believe the verbs don't work at all... … It's really unique.]He looked at Seong Ji-han with eyes that he could not understand.

How could such an irregularity appear from such an insignificant race?

[I need to do a proper experiment.]Up until this point, Altkaizen had not lost his composure and was looking at Seong Ji-han like a 'test subject'.

"Now I have to catch it in earnest."

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

Thunder bee fire

Red thunder gun

Red lightning rained down from the tip of Seong Ji-han's spear.

Cheeeeeek… … !

The dragon's barrier was completely torn apart, and the dragon's body was instantly pierced by the red lightning.

[…] … Well, what is it? This attack... … !]Early part of games 1 and 4.

The attack Seong Ji-han made was nothing more than a light sword swing.

Altkaizen had a cut on his forehead and split hair just because of that.

When Seong Ji-han, who had been strengthened by his own attack, was hit squarely with a red thunderbolt, his body was rapidly melting into red lightning.

"The dragon tribe. "Is it just this much?"

[Pfft… … !]"I can't even conduct an experiment. "Because I'm weak."

[This arrogant guy… … !]Seong Ji-han gives back exactly what he was told.

The dragon's body, which was collapsing, burst into flames and tried to regain its original form.

"Hang on there."

When Seong Ji-han's new model disappeared.

The dragon's body split into several branches in an instant.

* * *

Red Dragon Altkaizen.

He threatened humanity with just his gigantic presence.

When I entered into a 1:1 battle with Seong Ji-han, I was helplessly being pushed back.

=Player Seong Ji-han… … It's overwhelming. Playing with dragons!

=How many times has the dragon's body been destroyed already?

=The opposing dragon is not offering much resistance!

= Still, true. It seems like it's persistently coming back to life... … ! I wish I would just die!

Altkaizen's body collapsed due to Seong Ji-han's attack.


Instead of the body that had disappeared, fire was taking its place, like the fire dragon he had absorbed a moment ago.

But unlike them.

Suuuuu… … .

The fire was quickly transformed into the dragon's body and regenerated in the blink of an eye.

[You guy. Commit suicide... … !]As soon as Altkaizen came back to life, he used a term for Seong Ji-han.


"Is that a verb? "It doesn't work."


A dark sword that cuts down a dragon in one fell swoop, regardless of proverbs.

The battle itself was one-sided.

-The dragon looked tough at first... … Why are you being punched like this?

-Don't you know that Seong Ji-han endured the dragon and the giant Daguri last time? How can one fight him with Rod's bloodline and all?

-Seong Ji-han>>>>>>>Dragon>>>>>>>The rest of humanity…? … .

-Just looking at today's game, it's like that.

The red-haired dragon that dominated the game from the first game.

In game 4, all the warriors were wiped out with a single Dragon Flare blow, so I thought they would be defeated by the Dragon Clan.

Humanity was relieved when Seong Ji-han, who survived alone, unilaterally defeated the dragon.


-Wow, but this bastard doesn't die too badly ㅡㅡ

-Is this what all space leagues are like? Why are there so many immortals?

-Starting with the elf, it comes to life in a jangling way; really;

No matter how broken the body is, the red dragon turns into fire and regenerates.

Viewers were anxious that the game might turn over if time dragged on like this.

'You've put enough effort into your efforts.'


Seong Ji-han became familiar with Jahain's operation method through the Dragon Sandbag.

I decided to finish the game quickly.


The stronger red bomb covered Altkaizen's entire body this time, destroying him.

Grrrr… … !

Where Altkaizen disappeared, flames rose and he reappeared in his fire dragon form.

[This monster… … ! The Hidden Boss was actually hiding its power! But you won't be able to destroy me until the end of this game! If time runs out like this, victory will come back to us... … !]Now give up on fighting and winning.

Altkaizen is trying to take the time and win.

The number of survivors itself was high on the human side, with two people, Seong Ji-han and Yoon Se-jin, who fell to the bottom of the mountain peak.

The uniqueness of the dragon individual had to be taken into account.

=For each dragon, there are 10 people, right?

=Four dragon eggs were summoned there... … The Dragon side might count 50 survivors.

=If time continues to drag on without dying like this, we might lose four games like the dragon said!

[You will be banned from the next game!]Even after dying again and becoming a fire dragon, Altkaizen raises his voice with vigor.

Seong Ji-han frowned as he watched him survive no matter how powerful the attack was.

'The dragons I met last time didn't have this kind of regenerative power. 'Is it unusual because it has the blood of a Dragon Lord?'

Since he used his own attack, the power of the void is strong, so this kind of regenerative power should not be used well in the first place.

Altkaizen resisted the void well and showed infinite regenerative power.

If we continue like this, we will lose due to a real timeout.

Seong Ji-han decided to find the cause.

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

annihilation decision

Ice Heaven Sword Rain 氷天劍雨

Seong Ji-han's dark sword Eclipse froze and flew into the sky.

Knock knock!

Then the sky suddenly froze around the sword.

'Now Geomwoo will search for the source of life.'

The Ice Heavenly Swordsman who found the cause of the resurrection of the Great Chief of Uruk.

Seong Ji-han hoped that Geomwoo would expand and find the dragon's singularity.


'huh? 'Where are you going?'

Dudeuk. Dudeuk… … !

Geomwoo had to reach down from the frozen sky.

It was flying up in the sky.

And then.

Bingcheon flew upwards following Geomwoo and disappeared.

=That skill is... … I think it was used when subduing Uruk.

=Why on earth does ice rise into the sky?

=Ah. Now completely out of sight!

The commentators were expecting the game to be over when Ice Heaven Sword Wu came out.

As this martial artist flew into the distance, he could not hide his embarrassment.

We pushed so unilaterally, but are we really going to lose due to timeout?


"hmm… … ."

Seong Ji-han sensed where Eclipse, the dark sword at the center of Ice Heaven Sword, was flying towards.

"Come back."

The flying dark sword was recovered.

[Have you lost your mind because you feel the time is running out? You used your skills in a very strange place.]Looking at Seong Ji-han like that, the red dragon Altkaizen laughed.

"The sword flew towards the sun."

[…] … what?]"I guess the sun is the source of your regenerative power."

[under. This is a power that only a dragon descended from the Lord's bloodline possesses! You're using your skills for nonsense, and you're talking too much nonsense!]"okay? "Let's test it out."

From Seong Ji-han's dark sword, the energy of emptiness stirred.

The darkness quickly spread in all directions.

[Warp!]To avoid Seongjihan's blow, Altkaizen ran as far away as possible.

"This map is narrow."

Seong Ji-han quickly caught up with him and slashed his sword.

Honwon Shingong Clean Yuan God Skills

Shadow God's description

Dark Spirit Sword Dark God Sword

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … !

Then the shadow energy exploded.

Darkness engulfed Altkaizen's body.

This soon became a huge pillar, extending towards the sky and earth.

[A wild guess! Look at this. Won't he come back to life?]Grrrr… … !

Inside the pillar of darkness.

Altkaizen, who turned into a fire dragon, regenerated the body that was melted by the dark sword.

[hmm… … .]Unlike before, the flames had clearly weakened.

[this… … My egg... … !]And the four fire dragons he was carrying were clearly losing their power.

"That's right. sun."

[how… … .]Altkaizen tried to ask how he knew the origin of a power he did not know about.

His flames, which had turned into a fire dragon, quickly faded into darkness.

I couldn't speak any more.

[Game 4 ends.] [Humanity wins.] [Sung Ji-han is selected as MVP of Game 4.]And the system message that comes up.

Seong Ji-han looked at the message of victory and MVP selection as if it were obvious.

[The Great Constellation 'Dragon Lord' is interested in you.] [He wants to sponsor you. Would you like to accept it?]When I saw the message that followed, my eyes widened.

Of course, the name of the Dragon Lord who asked for support as soon as the game was over was surprising.

'It's the Great Constellation… … .'

Because great constellation was a modifier that I had never seen before.