
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


Inside the Void Training Ground.

'It's already about time.'

Seong Ji-han noticed the passage of time and put down his sword with a regretful expression.

'In a short period of time, I gained a lot.'

In the two matches against Taiwan against Dong Bang Sak, what Seong Ji-han gained was immeasurable.

Dongbangsak clearly overwhelmed Seong Jihan.

The radish he showed became the foundation for Seong Ji-han's growth.

'You may not know the Taegeuk Demon Sword of Dongbangsak yet... … .'

The white sword Taegeuk Demon Sword taken out by Dongbangsuk.

Even without a soul, I couldn't figure out what principle caused the darkness that overwhelmed the world.

Except for this, Seong Ji-han was able to develop a lot just by experiencing the martial arts of Dongbangsak.

Not only did his mastery of martial arts increase significantly through martial arts, but he also used some of his Heavenly Demon's skill in his own martial arts.

'The martial spirit ability itself also increased.'

After reaching 200, the martial spirit grew steadily.

This ability was still in the 230s when I obtained the third Destruction of Destruction and Ice Heavenly Blade.

In the match against Dongbangsak, we reached 250.

In the training hall, I relive the battles of that time and the more I train, the more I train.

Martial Spirit increased by 1 or 2 and now reaches 255.

'I also figured out a clue about the fifth Destruction Gyeol and the Heavenly Armed God.'

A martial arts god of the earth attribute who is believed to be related to the regenerative power of elves.

As for him, he didn't just increase his level through the battle with Dongbangsak this time.

There was an enormous amount gained.

However, it is a bit disappointing.

'I didn't get to see the end of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams.'

The second destruction of death, the true nine-gung-bagua of Dongfangsak, followed by the Ten Thousand Demons and Gods.

The moment it passed through the nine palaces and the eight trigrams and reached the Seven Stars.

It was a shame that Musin hurriedly intervened and took him away.

I was curious about what effect it would have had if the sealing code had been activated there.

'It's suspicious that he didn't intervene at other times, but when the Jin of Dongfangsak was about to manifest, the god of war intervened.'

Didn't Musin want that special character to appear more?

Even at the time of the extinction code that was shown when Longinus stabbed the Godslaughter Spear.

It wasn't like Mushin intervened or anything like that.

Seong Ji-han replayed the game in the Void Training Center and analyzed the Nine Palace Eight Trigrams.

'There's too little information.'

Since Dongbangsak ended before it could be properly unfolded, no further clues could be obtained from it.

He stopped worrying about the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams and thought about other ways to destroy them.

'I still don't know how the third one works... … Is the fourth annihilation technique like a navigation code?'

Search, seal, destroy.

Seong Ji-han frowned as he organized the keywords that could be inferred so far.


This was definitely unusual for a martial arts attack.

Seong Ji-han recalled Dong Bang-suk's words.

-An era in which humans and all demons coexist. One man sealed away a ghost and a god. I was given the karma to start the human era... … .

The task of Dongbangsak is to seal the ears and gods.

Rather than being a unified martial arts system, Destruction Gyeol was closer to a collection of their karma and power.

'In the case of Longinus, it is Godslaughter. Pythia is on a quest to find immortals... … .'

First of all, if we look at the three powers that have been revealed.

Find, seal, and kill 'immortals' who are recognized as bugs on Battle.net.

That kind of flow was drawn.

In a way, is the Destruction Gyeol, as its name suggests, destroying gods, the power to seek out and eliminate immortality?


'The final destruction. Cheonsu River God's ways are a bit different here. The infinite regenerative power shown by this power. This is an ability that could actually be a target of Destruction Determination... … .'

Seong Ji-han felt it instinctively.

Cheonsu River God.

This ability is not just about regenerative power like an elf.

The enlightenment gained from being torn apart by Dongbangsak is only a part of the Heavenly Life God.

The identity of that power has not yet been fully revealed.

'It would be nice to know what Gilgamesh's power is... … .'

Gilgamesh suspects that Pythia is the same person as the Wandering War God.

There was not even the slightest hint of his power.

'… … This is a problem that cannot be resolved if we hold on to it for now. 'Let's go out.'

Seong Ji-han gathered his thoughts and left the Void Training Ground.

These two weeks are called a hell of a race for the Korean national team.

Tomorrow was the second game, against China.

* * *

A match between Korea and Taiwan.

This game, which everyone predicted would end in a one-sided game, still had no repercussions for Battle.net fans around the world.


The overwhelming inaction shown by Hou Taek made the blood of the Chinese people boil.

-Did everyone see it? This is the dignity of the people of Jungwon.

-The Heavenly Demon is a constellation... … You also easily defeated the arrogant Seong Jihan.

-Using Taegeuk and Cheonma Shingong together. The constellation that descended on Hou Zet is the god of nothingness.

Recently, the Chinese Battle.net Association cooperated with Seong Ji-han's guild and waiting guild.

The Chinese people had quite a bit of pride.

In addition, in 2021, the Korean national team's power increase led to a situation where even first place in the local league was under threat.

They felt catharsis when they saw Seong Ji-han, the player in question who caused this situation, being overwhelmingly defeated by Dong Bang-sak in the second and third games.

The constellation that pushed him there was a being who operated Taegeuk and used the Heavenly Demon Divine Power.

After seeing Dongbangsuk's activities, it was not unreasonable for the Chinese to revere the constellation as a martial god.

-No, why are they showing off by bringing something powerful from the constellation lol?

-ㄹㅇ It's not like he descended on you, so why is there such a fuss?

-ah… … But won't another constellation descend like last time?

-From what I can see, there is a pattern. If you don't get banned, from then on you'll have to suspect that the constellation has come down again ㅡㅡ;

Korean fans asked why it was Taiwan that came down, but there was an uproar over there.

I was worried that the constellation might descend on me in the China game as well.

From the Russia game, to the Japan game, to the Taiwan game.

Strangely, in games where Seong Ji-han wasn't banned, irregular players were active.

-But didn't you end up winning most of the games where the ban was lifted?

-ㅇㅇ So we are tied for first place.

-Ah, but China is strong... … .

-I think it would be a bit difficult if a constellation were attached here and there ㅡㅡ

Due to recent matches, whether Seong Ji-han will be banned or not.

During the war between Korea and China, the constellations became a criterion for judging whether or not an irregular was good or bad.


=Ah… … Chinese director. Ban a holy player!

=I guess the opposing team doesn't have any constellations this time!

=This is true. It's normal to be disappointed that Seong Ji-han got banned, but strangely, I also feel relieved.

=That's right. The last match against Taiwan was so shocking!

The Chinese coach opens the ban card.

Seeing that only sacred names were written, the commentators breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother-in-law. "It looks like the opponent doesn't have any constellations this time."

"Iknow, right. That's too bad."

Yoon Se-jin tapped my shoulder and said that.

Seong Ji-han sighed as if he was truly regretful.

Yoon Se-ah, who saw this from the side, looked at him in bewilderment.

"Are you disappointed that you had such a hard time last time? Did I count the disappearance of your body? "It was well over a hundred times."

"Still, I learned a lot from the Constellation."

After Musin reached out and intervened in the game.

There was no further communication from Pythia either.

Is this the end of the special education of the servants of God of War?

"Uncle, I'll go to one game and come back~"

"Rest. "Brother-in-law."

"yes. "I hope you have a good game."

Seong Ji-han, who was hit by a ban, waves to Yoon Se-jin and his daughter.

I watched game 1 from the players' dressing room.

=Chinese team. Select cards are not used.

=Are you planning to collect 3 cards and definitely use them on the golem duel map in game 4?

A feature that allows you to select a map definitively during 4 matches by collecting 3 cards.

This function, which became known thanks to the elves during the Space League, has actually never been used since.

In a series, each game is precious, and collecting cards for the fourth game was deemed inefficient.

But the Chinese coaches.

It seemed like they were planning to use this option, which had been practically obsolete for some time.

"This is the strategy we simulated last time."

"you're right. "The winning formula is to keep banning strong players and finalizing the map with a golem duel in the fourth game."

"If you continue to ban only skilled players, the probability of being banned decreases to 50% from the third game onwards… … ."

"Anyway, I was definitely banned in games 1 and 2. Get the win there. "The strategy is to achieve the final victory through a golem duel in the fourth game."

Seong Ji-han, a non-standard player.

So far, the ban has only been released strangely a few times due to the Constellation Descent.

Banning him was a natural option for all countries playing against Korea.

'It's a difficult strategy to use unless you're a superpower like China or the United States.'

The strength of the Korean national team has improved since father and daughter Yoon Se-jin joined.

Even if Seong Ji-han was excluded, they were in the ranks of a strong team.

The strategy is to achieve a definitive victory through a golem duel in game 4 and win 3:1.

In the first place, it was possible to achieve 2 wins in 1, 2, and 3 games.

But teams like Russia and Japan that played against Korea last time.

Even if Seong Ji-han was excluded, the chances of winning against Korea with Yoon Se-jin and Yoon Se-ah were slim.

So, like in Japan, it was worth leaving everything to luck and picking a golem duel map for each game.

'But China seems confident of winning without me.'

Unlike Russia or Japan, China has quite a few SSS-level players.

Even if Korea had Yoon Se-jin or Yoon Se-ah, they seemed confident that they could win as long as Seong Ji-han was not there.

"In this situation, how were you supposed to deal with it?"

When Seong Ji-han asked the coaching staff, they answered with confident expressions.

"If the opponent does not use the select card, the probability that the map we choose will be selected increases... … ."

"The director decided to focus on selecting warrior-specific maps using the select cards."

"That's okay."

Even if Seong Ji-han was banned, the national team still had Sword King, the second-ranked warrior in the world.

While they were collecting select cards, Korea planned a strategy to win by focusing on warrior maps.

=The Korean national team bans Jegalheon and selects the Valhalla map.

=Jegalheon and Zhou Lingryeong. A key player in China! Coach Noh Young-jun seems to have judged that magicians are more threatening than supports.

=Recently, Wang Lin was also called up to the Chinese national team and is showing good performance. If it was a Valhalla map, wouldn't this player have been banned?

=Even though we were the only ones who chose the select map, the probability is 70%. It seems like they banned Zhuge Heon, the most threatening opponent, in preparation for other maps being randomly selected!

=So, 1 game… … What map did you get?

=Oh! It's Valhalla!


When the Valhalla map was displayed, some of the Battle.net connectors containing the national team players opened.

From there, all position players except Warrior appeared.

"Ah, Valhalla. it's a shame."

Yoon Se-ah came out of the connector and came back next to Seong Ji-han and watched the game screen.

"But since it's Valhalla, you'll win, right?"

"I guess so. "Because my brother-in-law participated in the war."

China and China, who played hard to secure victory in four games.

Korea tried to block that intention by choosing the Valhalla map.

First of all, looking at the map for the first game, it could be seen that coach Noh Young-jun's intention worked.

Even if the Chinese warrior Wang Lin possesses an SSS level gift and the Heavenly Demon Body.

Because he hadn't grown yet, he wasn't as good as the Sword King.

'I'll win one game.'

It was natural for Seong Ji-han to think that way.


=Warriors of both countries. I will participate.

=The Korean national team feels reassured because it has Yoon Se-jin!

=Uh. But the Chinese national team… … .

=The players look strange?

=Head, head, no head! no. Until yesterday, I definitely had hair… … !

=No way, that was a wig... … .

The Chinese national team also anticipated this situation and made preparations.