
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


'Procedures for clearing up relegated planets... … A war to annihilate a species.'

The extinction of the species was something that Seong Ji-han experienced before his return.

At that time, the body is swallowed up by the darkness that blooms spontaneously, and all humanity disappears.

Only Seong Ji-han survived alone and was able to return thanks to the votes of certain beings.

I was given the opportunity to run again with 3 votes in favor and 1 vote against.

'But the player did this?'

Humanity has clearly been eaten by darkness.

For some reason, the 'blue-blooded demons', the target of this race annihilation war, were invaded by the Void and Sun factions.

[hmm. It's a war to annihilate a race. It's rare to leave the fate of a demoted race up to the player, but it's unusual.]Did Artmu also see the system message?

Hundreds of dwarves folded their arms and tilted their heads in unison.

-A race annihilation war?

-No, if you are demoted, you will be annihilated... … .

-omg; Isn't the penalty crazy?

-But the annihilation... … Was it something the player did?

Viewers who watched the sacred channel.

I was shocked when I heard the conversation between him and Artmu.

There were many different stories about what would happen if you were demoted from the Battle.net league.

Because through this mission today, I was able to clearly know the correct answer.

"But I think the blue-blooded demons are in the silver league… … If you get relegated from the Silver League, shouldn't you go to Bronze? Why are we being annihilated?"

[This is probably because Bronze is a league where only beginners gather. Once you reach Silver, you won't be able to fall back to the beginner league.]"hmm… … "The elves don't seem like beginners at all."

[That's because the backside is huge.]The dwarves who were talking to Seong Ji-han all stretched out their fingers and pointed up at the sky.

[I guess I should choose the sun. What about you?]"Do you plan to participate in the annihilation battle?"

[of course. Isn't it a special mission?]Then all the dwarves laughed, showing their teeth.

[If there is any useful loot there, you should collect it. This is the end of a species that made it to the silver league. There must be something good.]Artmu doesn't seem to have any burden on his mind when it comes to exterminating other races.

-Dwarfs are cruel;

-No matter how different the race is, isn't it a bit weird to participate in an annihilation battle?

-Really … … At this point, Battle.net is not a game;

-What kind of moral textbook are they talking about above? Haha, it's not a game, so I have to get loot and become stronger like Artmu.

-therefore. If we worry about the safety of other planets, what are we going to do if Earth ends up looking like that?

Among viewers, there was some antipathy toward Artmu, who enjoys annihilation battles.

The realistic view that there was no room to question such things prevailed.

And Seongjihan also strengthened his mind while looking at Artmu's attitude.

'Well, Battle.net was originally that kind of game.'

In the first place, you fight against the opposing race and rank them.

Wasn't Battle.net the game that was doomed in the ranking below?

In a situation where people of the same species are fighting each other, is there any need to worry about the extinction of races on other planets?

Artmu's attempt to grab the loot is probably the most desirable attitude for his species.

"I am… … ."

When Seong Ji-han was contemplating which side to choose between the two camps.

[When you select the Void faction, an epic quest appears.]One more system message came up.

An epic quest that doesn't exist in the Sun Camp.

This way, the choice is obvious.

"I guess I'll have to go to the void."

[I understand. You will earn a lot of GP in the void.]The dwarves wave their hands at Seong Ji-han's choice.

Immediately a light from heaven came down upon them, and took them all up into the sky.

Seong Ji-han, who glanced at the ascended Artmu, chose the Void camp.

Ssssssssssssssssshh… … .

The ground turned purple, and soon the surroundings became dark.

And a system message emerges from the darkened world.

[Select the Void faction, and an epic quest will appear.] [Epic Quest]-Find the source of the blue-blooded demons and bring them to an end.

Reward – Void stat acceptance limit +30

-Obtain the title 'Void Executioner'

Seong Ji-han's eyes lit up as he looked at the reward for the epic quest.

'This is the compensation I really need.'

Even compared to the star ability, Martial Spirit, the void stat does not show much improvement in performance.

However, this ability had a fatal penalty of not being able to live as long as the stat approached 100.

Alleviating this penalty was to increase the acceptance limit for void stats.

'The limit increased by the Divine Throne Summoning skill, which can be used once a month, was +5... … If you turn 30, you have earned 6 months.'

EX-level skill obtained from Thunder God, Divine Throne Summoning.

The throne that was said to transcend the limitations of species also had the effect of raising the acceptance limit of void stats.

The reward from the epic quest had the effect of increasing the amount by 6 months.

As Seong Ji-han, he had to get it.

'Besides, I'm also concerned about Pythia's prophecy.'

He remembered Pythia's prophecy about the Void Witch.

[You fought the monster and saved her, but as a result of using too much of the power of the void, you almost got sucked into it. The Void Witch was freed at best, but she sacrificed herself for you.]The end of Seong Ji-ah, who was told that the prophecy did not work for Seong Ji-han herself, but did work for those around her.

In that prophecy, it was said that Seong Ji-han was almost sucked into the void.

Increasing the acceptance limit for void stats was absolutely necessary to prevent such a thing.

'The question is, is it possible to find the source of the blue-blooded demons…? … .'

None of the epic quests I've received so far have been easy.

There was nothing as daunting as this one.

The source of the blue-blooded demons.

Where do you find it?

I think there will be a way if I make good use of the 4th Annihilation Skill I obtained this time, Ice Heavenly Blade... … .

'Still, the range is too large to blindly use Destruction.'

When Seong Ji-han was thinking about what to do.

"oh! Who is this! "It's not the head!"


In a world colored in purple.

A black skull revealed its face.

* * *

"I can't believe I've already participated in the race to extinction... … After all, our heads. "You say it's amazing?"

Just right. Just right.

A black skull clenching its teeth and making a fuss.

Seong Ji-han frowned as he saw him circling around him.

Kalain, the constellation of the Dead Star.

I had no idea that he, who was also Seong Ji-han's patron constellation, would be participating in this.

"You're participating too… … "Is that a secondary character too?"

"It's not a secondary character! It's like a real character! This time, as a Constellation, I was dispatched as one of the invasion leaders of the Void Camp."

"okay? "Then there must be information about the blue-blooded demons?"

The black skull nodded at Seong Ji-han's words.

"Of course there is!"


A purple light spreads from Calaine's eyes, and a large screen appears.

There, blue skin, four arms.

A two-headed race was appearing.

"Blue blood demon… … These are not a very powerful race. Even if you look at it favorably, it's low to mid-level? So we got relegated from the Silver League."

"Is that a demotion?"

"There are some kids who hold out well, but most of them are relegated~ You have to be intermediate level or higher to survive in the Silver League. "I don't know if there are irregularities like ours."

-Humanity is at the lowest level, so what? LOL

-But why does that skeleton act so friendly to Seong Ji-han?

-ㄹㅇ Why do you call me head?

-Last time I watched Battle Tube, the broadcast was often turned off... … Did you meet then?

Viewers who didn't know much about Calaine responded by asking why she was acting friendly.

Still, I focused on the words he spoke.

After being assigned a special invasion map, a race annihilation battle.

This is because high-quality information was flowing out about what was going on in the world on Battle.net.

"So, if you get demoted, are the players going to attack to annihilate the race?"

"No~ Originally, I would just launch the Apocalypse and ultimately incinerate it in the void. uh. But our heads... … Are you playing BattleTube by any chance?"


Just right. Just right.

Then the black skull clenched its teeth and smiled eeriely.

"Humanity~ If you don't maintain your ranking, I will execute you right away~ Ah! But if our brains really come into my head, maybe you'll take a look?"

"Stop talking bullshit."

"Wow! Woof woof!"

"… … ."

At those words, Calaine changed from a human head to a dog head and started barking.

Seong Ji-han saw this and was speechless for a moment.

-and… … .

-That guy is really crazy lol.

-Why are you so full of idiots today ㅡㅡ;

-ㄹㅇ One guy tells me to be the dictator and sow the seeds, and the other guy tells me to be the head lol.

-Humanity will be destroyed by a guy like that... … .

The dog head immediately drew an enthusiastic response from viewers.


It soon returned to its original skeleton and opened its mouth as if nothing had happened.

"Anyway, back to the point! "There is a separate reason why the player participated in this battle to annihilate the blue-blooded demons."


"Blue-blooded demons are capable of special possession of other races."

Flashing. Flashing.

A blue light flashed in the eye area of ​​the skull.

"ruler. There are times when blue-blooded demons flash their blue eyes like this. When I see this, there are times when I feel possessed. But this is completely random. "There are cases where it doesn't work even on the lowest-ranking races, while there are also cases where the dragon race is helpless when possessed."

"Possession… … ."

"One of the higher-ups on Battlenet wants to gather more data about this possession. That's why we invited players to participate in this annihilation battle."

"Are you asking the player to be possessed?"

"that's right! In fact, there is no need for the player to come to annihilate a single mid- to low-level race."

Seong Ji-han nodded.

In my last life, I thought the process of extinction of mankind and species was a bit different, but was there a hidden reason behind it?

"I'm worried that our heads might also be possessed, but… … you. Are you still going to participate?"

"of course."

"okay. Then, with my authority as leader, I will assign you to a particularly easy route! There is a civilian residential area along the attack route. "The kids there aren't even players and haven't awakened their possession abilities, so they can easily be wiped out!"

With the authority of the captain, Calaine recommends an easy route to Seong Ji-han.

However, Seong Ji-han immediately rejected the invitation.

"no. "Do it where there is the strongest resistance."

"why? You can't believe it... … "Because I'm a civilian?"

See profit.

At Seong Ji-han's rejection, Kalain's smile became gloomy.

"It's the head. If so, I'm a bit disappointed... … In order to survive on this Battle.net, you have to be infinitely cruel. "If you have such a weak heart, you will be taken advantage of at any time."

"Aren't you the one who wants to take advantage of me the most?"

"Hehe. that's right. "I'm telling you this because I don't want someone else to steal our heads."

Seong Ji-han chuckled at Calaine's words.

"If I was going to be swayed by something like that, I wouldn't have participated in the war to annihilate the species in the first place."


"To find the source of the blue-blooded demons."

"Source… … ."

Just right. Just right.

When the source was mentioned, Calaine's eyes became more intense.

"The origin of the blue-blooded demons... … That sounds interesting. Source… … What you mentioned, and the special possession of the blue-blooded demons. "It might be related."

"so. Are you going to send me to the place where resistance is strongest?"

"… … good."


Purple light bloomed from the black skeleton's eyes.

Soon a huge portal was formed.

"If you feel like you're being possessed, call at any time. "I will run past everything!"

"That won't happen."

Seong Ji-han immediately dismissed Calaine's proposal and entered the portal.


[invasion… … ruler… … !] [Everyone, take control of the author!]As soon as you go to the world beyond the portal.

Hundreds of blue eyes flashed light as they looked at him