
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs



Sophia arrived at the Sword Palace and waved happily as soon as she saw Jihan Seong.

"I enjoyed the game against Japan last time. how is it. "You need me, right?"


"why!? There aren't many supporters like me. Also, my gift will be effective at SSS level in the golem duel, right?"

Sophia's SS-class gift, Trinity.

This gift triples all buff effects.

In maps where only buffs and heals work, such as the Golem Duel, it boasted greater efficiency than its original rating.

"As long as Jihan asks me to come, I'll naturalize right away! I speak Korean well now. I."

"are you okay. really."

Sophia has been in the standby guild for a long time, and has risen to the Diamond League faster than before.

Even in the United States, they were preparing to select Sophia as a supporter as long as her level rose a little more.

In fact, if it weren't for the US national team's standard of only selecting level 245 or higher.

It wasn't surprising that Sophia had been selected long ago.

Tuk. Tuk.

Yoon Se-ah, who was watching from the side, stabbed Seong Ji-han in the side.

"uncle… … Sophia wants to come like that, so we have to bring her now! "Once you're selected for the U.S. national team, it's hard to get out!"

"I'm not taking it out."

"I don't understand…" … "If I join, isn't Korea guaranteed to win the Champions League?"

"therefore! Championship! "We can win the championship for the first time in a third country!"

Winning the Champions League.

Since the Space League opened, the value of winning has decreased compared to before 2020.

Still, it was a goal that every player dreams of and strives to achieve.

There is a shortcut right in front of me, so why is my uncle so stubborn?

As Yoon Se-ah pounded her chest in frustration, Seong Ji-han spoke.

"I don't want to import talent from other countries."


"Think about it when you were brother-in-law."

"ah… … "Dad, I'm fascinated, and this is arbitrarily done!"

"that's right! "I just want to come to Korea because I like Jihan!"

"Because it's a burden."

A one-sided favor from Sophia.

This was something Seong Ji-han could not afford to accept, as he never knew when he would fight over life and death with the military god.

'I've become more active than in my last life.'

Nowadays, the distance between Korea and the United States is so long that we are slowly crossing each other.

If you become a naturalized Korean and get closer, it will be harder to push them away.

"We can't ask Sofia to leave her family and come to Korea to win the Champions League."

"I'm at the age to become independent anyway! "Your parents will understand!"

"That's Okay. Even if you come, they won't accept you."

"and… … too bad! Last time, I heard that you would accept it if you were number one as a supporter?"

"Let's start with first place."

"Ugh… … Why this opportunity... … ."

Seeing Seong Ji-han pushing away the SS-level supporter who said he would come, Yoon Se-ah licked his lips in disappointment.

When you come to Sofia, you can really see the winning potential.

"Hmph… … Originally, Jihan should have asked first. That's too bad. "What if I get selected by the U.S. national team?"

"That's it. It can't be helped. so… … Was naturalization really an urgent matter related to the saint?"

Sophia glanced at Seong Ji-han, who was trying to change the topic.

Immediately, a serious expression appeared.

"no. Naturalization is just my personal greed... … ."


"I received a revelation."

"… … You mean revelation?"


What a revelation.

Even in the saint class, was there such a thing?

Seong Ji-han looks at me with a puzzled expression.

Sophia lowered her voice.

"Saint Joan of Arc appeared in my dream."

"Joan of Arc?"

Joan of Arc led France to victory, but wasn't she a saint who was burned at the stake?

'In my last life, I didn't even hear Joan of Arc's name from Sophia.'

Why is she suddenly here?

At first, Seong Ji-han just thought that a lot had changed since his last life.

"… … So, Joan of Arc asked for my help to ease the burden of the saint who was immersed in her emptiness."

As Sophia begins to explain Joan of Arc's revelations.

He had a strange feeling of déjà vu.

If it is the Void Saint, it probably refers to her older sister, Seong Ji-ah.

Throwing that burden... … .

'Is it somehow similar to what Pythia said?'

When you complete Gilgamesh's power, the 5th Destruction.

Pythia said that she would relieve the burden of Void Witch Seongjia.

Joan of Arc, who appeared in Sophia's dream now, was saying something similar in context.

Until then, Seong Ji-han was skeptical.

"… … and. "Jihan said that if he hears this story, he will know what I mean."

"What is it?"

"I'm sure Jihan will keep his promise, so I'll prepare a space in advance."

"… … is it so?"

"yes. To that end, he said he would pass on the sacred fire to me."

At this point, he was sure who Joan of Arc really was.

'Was Joan of Arc a Pythian?'

To Nostradamus, to Joan of Arc.

They say she was a prophet, but when did she even take on the role of a saint?

'The essence of his power was water, not fire, so he was going to hand over the energy he had originally collected to Sophia... … .'

Jihan Seong remembered the power of Pythia.

The power of fire seen in the fallen temple of Apollo.

Even after its owner left, it boasted considerable firepower.

You're just handing over such powerful power to Sophia?

"Seonghwa… … "Isn't it dangerous?"

"Oh. "Are you worried?"

"of course."

"swimming. lol. are you okay! He said he couldn't hand over a lot at once anyway. He also said that it would be easy to adapt because strength would be accumulated step by step."

Sophia's expression quickly calms down as Seong Ji-han worries about her.

Next to her, Yoon Se-ah looked at her and shook her head excitedly.

"Sophia… … of course. What should I do if I like it just because I heard it? Then you got dragged around by your uncle!"

"are you okay. "I want to keep being dragged along!"

"Ugh. really… … "What's so great about uncle?"

"why? You're the best warrior in the world, right? "It's the coolest thing in the world."

"… … Ugh. done."

Yoon Se-ah gave up giving advice to Sophia.

What kind of push and pull is there when it comes out like that?

"what. "Even so, I don't have any intention of dragging it along."

"are you okay. We'll see each other often now! "If you look at it, you will be drawn to it."

"… … "Aren't you going to America?"

In response to Seong Ji-han's question, Sophia smiled brightly and spread her palms.

Grumbling… … !

Then, a small white flame rose from her palm.

"Joan of Arc said: "In order to pass the torch, I have to be near the Abyss."

"You mean the Abyss in North Korea?"

"yes. You have to prepare here, so you can definitely share the burden... … ."

Pythia is getting ready, step by step, even though Gilgamesh hasn't woken up yet.

Seong Ji-han looked at this and thought.

'You're so motivated. 'We haven't found any clues here yet.'

The 5th destruction with no clue.

I only knew that it was a tree attribute, but other than this, I couldn't figure out anything at all.

But on the other side.

Perhaps because Seong Ji-han completed Ice Heaven Sword and Fighter early, there seemed to be an expectation that he would be able to do it quickly.

"So, in order to accept the torch, I think I will have to stay in Korea for a while~"

"oh. Sophia. "So the Korean national team is coming too?"

"huh… … "Originally, when Jihan asked, I was going to stop everything I was doing and go right in."


Sophia could not hold on for long in the palm of her hand and stumbled as she watched the flame being extinguished.

"Hey, Sophia. are you okay?"

"ah… … It's still hard. "Once I get used to operating this, I'll think about the next staff."

Pythian fire.

Even the Holy Land was destroyed through the Ice Heavenly Blade, and it was a power that could not be easily extinguished before.

It won't be easy to learn and operate it.

Sophia winked at Yoon Se-ah.

"Right now, the most important thing is to receive Joan of Arc's fire, right? Se-ah's mom… … "For my brother too."

"… … Tongue, brother?"

"huh. "Aren't you calling my husband's sister or brother?"

Then she tilted her head.

"But isn't that what men call you, brother? "Why do women call you older brothers too?"

"Well, well... … ."

"anyway! My older brother acknowledged me as his sister-in-law. "I have to do my best too!"

Sophia clenches her fists and blazes with motivation.

Yoon Se-ah is thankful to see her trying to save her mother.

"Sea. "You can call me your aunt in advance."

"it's okay!"

When the woman I was friends with referred to me as my maternal aunt, I got angry.

"Jihan. So, I'll rent one of those rooms in the Sword Palace~"

"All right. Well, the owner of the building is not me, but Se-Ah."

"ah. That's right~ Sophia. Shall we go look at the room together? "I'll give you the best room!"

"okay. "Let's go see it!"

But anyway, he was a grateful person who would help save Seong Ji-ah.

Yoon Se-ah left the house on her own, saying that she would show Sofia the best room in the Sword Palace.

After the two left, Seong Ji-han looked around the quiet house for a moment and thought.

'Now that Pythia has stepped forward like this, I also have to train in Gilgamesh's power as soon as possible.'

The 5th annihilation decision of the earth attribute.

Seong Ji-han was wondering what to try with this.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me.

'Let's use the energy of life.'

A world tree that can be said to be the highest among the wood attributes.

I wonder if there is some intersection between the energy of life there and the nature of the earth.

'In a situation like now where I have no clue, I guess I should try something.'

Seong Ji-han skipped the order and started the challenge from the 5th Destruction Gyeol.

* * *


The stars of martial arts.

Dong Bangsak, an old man with thick white hair, was stroking his beard while holding a smartphone.

'Pythia… … Was there no will to fight?'

The match between Korea and Japan ended with a score of 3:2.

Just looking at the score, it was tight.

What made this game so close was the luck of the Japanese coach who made good selection cards.

In terms of military power, Japan was no match for Korea.

Although the fiery power shown by supporter Aoi Mizuhara during the first game was strong.

Because she was quiet from the second game.

'Through my new eyes, I seem to have seen something in him…' … .'

at that time.


In the cloudy air, Pythia appears.

Dongbangsuk took his eyes off his smartphone and looked at her.

"Pythia… … "Why did you watch him?"

"Because I saw something amazing in him."

"You said you were going to educate him."

"I want to leave education to you."

Then Pythia stretched out one index finger.

"Dongbangsak. however… … "Can you win in just one minute?"

"1 min?"

"huh. "Based on all efforts."

Dongbangsak twisted his beard with his fingers and thought deeply.

"Electrical power... … Are Shinan's guns gone?"


"You know very well that all efforts end in unity."

Dongbangsak said calmly.

Like the sun rising in the east.

As if reciting an obvious fact.

"Then would that be education? "I'm not having fun either."

"still! I made a bet with him. "If you last one minute, I will give you a prophecy for free."

"You committed fraud… … "What did you receive?"

"If I win, I decided to let you know about Mu-gong-myeong."

"Hmm… … ."

Because it is non-resonant.

Behind Dongbangsak's back, Taegeuk emerged.

The black and white pattern of Taegeuk initially rotated clockwise.

"If you tell me that too, I'll use my strength."


Soon, it started going backwards.

"okay. It's been a while since I brought this up. "Taegeuk Demon Sword."